(09-14-2013, 09:52 PM)Tanner Wrote: I had an awesome lucid dream this morning, I went through two phases of the dream, but the second part was most interesting because I was basically conscious in my dream and was capable of flight. Not expert flight though, every part of my body had to be calibrated with the other parts to enable me to do certain things or gain speed, otherwise I just seemed to have this natural sort of bodily anti-gravity. I didn't really try to touch down I don't think, I just remember floating everywhere. This is something one of my first roleplaying characters would always do and I know have had a desire to experience it and flying is a ridiculous but wondrously possible endeavour to put oneself towards.
It's all about electromagnetism, methinks.
What do you guys think your "dream body" is made out of in comparison to your "regular" bodies?
Flying seems to be related to the metaphysical aspect of gravity.
I often find myself in situations where I'm teaching and demonstrating this. Initially I would use a 'craft' of sorts, later just the body.
I guess it depends on what, if anything, is binding you to the planetary karma.
I think the body is 'made of' light. The regular one, as you call it, has condensed into what we term physical matter. Just as water can exist in different phases such as ice, fluid or vapour according to the environment. If the frequency of spin of the photons that make up the body is low then the only vessel available for work will be the physical one. As vibrational purity increases then other bodies will be activated within the corresponding bandwidth, these often being called etheric, emotional, mental and causal.
It would seem that we have potential for an infinite amount of bodies.
If consciousness can be split then each portion of this awareness will form its own body.
The creation of time/space bodies is also not limited just to dream experiences. This can be done from a waking state if the frequency of the body is high enough. This is how teleportation works, the body is stimulated to the extent of activating the denser templates that can be made to 'shear off' at what we call 90° from the physical, this being the portion of the tesseract that Ra mentions.