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Removing a Thought Form - AnthroHeart - 05-23-2013

I am plagued now by sudden painful stomach cramps at night a couple hours after I go to sleep. It feels like someone punched me in the stomach, and it radiates back to my kidneys.

I used to focus on a rather disgusting thought form that involved my stomach, rather excessively, and believe it may be starting to manifest, causing me substantial discomfort.

Is there a way to purge this thoughtform, if that is what it is? It's happened 7 or 8 times these last few months, and it seems to be getting more frequent. I tried pills for gas and liquid antacid but they don't seem to work.

What else could it be? I can't sleep because of it.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - Ashim - 05-23-2013

(05-23-2013, 01:40 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I am plagued now by sudden painful stomach cramps at night a couple hours after I go to sleep. It feels like someone punched me in the stomach, and it radiates back to my kidneys.

I used to focus on a rather disgusting thought form that involved my stomach, rather excessively, and believe it may be starting to manifest, causing me substantial discomfort.

Is there a way to purge this thoughtform, if that is what it is? It's happened 7 or 8 times these last few months, and it seems to be getting more frequent. I tried pills for gas and liquid antacid but they don't seem to work.

What else could it be? I can't sleep because of it.
I know you once wrote that you don't meditate much but this would be my answer. To hold the thought from, don't fight it and see if a supressed aspect of self reveals itself. It feels like this to me also.
If not you may consider going to see a doctor, it could be something else.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - AnthroHeart - 05-23-2013

I plan on seeing the doctor. It's happened too often to disregard.

If I had created this thoughtform before through my focus, how long do they tend to hang around before dissipating? It's been at least 6 months since I focused on that stuff. So it shouldn't be affecting me.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - Hototo - 05-23-2013

Time is simulataneous. IT may not have existed for the past 6 months because it skipped time to the phase now. Thats why willpower doesnt work that easily.

IF you set out a chain of events in motion that results in pain 6 month later, it doesnt matter that you didnt think of the chain of events for 6 months.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - Unbound - 05-23-2013

What energy were you giving your attention to?

RE: Removing a Thought Form - AnthroHeart - 05-23-2013

(05-23-2013, 04:15 AM)TheEternal Wrote: What energy were you giving your attention to?

It's really personal but it involved sexual fantasies with anthros. Now my stomach doesn't seem to like what I focused on. If that's even correlated. The pain only happens at night on some nights, after I've slept a few hours.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - xise - 05-23-2013

Did you rule out diet just to be thorough? What are you eating prior to this happening?

I love pineapple and only realized two months ago that if I eat more than 1/3 a pineapple in a sitting I get massive stomach cramps 3 hours later. Apparently this is known as a side effect of an enzyme in it. What's weird is I eat pineapple all the time, just not in those amounts.

Once you rule that out, have you ruled that it may be a blocked chakra? My throat felt it was being cut and stabbed in a painful way for the few half dozen times I felt energy there until it became more unblocked.

Either way, meditation is a definite recommendation. And "disgusting" is a characterization you can leave behind. It's nothing but judgement, and such a descriptor serves you little in polarizing positively where acceptance is key. Remember, you are all things.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - Brittany - 05-23-2013

In my experience, if you feel pain in the stomach/solar plexus area when entertaining a certain thought, it tends to stem from shame felt over that thought, especially in relation to what others would think of you if such thoughts were revealed. At times I get pains in my stomach just from being around people I've embarrassed myself in front of in the past...a type of acute anxiety attack.

Stress can also do a major number on everything in your body. When I'm highly stressed I tend to get all kinds of stomach pains, and become more sensitive to the things I eat as well.

If the pain is persistent, I agree with Xise that you should consider your diet. You might have developed sensitivities to certain foods. I developed gluten sensitivity in a rather short period of time and can no longer eat wheat products. Changing my diet had a dramatic impact on how I feel, especially in regards to digestion. You might have to add more vitamins or let go of something in your diet.

RE: Removing a Thought Form - Ashim - 05-23-2013

Just looking again at the title of this thread made me think of this - perhaps it may help.
You can not get rid of something by removing it - you can only re-move it, or move it again as the word implies.
I know from my own experience that the thought forms that proved difficult and somewhat disturbing to 'digest' actually came from previous incarnations and not from this life experience. Usually if you request the thought form to enter the conscious waking mind then it will do so. As I said this may be uncomfortable for a short time and cause some emotional upheaval but this subsides quickly and leaves one much 'stronger' and in a better state of health generally.