contacted in a dream - Printable Version

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contacted in a dream - Raz - 09-13-2013

I had woken up early from the light outside and had just put on my sleep mask and gone back to sleep.
I had a non-lucid dream straight away. There was a lot of pre-dreaming that I don’t think is relevant. Eventually I came to my work place and it was all dark in there. I could see somebody opening the door and starting to light up the kitchen (in a restaurant) so I went inside. As I came in an old associate of mine showed up (he worked as head chef and another place I worked before) and I was very happy to see him. I was like; “Patrik! What are you doing here? I had a dream about you a few nights ago, never really saw you but you made me the most excellent food” (I really did have that dream). A few other people started to show up.
In the restaurant business there is usually the occasional prank but I was not ready for what happened next. When I looked at Patricks face… There was no eyes, only smooth skin where the eyes should be. I looked at the other people there and could see they had their eyes in the back of their head and none on their face. This made me freak out a little and I instinctively made my nr1 favourite reality check; I pinched my nose closed and tried to take a deep breath. To my relief I could breathe in without a problem. That’s what triggered me in to a lucid state within the dream and I calmed down. I was like; “Come on! I know your shape shifters! Can’t you change in to something else? That’s just freaky!”

I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly I found myself in a cosy bed, surrounded by amazingly hot girls in lingerie, showing the most beautiful flower tattoos on their skin. I got a little distracted by the beauty but I did not want to waste this opportunity of conscious interacting with ‘them’. I had not really thought about what I would ask if I came in to this situation so I just had to wing it.

Here my memory starts to get a little fuzzy, images are easier to roughly describe and remember then a conversation.
I don’t remember all the questions I asked or answers I got, for me there was a really just 2 key questions that stuck with me clearly.

Q, What are you?

A, Adults

Q, Will I make it in to adulthood? (I regret not asking “we” rather than “I” but I´m not sure it would have made a difference)

A, There is a good chance you won’t become an adult until the next few years

Then I woke up…

What I got out of this:
I appreciated the reminder that we are all children here and now within the current state of vibration.

I found the next answer a little frustrating. I´m not sure if they said that just to ease my mind or if there was some truth to it. They did leave a lot of wiggle room, did they refer to “a few years” from my point of view or from theirs? What the hell is a “few years”. 3? 3000?

Awww… I will have to prepare better for the next time I come in to the frequency state where I am able to have an eye to eye conversation with some of the adults present =)

What questions would you ask?

RE: contacted in a dream - zenmaster - 09-13-2013

Why is becoming responsible for current conditions, and the discovery involved in that, insufficient?

RE: contacted in a dream - Raz - 09-13-2013

I think it comes down to Point of view, adult was used as a metaphor. We like to divide our self in to stages of infant, Child, adult, senior. and that’s fine for practical reasons. But when we get to the next stage I think this stage will simply be viewed as an infant stage all aspects of this stage included.

How many stages of development dose a child go through while in its mother?

RE: contacted in a dream - zenmaster - 09-13-2013

Perhaps someone can answer my question.
Another question would be: what's the benefit of framing relative maturation?

RE: contacted in a dream - Turtle - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 09:50 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Why is becoming responsible for current conditions, and the discovery involved in that, insufficient?

In the context of Raz's post, it may be that he feels impatient or anxious about his current state of overall development...Raz, do you desire to be an "Adult" already? If so, why are you not embracing your "childhood"?

(09-13-2013, 12:54 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Another question would be: what's the benefit of framing relative maturation?

For some, such a relative framing can be helpful if it encourages an appreciation of the past, and an acceptance of the present stage of development...with the cherry on top being an eagerness to discover the next stage.

RE: contacted in a dream - Raz - 09-13-2013

How could I be so blind *face palm*, funny when you can’t see the forest for all the trees =) I guess it was a dash of the Pinocchio syndrome "I want to be a real boy!"

Thanks Turtle, I appreciate your understanding energy and taking the time stating the obvious... I realy needed that.

RE: contacted in a dream - Sagittarius - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 12:54 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Perhaps someone can answer my question.
Another question would be: what's the benefit of framing relative maturation?

I have received a similar message to Raz in the past few days.

For me the benefit was gaining better clarity as to my (our) current progress. It helped frame my experiences up to this point as well as give me an indication of how I can keep moving forward.

One of the catalyst for this realization was from Jung's redbook.
Here a conversation Jung had with his higher self.

I will post it when I'am home on my computer but basically the point was as long as I remain childlike my god will be my father, if I act as a father my god will be a child.

RE: contacted in a dream - Turtle - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 08:58 PM)Raz Wrote: How could I be so blind *face palm*, funny when you can’t see the forest for all the trees =) I guess it was a dash of the Pinocchio syndrome "I want to be a real boy!"

Thanks Turtle, I appreciate your understanding energy and taking the time stating the obvious... I realy needed that.

No problem...and thanks to zenmaster for sparking my interest to respond at all, lol.

RE: contacted in a dream - Sagittarius - 09-13-2013

(09-13-2013, 08:34 PM)Turtle Wrote:
(09-13-2013, 09:50 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Why is becoming responsible for current conditions, and the discovery involved in that, insufficient?

In the context of Raz's post, it may be that he feels impatient or anxious about his current state of overall development...Raz, do you desire to be an "Adult" already? If so, why are you not embracing your "childhood"?

(09-13-2013, 12:54 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Another question would be: what's the benefit of framing relative maturation?

For some, such a relative framing can be helpful if it encourages an appreciation of the past, and an acceptance of the present stage of development...with the cherry on top being an eagerness to discover the next stage.

For me it isn't embracing my childhood any more but rather embracing my adulthood. I had legitimate excuses in childhood not in adulthood. I have accessed and understood to much from my unconscious for this to be possible any more, no matter how much the child resists change it has to grow because I'am a positive being and that is the only way I can live.

My consciousness is a child and my unconsciousness is the adult, I need to turn that around so my consciousness is an adult and my unconsciousness is a child.

RE: contacted in a dream - Bat - 09-14-2013

I have had a few dreams when i have received teachings, in a lucid out of body state.

RE: contacted in a dream - Unbound - 09-14-2013

I had an awesome lucid dream this morning, I went through two phases of the dream, but the second part was most interesting because I was basically conscious in my dream and was capable of flight. Not expert flight though, every part of my body had to be calibrated with the other parts to enable me to do certain things or gain speed, otherwise I just seemed to have this natural sort of bodily anti-gravity. I didn't really try to touch down I don't think, I just remember floating everywhere. This is something one of my first roleplaying characters would always do and I know have had a desire to experience it and flying is a ridiculous but wondrously possible endeavour to put oneself towards.

It's all about electromagnetism, methinks.

What do you guys think your "dream body" is made out of in comparison to your "regular" bodies?

RE: contacted in a dream - Ashim - 09-15-2013

(09-14-2013, 09:52 PM)Tanner Wrote: I had an awesome lucid dream this morning, I went through two phases of the dream, but the second part was most interesting because I was basically conscious in my dream and was capable of flight. Not expert flight though, every part of my body had to be calibrated with the other parts to enable me to do certain things or gain speed, otherwise I just seemed to have this natural sort of bodily anti-gravity. I didn't really try to touch down I don't think, I just remember floating everywhere. This is something one of my first roleplaying characters would always do and I know have had a desire to experience it and flying is a ridiculous but wondrously possible endeavour to put oneself towards.

It's all about electromagnetism, methinks.

What do you guys think your "dream body" is made out of in comparison to your "regular" bodies?

Flying seems to be related to the metaphysical aspect of gravity.
I often find myself in situations where I'm teaching and demonstrating this. Initially I would use a 'craft' of sorts, later just the body.
I guess it depends on what, if anything, is binding you to the planetary karma.
I think the body is 'made of' light. The regular one, as you call it, has condensed into what we term physical matter. Just as water can exist in different phases such as ice, fluid or vapour according to the environment. If the frequency of spin of the photons that make up the body is low then the only vessel available for work will be the physical one. As vibrational purity increases then other bodies will be activated within the corresponding bandwidth, these often being called etheric, emotional, mental and causal.
It would seem that we have potential for an infinite amount of bodies.
If consciousness can be split then each portion of this awareness will form its own body.
The creation of time/space bodies is also not limited just to dream experiences. This can be done from a waking state if the frequency of the body is high enough. This is how teleportation works, the body is stimulated to the extent of activating the denser templates that can be made to 'shear off' at what we call 90° from the physical, this being the portion of the tesseract that Ra mentions.

RE: contacted in a dream - Unbound - 09-15-2013

What do you mean by denser templates? That sounds like bi-location.

RE: contacted in a dream - Ashim - 09-15-2013

(09-15-2013, 01:37 PM)Tanner Wrote: What do you mean by denser templates? That sounds like bi-location.
Higher density bodies in potentiation. In 4th+ density the spiritual mass is greater thus denser bodies. This is what Ra spoke of with "rotational core atomic aspects of material".
Ra also mentioned "a lighter body packed more densly with life".