08-11-2013, 01:23 PM
(08-11-2013, 12:51 PM)MarcRammer Wrote: That's beautiful! I hurt for all of the animals that are left homeless by human invasion.
So do I. I was at a small gathering years ago doing a guided meditation to help people cross over who were stuck here. I saw animals cross over instead of people (I spoke of this here at b4 a while ago but can't find it to reference). The first animals I saw were rats and they looked at me with apprehension and embarrassment because humans hate them so much. I saw other animals cross, then an elephant came and turned toward me. It was a young male. He said his brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom were starving, because humans took more than they needed, covering the planet with a gray skin. He asked me to tell humans about this and to please not take away their habitats. When we were done with the meditation, the facilitator asked for our experiences and after a few people told theirs, of course I was compelled to relate the message from the elephant. I was crying (which I did not want to do but couldn't help it) as I told it to a group of shocked people, both because it was so emotional, and because I suppose it was very unusual to help animals cross over.