Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Printable Version

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Why do you believe in the Ra material? - nwthomas - 03-27-2011

I believe that the claims in the Ra material are true. Yet, there is no proof that this is so. I am sure that many people on this forum are in the same boat as I. I have previously given an explanation of why I hold this belief. But, I am more interested right now in hearing others' explanations, to gather more perspectives on this important issue. Why do you believe in the Ra material?

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - turtledude23 - 03-27-2011

1) There's alot of topics in the Science and Technology section which shows how recent scientific discoveries have proven something Ra said 30 years ago but which wasn't supported by science at the time.

2) There's an underlying logic to everything Ra says that's different from all other spiritual, new age, or philosophical books I've ever read - there's very few seemingly arbitrary statements that don't match up in the big picture, in a way it doesn't even feel like taking it on faith.

3) Many of the things Ra says really resonate with me either because I always believed them even before reading about them anywhere, or they just "make sense" to me when I hear them.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Ankh - 03-27-2011

(03-27-2011, 06:57 AM)nwthomas Wrote: explanation

Who is this guy?

Personally I can't put any logic to this. I was always sceptic about all spiritual and metaphysic materials. But then came Ra material - and I felt so much love that it sometimes turned into nausea. What if it wasn't "true"? I knew nothing about L/L Research back then. And what if after a while Ra material would turn out to be a hoax? I was so afraid of it, because I vibrated and resonated with spiritual information so much, but then they talked about Atlantis and the great cycle of 3D which started only 75000 years ago - I didn't believe it. I thought that Atlantis was an imagined state created by Platon (who on the other hand heard it from other greek philosophers who in their turn heard it from some egyptian priests, but nevertheless) to present an idea of an ideal state for easier reading. And then we have Lucy, for instance, who is an oldest archelogical "human" finding and she is 150 000 years old, not 75000. These things bother me from time to time, but the most important thing is the spiritual information which I highly resonate with. So when a girlfriend asked me how can I surrender like this to one material, I was stunned. I actually don't know, and maybe I will learn lessons in that too with time. As I am not using my logics here, but I don't care about them regarding this material. You see, when I read any other material, it is like it has always been – my ego rises up above me, critically reading the given information and dismissing almost all, and I am fighting that ego with thoughts like - one should not be so critical to all given information, because one does not know, it might turn out to be true and so on. But reading Ra material activates the heart, and logic cannot fight it anymore.

Why do you believe in Ra material?

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - 3DMonkey - 03-27-2011

Interesting. Interesting. INTERESTING!! Smile

I picked up the bible at 17 or so. I decided to interpret it myself and doggoneit, it turned out to be true. Years later I picked up a course in miracles, and, golly, it is true to. Years and years after that, I decided to give ET a fighting chance in my closed mind, and, holy cow, this is true stuff! A year later, I fell across LOO, and, Eureka!, so many gaps were filled.

There were, of course, many other books and life experiences along my way. So, why do I beleve? The answer is simple, very simple. I choose too.

I fought myself to watch "A Case for Christ". I finally said to myself, you have to give it a chance and not wall it off. So, I did, but my original opinions stayed intact. The thing is, IMO, a case doesn't need to be made. Either you believe or you don't, and that is the foundation. Our believing, or not believing, shapes our reality. LMAO! it truly does NOT matter if there is a "solid" (much stress on the quotes) case for anything we choose to believe. The fact that we believe something is of the true essence. The mysteries of life give us life, if you will.

I believe because I want to.

I also think it's great that there is a forum where we discuss it on equal ground. LOL, I often wonder if there are religious forums with as much depth.

I conclude with one more belief... I believe the LOO is not the final eye opening publication I will read in my life.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - native - 03-27-2011

The material's description and explanation of oneness is the most cohesive and consistent philosophy I've come across. There is nothing out there that explains oneness as thoroughly. Throughout the entire text, the philosophy deepens but the overall picture only becomes more clear, never wavering from its central tenet. To have made the information up would have taken a lifetime, editing out any inconsistency.

Its offering of the service to self philosophy is what ultimately makes it unique, giving a clarity that anything else hasn't been able to offer.

Linguistically it sounded like some other intelligence was speaking..that is what drew me in from the first few lines so to speak. Throwing all of the above out the resonated with me immediately and I just knew it to be true Tongue It felt like I was simply remembering what I already knew.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Crown - 03-27-2011

I always felt and knew the spirtual aspects of the Law of One. When i dicovered the books it was some kind of a reassurance. I was happy to know that some people give legitimacy to these kind of things. There is no reason as to why i believe that the Ra material is true except maybe my own will.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Spectrum - 03-27-2011

For me personally, it's many, many things, too much to mention, but I'll mention the ones that come to mind. It's firstly the group Ra chose to communicate through. When I watched the video of Carla saying she avoided a group or movement being formed around the material, and avoided the possible development of the 'cult of the personality', a temptation too great for most channelers' egos and selfish desires, I knew why Ra chose this group, and I knew why Ra had to wait so long to find a suitable group for this ground breaking information. What Ra speaks about here, I've seen happen to other 'channels':

Ra Wrote:Questioner: Isn’t this unusual that a fifth-density entity then would bother
to do this rather than sending a fourth-density servant, shall I say?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Nearly all positive channels and groups may be
lessened in their positivity or rendered quite useless by what we may call the
temptations offered by the fourth-density negative thought-forms. They
may suggest many distortions towards specific information, towards the
aggrandizement of the self, towards the flowering of the organization in
some political, social, or fiscal way.

These distortions remove the focus from the One Infinite Source of love
and light of which we are all messengers, humble and knowing that we, of
ourselves, are but the tiniest portion of the Creator, a small part of a
magnificent entirety of infinite intelligence.

Quote:Questioner: Is it possible for an entity here on Earth to be so confused as to
call both the Confederation and the Orion group in an alternating way, first
one, then the other, and then back to the first again?

Ra: I am Ra. It is entirely possible for the untuned channel, as you call that
service, to receive both positive and negative communications. If the entity
at the base of its confusion is oriented toward service to others, the entity
will begin to receive messages of doom. If the entity at the base of the
complex of beingness is oriented towards service to self, the crusaders, who
in this case, do not find it necessary to lie, will simply begin to give the
philosophy they are here to give. Many of your so-called contacts among
your people have been confused and self-destructive because the channels
were oriented towards service to others but, in the desire for proof, were
open to the lying information of the crusaders who then were able to
neutralize the effectiveness of the channel.

Don's deeper understanding of spiritual matters and his humility is also amazing to me. His questions are selfless, and genuinely aimed at gaining information to help people spiritually evolve. It's plain to see that the group's only desire was to serve. It sounds simple, but I have yet to see it somewhere else. The information was shared freely just as it was given.

It's the depth of Ra's answers, which corresponds with some of my personal experiences. It must have happened a hundred times that I read something in the Ra teachings, and thought to myself: "I've seen this happen" or "I have experienced this" or "I have thought this" or "I know what they're talking about", or finally made me understand something.

Every day I read something that helps me understand myself and others, and the bigger picture. It provides me with a calmness, because the world is certainly not looking too good at the moment.

Just yesterday, I read that Ra said emotion is mental, created by thought. That is something I read about two weeks ago from Eckhart Tolle. Tolle goes into a lot of depth about this.

To really answer your question properly, one will have to take it answer by answer, but when one stumbles upon true wisdom and benevolence, one just knows it.

Ra's wisdom is unmatched (at least as far as third density goes), and they genuinly tried to make themselves understood, and convey information in such a way that the student can apply it. They go out of their way to avoid confusion, sometimes with lenghty answers, and never infringe upon free will and the Law of Confusion.

I found the Ra teachings at exactly the right time. I first had to have some experiences, and learn a few lessons (some painful), and observe some things, to truly appreciate the Ra teachings.

I know the price paid to perform this service was very high, and I am very, very grateful.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - native - 03-27-2011

Good points about Don. His ability to navigate and adapt to the responses was quite an achievement. Many times he intuitively asks exactly what you would want to know next, or is "quite perceptive". Without him I'm not sure it would have been the same. I think the dialogue is what makes it so convincing. You feel like you're there with the group learning and progressing, as Don clearly struggles at times to make sense of the information. He at times is totally at a loss on how to proceed, or he'll take a response and go with it in a totally wrong direction only to have Ra alleviate distortion.

This human interaction of trying to make sense of the information is very palpable. You are able to feel the process taking place.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Confused - 03-28-2011

(03-27-2011, 06:57 AM)nwthomas Wrote: Why do you believe in the Ra material?

Because I believe it contains salutary spiritual TRUTHS, with the least distortions possible.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Bring4th_Austin - 03-28-2011

Upon first reading, it was as if words were simply put around truths I'd felt my whole life. I couldn't put it down. Every word struck home...for the most part.

Originally being a pretty skeptical atheist/agnostic, this wasn't really enough. I held a belief that within religion and spirituality was trickery...only fulfillment for some insecurity about death, afterlife, etc. So I decided to explore the medium in which the information was given: channeling.

My journey with channeling is a long and fun story, but to keep it short, I became convinced this was a legitimate form of communication with entities beyond this physical illusion. I learned much about the nature of channeling itself, and about L/L Research and Carla, and became convinced that the Ra material was along the lines of a "Holy Grail" of channeled material. I do not believe it is 100% accurate, but it is unparalleled as channeled material.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Namaste - 03-28-2011

Why? I was drawn to it, and it resonated with my entire being.

That was just the beginning though.

Rather than stop there, I have employed Ra's teachings in my life and I'm a much more loving, understanding and happier person because of it.

If, upon my physical passing, I learn that Ra was just 'messing about', or indeed, I experience nothing, I will have lived a life that will have made a positive difference in the world. A life worth living, and beliefs worth living by, in my humble opinion :¬)

Why do I believe in the Ra material? - C-JEAN - 03-28-2011

Hi, Ra fans.

My answers are:

The "way" the informations where communicated, is similar
to the "way" Edgar Cayce got his infos.
That is why, to me, the Ra material has the same credibiliy.
A VERY good strong credibility.

And the other reason is: It answers SO MANY important questions,
almost all, that other sources did not !

Blue skies.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - litllady - 03-29-2011

(03-27-2011, 06:57 AM)nwthomas Wrote: I believe that the claims in the Ra material are true. Yet, there is no proof that this is so. I am sure that many people on this forum are in the same boat as I. I have previously given an explanation of why I hold this belief. But, I am more interested right now in hearing others' explanations, to gather more perspectives on this important issue. Why do you believe in the Ra material?

I think that its ok to allow our wonderment of possibilities to grow and expand. To not take anything we dont know for sure at face value...but to ponder on many possibilities may have a large influence for us far beyond this experience/expression.

I used the LOO to open my mind a bit....but I dont take it at a face value. I dont think we are meant to know all the answers...and that the most valuable information that we are in need of is built into the very design of the experience of life, the blueprint of this existence. Things like love, offering, sharing, compassion...these things are like the gems that no book or writing can offer us.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Spectrum - 03-29-2011

(03-29-2011, 02:28 PM)litllady Wrote: I dont think we are meant to know all the answers...

That is true:

Ra Wrote:Questioner: I am assuming that it is not necessary for an individual to
understand the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density. Is
this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it
does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not
of this density.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - AlexRussian2705 - 03-30-2011

This is the only material that made me want to stop searching for more,because it felt right and covered so much. I thank everyone involved for this to have happened.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - rva_jeremy - 03-30-2011

I don't believe in the Ra material anymore than I believe in the theory of gravity, at least if I understand what you mean by "believe". I do believe in myself and in the validity of my subjective experience. What Ra has provided is the beginnings of a model by which I can understand a context for my experience. This context isn't even complete, let alone perfect, but it's enough to be useful. If something better comes along, I'll be happy to drop the Ra material and adopt the superior model.

The goal, however, is not to realize the truthfulness or falsity of a model, but to realize the truthfulness or falsity of aspects of the self and one's experience. The model serves its purpose not by being true, nor by being believed in, but by being useful in one's own inner journey. I personally feel that believing in the material places too much emphasis on truth being "out there", at least for me.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - native - 03-30-2011

Welcome back Jeremy Smile A solid always.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - nwthomas - 03-30-2011

I agree; very insightful answer, Jeremy! Should provide food for contemplation!

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - AnthroHeart - 04-04-2011

Because energetically, the LOO brings me into a balance I can feel.
I feel empowered with its spiritual knowledge.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Nadadija - 04-05-2011

(03-30-2011, 02:11 PM)jeremy6d Wrote: I don't believe in the Ra material anymore than I believe in the theory of gravity, at least if I understand what you mean by "believe". I do believe in myself and in the validity of my subjective experience. What Ra has provided is the beginnings of a model by which I can understand a context for my experience. This context isn't even complete, let alone perfect, but it's enough to be useful. If something better comes along, I'll be happy to drop the Ra material and adopt the superior model.

The goal, however, is not to realize the truthfulness or falsity of a model, but to realize the truthfulness or falsity of aspects of the self and one's experience. The model serves its purpose not by being true, nor by being believed in, but by being useful in one's own inner journey. I personally feel that believing in the material places too much emphasis on truth being "out there", at least for me.

This is exact my thoughts. For me it´s like tools to "complete" my inner journey, and it helps me to put words into my thoughts.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Ankh - 04-05-2011

(04-05-2011, 06:33 AM)Nadadija Wrote: This is exact my thoughts. For me it´s like tools to "complete" my inner journey, and it helps me to put words into my thoughts.

Yay! The first post! Har du slutat smyga runt nu? BigSmile

Welcome to the forum, my dear sister! Heart

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - SometimesThere - 04-05-2011

It's hard to sum up one reason in particular why the Ra material means so much to me.

I found the Law of One by accident, but was fascinated by what it said. But for this and that, I soon stopped paying any attention to it, and kept on going with my life. A few months passed, and I found myself reading the Law of One over again. It's as if the Ra material just keeps on roping me back!

But like what others have said in this thread, the Ra material just resonated with me more than anything else I've ever read.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Steppingfeet - 04-06-2011

In my particular case, I crossed paths with the Law of One having done very little preliminary or preparatory work in either the inner work of self-understanding, or the outer work of metaphysical and related study. I was rather "wet behind the ears", as the expression goes. Uninitiated.

So I didn't posses an artifice of understanding that the Law of One material validated. There was not within me previously held suppositions that the books confirmed. I hardly had any accumulated understanding prior to my discover of the books! (Except for having had prior exposure to the notion that humanity was a species with amnesia whose pre-historical beginnings were no longer a part of the orthodox or known human narrative. See Graham Hancock's "Fingerprints of the Gods".)

Yet, empty slate though I was, upon reading Ra's words, there was recognition, remembrance, and RESONANCE.

I would suppose the question then becomes: Why was there resonance?

When one has been painfully away from home for so long that it virtually disappears from memory, and when one then returns to the home environment, deep memories are stirred within the soul - the shape of the nearby hills, the smell of the particular flowers in the area, the sounds of the local community, the layout of the streets, all calls to one as the lover from whom one was separated without diminishment to the bonding love between.

I suppose that's one way to describe my experience. The cosmology, the principles of service, unity, love, light, and joy, the role of the wanderer, the paths of polarity, the spiritual nature of reality, the description of this Earth experience as an illusion... all these *concepts* were as images of a home that I had entirely wiped from my memory so thoroughly that, were it not for the images, I might have continued my journey unaware that I had ever left "home".

It's as if a seeker was born, raised, and spent a lifetime in France and through some unfortunate series of events was knocked unconscious and drifted across the ocean, washing up on the shores of the U.S. with no recollection of who she was, from where she had come, or what life she had lived prior to waking in a foreign land. For all she knows, she is an American. She learns everything over again, including how to walk, talk, and think. Then one day she stumbles on a book all about France, its history, its landscapes, its climate, its culture, it politics, etc.

Looking at the images of France and reading the information, suddenly there is a knowing that she is seeing and hearing about her home, that she is not of this country in which she finds herself, and that she must embark upon a journey to return home.

Of course this analogy is full of holes! But it communicates some of the fundamental notes of my own experience, and I believe the experience of others.

Ra's words are not the equivalents of the realities to which they point, but in my understanding they can serve as a means of awakening dormant, subconscious memory. Not necessarily specific memory of particular times, places, experiences, and identities, (though that's certainly possible) but rather memory of basement level knowing. A certainty in the bones that no information which the world can muster to the contrary is able to contradict.

I was in tears. Literally my eyes were waterfalls reading Book I online. I had found my philosophy, that set of articulated understandings that echoed the distant and dimly perceived core of my own being.

As Jeremy said, it is a *model* and in and of itself does not "contain" truth, but, as my analogies above convey, it is a model which I feel is descriptive of an ontologically authentic reality, one that speaks the language of my own deeper identity more than most any other I have encountered.

I heart Ra. 4ever.

= ) GLB

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Ankh - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 12:06 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: In my particular case, I crossed paths with the Law of One having done very little preliminary or preparatory work in either the inner work of self-understanding, or the outer work of metaphysical and related study. I was rather "wet behind the ears", as the expression goes. Uninitiated.

First of all, woaw, you sure can write! This post really speaks to the heart and sings songs to the spirit. Regarding the above qoute - so one does not have to wander around this world looking and searching through all kinds of odd religions and weird mystics, in order to find immediate resonance? BigSmile (I've been looking and seeking for 19 years for Ra, and boy, that was exhausting!)

Quote:When one has been painfully away from home for so long that it virtually disappears from memory, and when one then returns to the home environment, deep memories are stirred within the soul - the shape of the nearby hills, the smell of the particular flowers in the area, the sounds of the local community, the layout of the streets, all calls to one as the lover from whom one was separated without diminishment to the bonding love between.

That is just beautiful! One just wants to put it on the wall. Heart

Quote:It's as if a seeker was born, raised, and spent a lifetime in France and through some unfortunate series of events was knocked unconscious and drifted across the ocean, washing up on the shores of the U.S. with no recollection of who she was, from where she had come, or what life she had lived prior to waking in a foreign land. For all she knows, she is an American. She learns everything over again, including how to walk, talk, and think. Then one day she stumbles on a book all about France, its history, its landscapes, its climate, its culture, it politics, etc.

Looking at the images of France and reading the information, suddenly there is a knowing that she is seeing and hearing about her home, that she is not of this country in which she finds herself, and that she must embark upon a journey to return home.

Of course this analogy is full of holes! But it communicates some of the fundamental notes of my own experience, and I believe the experience of others.

And that is just weird, because I've been carrying this image/vision (of drifting across the ocean and amnesia and all that other stuff you wrote) for days now. So my eyes were naturally very large this morning while I was reading that while drinking my morning coffee. BigSmile

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Edinburgh - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 12:06 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: In my particular case, I crossed paths with the Law of One having done very little preliminary or preparatory work in either the inner work of self-understanding, or the outer work of metaphysical and related study. I was rather "wet behind the ears", as the expression goes. Uninitiated.

Law of One; This was also my first real metaphysical exploration, and I found out about it from a website about Planet X/ 'end of the world' / alien invasion. On that forum there was this one lady, who kept talking about "love" being the most important emotion, not the "fear" that was being promoted on that website.

She stuck out like a single flower in a rain starved desert. Everyone else was going crazy in fear and paranoia. So was I. 95% of all the commentary was negative. I decided to find out more.

L/L Research put the entire 5 books online in PDF for free. Wow, here were people trying to help and not "cash in". LOO offers a framework to understand that our 3D deaths do not mean the end. It offers hope and meaning.

I'm now on my 3rd read, and it just gets better each time. It makes sense and it rings true. Plus the science of it matches recent breakthroughs.

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Steppingfeet - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 07:05 AM)Ankh Wrote: so one does not have to wander around this world looking and searching through all kinds of odd religions and weird mystics, in order to find immediate resonance? BigSmile (I've been looking and seeking for 19 years for Ra, and boy, that was exhausting!)

Ankh, in my case I found the Law of One material within 1.5 years my first eye-opening insight into the greater nature of reality, without having quite formed the many questions that it responded to. Why I hit such a deep vein of gold so early on and others search for years before encountering the material, elated in the encountering, I can't say.

I would speculate that most move through some sort of intensive search before running into information of this caliber, so perhaps the entity who encounters it early on in their path put their time in during previous lives? Or perhaps, for one reason or another, there is simply a state of readiness, and that for which one is ready then manifests. All conjecture, of course.

What I think we can safely do is agree with Ra. (That's always a good idea, right? ; ) As Ra says, the seeker is given the the opportunity it needs. Ra went so far as to suggest that the seeker consider this point well.

Maybe you desired the scenic route. = )

Thank you also for your kind thoughts. You write with a light heart.

(04-06-2011, 07:05 AM)Edinburgh Wrote: I'm now on my 3rd read, and it just gets better each time.

I'll drink (organic veggie juice) to that!

Love/Light, GLB

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Ankh - 04-08-2011

(04-06-2011, 08:22 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: What I think we can safely do is agree with Ra. (That's always a good idea, right? ; ) As Ra says, the seeker is given the the opportunity it needs. Ra went so far as to suggest that the seeker consider this point well.

In Ra we trust! Heart

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - kycahi - 04-08-2011

I just read through this thread and clicked many LIKE buttons. I had been searching for the "real" info of existence and, after reading Ra a few times, I felt that I know enough to stop that now. The search had gone on for 25 years.

I May not be able to answer every question of a metaphysical nature that somebody might ask, but I have the answers for my own questions, so end of search. :exclamation: BigSmile

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Ocean - 04-08-2011

never complete, the journey of learning is
but do so as you wish, may you do BigSmile

RE: Why do you believe in the Ra material? - Aaron - 04-08-2011

One of the funniest things that happened to me during these past few days where I've been spending time with extended family: One of my cousins, the daughter of my heavily religious aunt and uncle said "So, my dad and mom saw something on your Facebook where you believe in Ra the sun god coming down to ancient Egypt and talking to people or something like that?? But it's ok, I told them that it was just the Stargate SG1 page!"

Stargate, here to save the day again! :p