08-14-2013, 05:57 PM
(08-14-2013, 05:23 PM)MarcRammer Wrote: But then there is the question: what is compassion? Is it helping other at the expense our own composure? Is it watching from afar seeing the big picture and merely understanding others' suffering without offering help?
I think that this is probably the question that we are in third density to explore. Ra said "it will take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love" is realized. And it's certainly not an easy thing to ponder in the context of "helping another at our own expense" and "watching for afar seeing the big picture." Both of those things, I think, could be a product of the path towards compassion.
There is the ever-present acceptance of the Creator for every situation. This awareness rests inside of us somewhere, forgotten and hidden by the veil. Love can be found in any moment no matter the amount of perceived suffering. A truly balanced entity (which I don't think truly exists in 3rd density) "sees all things as love," and to it "no situation would be emotionally charged," including one of observing death by the hands of another.
To do more than observe, to go out of your way to help another, I think would be the expression of this awareness, of the Creator, the ever-present accepting observer through an energy center. Each manifestation of expression might be linked to a reaching for the Creator. Manifesting compassion by going out of your way to help is possibly a green ray manifestation, and could simply be the tone of ones unique balance in the moment based upon past experience and progress in polarization.