(10-30-2013, 04:40 PM)peregrine Wrote: Perhaps to observe the temperature of an ideological construct may be one thing, but call that observation "pretty narrow" connotes harsh disapproval?
Under my above definition of judgement-condemnation, it's only the feeling and thinking behind the statement that determines it's approval/disapproval content.
However, there is something to be said about operating through a distortion (at least for the positive polarity) if one continues to use language that is commonly harsh or is considered harsh by the other selves involved in the conversation, when the same message can be conveyed with language known to be less harsh. Of course, between cultural and region differences, there are much leeway between what is "commonly harsh." However, often if there is a distortion present it will show through despite information from the progress of the conversation indicating that the other selves involved in the conversation consider the language use harsh. However, the other selves can use the harsh language for self-balance and self-acceptance themselves despite perceived or real harsh language directed at them from the outside. So it's a good opportunity for all parties involved to balance and continue to un-distort themselves:
(1) The user of perceived harsh language when the user knows it to be perceived as harsh by the receiver can use this experience to increase his or her compassion and understanding of the listener (and not use such language in the future unless absolutely necessary to convey information and being very honest about when necessity actually applies, usually by using softer language first to convey information)
(2) The receiver can use the perceived harsh language experience to increase his or her self-acceptance about receiving harsh language and to feel compassion and understanding for the user of harsh language and not judge-condemn them (and to no longer associate disapproval or sensitivity toward the using of harsh language)
It's a journey though, and we shouldn't beat ourselves up if we don't get there right away, but it's important to make real efforts to put into practice the realizations we have made along the way in order to solidify them into our being.