04-26-2014, 06:20 PM
This material for me was the 'final frontier' in my seeking. Awakened to our spiritual nature in 2001 I became enthusiastic in sharing this 'truth' and was baffled by other people not getting it. I quickly realised that our perceptions are the reflections of our experiences compounded by the social distortions or pre defined explanations of them upon query. This left me feeling rather alone and marooned back then when I knew there was so much more to reality than what was being admitted to. The Ra Material for me yields greater clarity and understanding than any bible, scrolls, tablets combined. I became psychotic when I was 24 from abstaining from drug abuse and in retrospect I see that as an incarnate catalyst in awakening. I did not even understand what I was babbling on about back then and found comfort in the hermetic arts through the 'Qabalah'. In book 1 when Ra explain the methods of contact that the one's originally known as Yahwah performed, they described 'The wheel within the wheel and the cherubin with the sleepless eye". My jaw dropped when I read this as my desktop backdrop has this very picture. It was a pendant given to me by a psychic and I saved it to be my desktop picture. This was one of several jaw dropping moments throughout the books. When Ra spoke of Jesus being at the end of 4th density going on to fifth another tingle hit me when I realised my own 'graduation' potential. The metal bending, the orion group's focus on wanderers, Limitless Light, the experience and 'profundity' of intelligent infinity. I played all this down in my life, refusing to admit to being a healer and helper as it brought a real burden upon me. Then I read the Law of One and that burden was lifted from my shoulders when I realised that there were lots of us here and not just the odd one here and there. I regained my 'mojo' so to speak and I am soo grateful to Don, Carla and Jim's work. -_-