05-23-2013, 03:45 PM
In my experience, if you feel pain in the stomach/solar plexus area when entertaining a certain thought, it tends to stem from shame felt over that thought, especially in relation to what others would think of you if such thoughts were revealed. At times I get pains in my stomach just from being around people I've embarrassed myself in front of in the past...a type of acute anxiety attack.
Stress can also do a major number on everything in your body. When I'm highly stressed I tend to get all kinds of stomach pains, and become more sensitive to the things I eat as well.
If the pain is persistent, I agree with Xise that you should consider your diet. You might have developed sensitivities to certain foods. I developed gluten sensitivity in a rather short period of time and can no longer eat wheat products. Changing my diet had a dramatic impact on how I feel, especially in regards to digestion. You might have to add more vitamins or let go of something in your diet.
Stress can also do a major number on everything in your body. When I'm highly stressed I tend to get all kinds of stomach pains, and become more sensitive to the things I eat as well.
If the pain is persistent, I agree with Xise that you should consider your diet. You might have developed sensitivities to certain foods. I developed gluten sensitivity in a rather short period of time and can no longer eat wheat products. Changing my diet had a dramatic impact on how I feel, especially in regards to digestion. You might have to add more vitamins or let go of something in your diet.