10-27-2013, 02:04 PM
(10-25-2013, 01:06 PM)peregrine Wrote: Whereas I would not argue with what you present, I wonder if you would agree that it feels over balanced towards a masculine, mechanistic attitude and could be further enhanced if it also encompassed the more fluid, organic aspects of the experience of self as seemingly unrelated strands weave and curl through various levels, known and unknown, of one's being? Do you suppose that the kind of equipoise suggested is attained by merely following some rules? The stupefying complexity of being (or, the confusion in the hall of mirrors) may not lend itself to such a concise remedy.
I wonder if xise is suggesting a balance point of love (where is the love in this moment?) and your suggestion balances on a point of wisdom?
Hi peregine. I was off a couple of days, so missed your reply (the thread got bumped just now).
yes, this particular technique of finding approval/disapproval is just one other tool for moving towards greater balance. It works best (in my experience) when you find yourself riled up against someone, for whatever reason, and you can't immediately diagnose why. So it needs some quiet meditative time to process after the experience.
as for being mechanistic and masculine ... yes, I can see how it can come off that way lol. I have heard the same criticisms from a few different places in regards to Ra in general ... that it's very stilted, scientific, and lacks a certain 'flow'. : )
but I do see your point in respects to being maybe too 'rule based'. It is probably best to think of this (and other observations from Ra) as a toolkit of techniques ... and those techniques are applicable in some situations, and less relevant in others. Some techniques are useful to the beginner, and perhaps less useful later on. So in that respects, its not a 'brute force' do-this, and you will be healed type approach.
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in regards to your love/wisdom point ... its probably best if I expand upon how I in particular understand the 4th/5th energy centres and their inter-relationship.
for me, the words love/wisdom don't quite fully explain these two energy centres and their function. I appreciate that love and wisdom are used in metaphysical circles for a broad pointing towards two vast areas of human consciousness, but just signalling those two areas with two words seems somehow inadequate. It would be like describing your wife's face (hypothetical example) as being 'beautiful' ... and everyone has a conception of 'beauty' ... but unless there is a photo, and perhaps voluminous words to describe the various facial features of your wife, the word 'beautiful' is grossly inadequate as a descriptor or conveyor of the actual experience of your wife's face.
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so we can refer to the 4th energy centre as green ray or love, but it is just a very raw descriptor for this vibrational banding. In other circles (psychological), this 4th energy center could best be characterised as the 'trans-personal', or those areas of consciousness that pertain to areas that are in the deep mind (what Ra calls the 'roots of mind').
now, what does what I've just said have any relationship to the word 'love' as commonly understood? well, this recognition of the transpersonal ('deep mind') as a common heritage to all entities is the recognition that we are all connected, in some way, via consciousness, even if we are inhabiting and experiencing different lives in separate physical vehicles. This recognition of 'commonness' or 'linkedness', when fully unlocked, leads to the full understanding and appreciation of 'universal love'; that one is not separate from another, and no-one has any more value than other; it is all rooted in the 'One Thing'. That recognition is expressed in action as - 'I Love All, because it is the One Thing, it is all connected'.
this understanding is the one that pivots positive entities towards unity, and the full blocking of this understanding is how negative entities can continue on their path of separation. It is all in how we relate to the deep mind.
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now, this 4th ray unblocking is not the be all and end all of understandings. It is the springboard into higher densities, but the spectrum of consciousness continues into 5th ray.
the blue ray energy centre (as I understand it) is referenced by the word 'wisdom', and bears an integral relation to the 4th centre preceding it.
if the 4th energy centre is a recognition of the deep mind and the common heritage of all things, then the 5th acts like a spotlight that shines on the deep mind, and illuminates various aspects of it. The image I most often use is that the deep mind is like an ocean, and the 5th ray of wisdom is like a deep sea diver, or one of those submersible vehicles that explored the remains of the Titanic. Blue ray is being able to explore aspects of the deep mind, understand them, and then bring them back to the surface, articulated, and share these findings with others. It is not all scientific and philosophic and logic; many great blue ray explorers communicate what they have seen and experienced through the tools of music, poetry, novels, and dance, and acting. The important quality is - communication - in a way that others can appreciate and vibe to, or learn from. It is a sharing of findings of the deep mind.
Of course, the more of the deep mind you are willing to acknowledge (the clearer the heart centre is, the greater the ability to see all your experiences and other people as being rooted in the one depth), the more of this potential ocean you will have to explore. And the greater the blue ray capacity, the clearer you will be able to communicate these understandings and experiences to others.
The wisdom lies in being able to understand the self; not the self in the limited personal sense; but the self in the transpersonal sense; those understanding that are not just 'personal' and limited to your particular discrete life; although one's personal life experience will always be the springboard point into the deep mind.
great creators in the artistic sense have this blue ray capacity. They also tend to be exceptionally fertile, as if you are drawing upon the deep mind (the infinite ocean) there are no limits or exhaustion of this resource; only one's ability to keep tapping it.
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now, in relation to the above, where does the mechanism of approval/disapproval sit? I believe it relates, integrally, to the 4th energy centre, that of being able to see all aspects of the self as one.
when we approve or disapprove of aspects in ourselves, or aspects that we see in others (via the projection mechanism) we are creating a blockage in the heart centre. Instead of being able to accept those aspects/qualities as self, we are somehow re-routing those energies, and preventing them from the continued upflow.
of course, all that I have written here and above is predicated on my personal experience, and so may not be directly translatable into your frame of reference.
but hopefully some of it will resonate or be pertinent; and you will be able to use it as a lever forward.
peace brother,