Something totally unexpected (but on reflection not surprising) happened last night.
A did a brief meditation before sleeptime and was able to generate considerable energy in my auric field.
The yellow ray center has been somewhat blocked but due to diligent work this has opened up and enabled a more balanced state.
The catalyst I have been working with recently has been particularly crushing and difficult. I have found myself having to make considerable effort, much more than in the past, in order to clear these remaining issues.
The dreamtime was particularly long and I was in the company of very dark energies.
A little personal background may be helpful at this point.
I started a business, quite an ambitious undertaking back in '99 together with a partner.
During the start-up phase when it became clear that we were going to be able to raise the finances we spent an evening out together whilst visiting a potential supplier. We had a few drinks but nothing too excessive.
More or less out of the blue I told my partner the following:
"If you ever screw me I will kill you"
He replied with "yeh, try and screw me and I'll kill you too", but the effect of his comment was not as dramatic as mine.
I could sort of sense his concern.
Anyway to cut a long story short he together with his wife did in fact 'screw me' about 4 years down the road after the business had taken off and was becoming a moderate success. Sure it was probably legal what they did but most certainly not moral.
I found myself on the street, pennyless and in a fair amount of debt, with wife and child to support.
Not the most comfortable of situations.
Anyhows back to the dreamtime.
I found myself in the company of said business partner, or at least a 'copy' of his identity. He has his sidekicks with him.
I was constantly pulled energetically 'downwards' the whole time.
I was initially alone in a room with a key (it was his key) and I was not sure why I had this and felt bad about it.
The room was locked, it had door handles but no key hole so I could not get out.
The discomfort increased.
We engaged in quite a long discussion, the themes being his very hard work, the money he had managed to save and invest along with my 'lazyness'.
"so, still not got a job"? he would ask. The whole thing centered around rights and ownership.
Basically he was calling me a slacker.
I asked about our location and the sidekick pointed to a map of the moon on the wall. We were on the dark side of the moon.
I seemed to have be able to cross the karman line but got caught in the moons 'tractor beam'.
I immediately thought of star wars where Obi Wan has to disable the tractor beam on the death star in order for the heroes to escape.
I think I wished them well and left the key inside the room.
I awoke feeling really down, quite depolarized and nothing like my usual 'down'.
I took most part of the day to interpret the experience and recover, spending literally hours in a medatitive state.
On another thread I introduced the idea of 'moving the moon' in order to reduce the negative effects on the earth sphere.
I think I managed to do this, I mean to decrease the spiritual gravity between us.
In other adventures I had already made up with this business partner, I had forgiven him.
Maybe he had not quite forgiven me.
This afternoon I lay down in bed to meditate and fell into a dream state. There were the usual voices and teachings streaming through, I understood the karma/moon connection.
At the end of this session there was (for my perception) an 'earthquake'. The bed started to shake violently along with the whole room.
I have never felt such extreme vibrations - my body was literally buzzing with energy. There was a 'ripping' or tearning sound, it was as if the matter of my body and the surrounding area was disintegrating.
Just before I came around I realzed there had been a ship right above my house.
They told me this was one of the final activations.
I feel very balanced right now - in a state that I have never experienced before.
I feel humbled and have great respect for the sacrifice that the dark have made.
I feel small, like a speck of dust, but at the same time I feel incredibly powerful.
This has all been difficult to put into words.
A did a brief meditation before sleeptime and was able to generate considerable energy in my auric field.
The yellow ray center has been somewhat blocked but due to diligent work this has opened up and enabled a more balanced state.
The catalyst I have been working with recently has been particularly crushing and difficult. I have found myself having to make considerable effort, much more than in the past, in order to clear these remaining issues.
The dreamtime was particularly long and I was in the company of very dark energies.
A little personal background may be helpful at this point.
I started a business, quite an ambitious undertaking back in '99 together with a partner.
During the start-up phase when it became clear that we were going to be able to raise the finances we spent an evening out together whilst visiting a potential supplier. We had a few drinks but nothing too excessive.
More or less out of the blue I told my partner the following:
"If you ever screw me I will kill you"
He replied with "yeh, try and screw me and I'll kill you too", but the effect of his comment was not as dramatic as mine.
I could sort of sense his concern.
Anyway to cut a long story short he together with his wife did in fact 'screw me' about 4 years down the road after the business had taken off and was becoming a moderate success. Sure it was probably legal what they did but most certainly not moral.
I found myself on the street, pennyless and in a fair amount of debt, with wife and child to support.
Not the most comfortable of situations.
Anyhows back to the dreamtime.
I found myself in the company of said business partner, or at least a 'copy' of his identity. He has his sidekicks with him.
I was constantly pulled energetically 'downwards' the whole time.
I was initially alone in a room with a key (it was his key) and I was not sure why I had this and felt bad about it.
The room was locked, it had door handles but no key hole so I could not get out.
The discomfort increased.
We engaged in quite a long discussion, the themes being his very hard work, the money he had managed to save and invest along with my 'lazyness'.
"so, still not got a job"? he would ask. The whole thing centered around rights and ownership.
Basically he was calling me a slacker.
I asked about our location and the sidekick pointed to a map of the moon on the wall. We were on the dark side of the moon.
I seemed to have be able to cross the karman line but got caught in the moons 'tractor beam'.
I immediately thought of star wars where Obi Wan has to disable the tractor beam on the death star in order for the heroes to escape.
I think I wished them well and left the key inside the room.
I awoke feeling really down, quite depolarized and nothing like my usual 'down'.
I took most part of the day to interpret the experience and recover, spending literally hours in a medatitive state.
On another thread I introduced the idea of 'moving the moon' in order to reduce the negative effects on the earth sphere.
I think I managed to do this, I mean to decrease the spiritual gravity between us.
In other adventures I had already made up with this business partner, I had forgiven him.
Maybe he had not quite forgiven me.
This afternoon I lay down in bed to meditate and fell into a dream state. There were the usual voices and teachings streaming through, I understood the karma/moon connection.
At the end of this session there was (for my perception) an 'earthquake'. The bed started to shake violently along with the whole room.
I have never felt such extreme vibrations - my body was literally buzzing with energy. There was a 'ripping' or tearning sound, it was as if the matter of my body and the surrounding area was disintegrating.
Just before I came around I realzed there had been a ship right above my house.
They told me this was one of the final activations.
I feel very balanced right now - in a state that I have never experienced before.
I feel humbled and have great respect for the sacrifice that the dark have made.
I feel small, like a speck of dust, but at the same time I feel incredibly powerful.
This has all been difficult to put into words.