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Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-03-2013

If you want then we can meet up to exchange experiences and desires for the 'future' of our beloved planet.
This is more simple than you think.

I can create a merkaba light ship - you can come and visit.
Your intention should be pure and with only love at its core.
Sure, everybody has a little 'hand baggage' but this is not a problem.
This can be dealt with at check-in.
If you would like to escape the gravitation of the planet for a while then there is the possibility of 'boarding' a light ship for a duration of time, during your slumbering - the key is to set intention prior to 'dozing off'.

If you have fear - I mean real doubt about this then you will not be able to take part.

If you are of a loving vibration and have set your intent to serving all souls in this wonderful adventure then the results will be fruitfull.

Regardless of your location you will be 'time shifted' in order to partake.

When you awake after the experience there may be some confusion or disorientation. It's a good idea to remain awake for a while in order to integrate these feelings and to 'come back down to earth'.

The codeword is:

If you call ASHIM and codeword ENTERPRISE then you will be in for the ride of your life.
This I can promise.

I have found that drinking plenty of fresh mineral water makes the whole experience much easier.
If you have a favorite crystal it may be a good idea to charge it and have it placed closed to your sleeping area.

p.s I promise not to burst of of your stomach.Wink

If you have questions please go ahead.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ruth - 05-03-2013

I'm in. Had to work to stay here now, even though I'm awake and cooking dinner.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-03-2013

(05-03-2013, 05:52 PM)Ruth Wrote: I'm in. Had to work to stay here now, even though I'm awake and cooking dinner.

You will feel a 'flash' in your 3rd eye just when falling asleep.
Look forward to seeing you.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Brittany - 05-03-2013

Sure, I'll give it a go. My dreams have been kooky for the past month anyway.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - indiGo33 - 05-03-2013

Going to bed right now....

See you all in a lightship BigSmile

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-04-2013

Today is a star wars day.
This is a good time for undertaking dreamtime travel.
May the 4th be with you.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Brittany - 05-04-2013

Don't recall any spaceships in my dreams, but I did wake up feeling as if I'd been hit by a truck in my sleep. Now to somehow crawl off to work...

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Confused - 05-04-2013

(05-03-2013, 10:20 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: My dreams have been kooky for the past month anyway.

Is it because you are eating too many cookies? :p

I hope you are well, dear Lynn! Heart

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ruth - 05-04-2013

Well, I felt I came to a ship of sorts - it was silvery and had intricate decorations all over it, like a silver scroll decoration on a silver base. I gave the password, and then I don't recall anything else. But I slept really well all night long, which is very unusual for me.

May I try again tonight?

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Charles - 05-04-2013

Oh I'm in, I would love to join you all !!

Tonight okay ?

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-04-2013

(05-04-2013, 05:29 PM)Charles Wrote: Oh I'm in, I would love to join you all !!

Tonight okay ?

We have a little help from our friends.
What better day than today?
We should use our B4 user names for the sake of clarity.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Hototo - 05-04-2013

I'll join if I can make it and don't feel the energies as being over negative or sense anything that necessitates me to bail or destroy the dream interface.

ASHIM - ENTERPRISE and if possible and I Remember, I'll go by Amu / Not Sure and I have a undefined physical apperance usually when seen by others and if i do have one it is usually that of a floating head. If I Do manifest a full body it is usually that of a child or a young person.

See you guys there if I manage to land in the right place.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Hototo - 05-05-2013

Had intense travel dreams with a group of people involving lots of interaction, emotions and crying.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-05-2013

(05-05-2013, 04:02 AM)Not Sure Wrote: Had intense travel dreams with a group of people involving lots of interaction, emotions and crying.

After getting caught up in a 'police checkpoint' where they wanted to see my wives ID and papers concerning the car (they were not interested in me) I continued to meet up with several beings in rooms in buildings. It was not the Enterprise anyhow. How come most of them appear as children or really young ones? I'm not certain if these were b4 members, have a feeling that some were there but memory is foggy. I think I was teaching them something about love.
Later I made it to a base where there was a golf course I wanted to play but my wife did not show up at the time we arranged. The head pro was quite friendly but said they had warned him about me coming and said that I was not a professional as I claimed. I told him the truth that I had left the PGA in 2010 but was still officially a pro. He gave me a courtesy green fee anyway.
I asked him who had told him this, he said "manor house". (This is a place in the astral like a sort of hotel mock up that I believe is managed by nazis)
There were 2 buildings I remember. One was white with NASA and ESA logos, the other was a reddish colour and was for people who were to travel to mars.
Then a group of youngsters appeared (they are so familiar but only in dreamtime). They always mock me and take the piss generally.
I told them "today is star wars day"
"yeh, yeh, may the 4th be with you" they sang in unision again with a slightly mocking tone.
I said "nice to see you guys here" and left it at that.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Hototo - 05-05-2013

Most of my dream selves are children, including the other selves I interact with.

I remember a car, travelling, various areas ranging from sort of mid construction to i think parks or some such. The energy was kind of aware and awareness in relation to usual dream awareness and most of it revolved around being honestly myself.

I had a feel that we at least bumped into each other in this dream or interacted in this dream rather much.


As to why they may or may not be children:

Quote:The Last Generation

Although humanity and the Overlords have peaceful relations, some believe human innovation is being suppressed and that culture is becoming stagnant. These groups establish "New Athens," an island colony devoted to the creative arts, which George and Jean Greggson join. The Overlords conceal a special interest in the Greggsons' children, Jeffrey and Jennifer Anne, and intervene to save Jeffrey's life when a tsunami strikes the island. The Overlords have been watching them since the incident with the Ouija board, which revealed the seed of the coming transformation hidden within Jean.

Sixty years after the Overlords' arrival, human children, including the Greggsons', begin to display telekinetic powers. Karellen reveals the Overlords' purpose; they serve the Overmind, a vast cosmic intelligence, born of amalgamated ancient civilizations, and freed from the limitations of material existence. Yet the Overlords themselves are strangely unable to join the Overmind, but serve it as a bridge species, charged with fostering other races' eventual merger with it. Because of this, Karellen expresses his envy of humanity.

The humans themselves, however, see their lot as far from enviable. Karellen compares the human children to islands in a sea which is drained away and disappears; just as in this case the islands lose their separate identity as islands and become part of the new continent, so the human children are no longer individual creatures but parts of the new "super being". For all intents and purposes, the children which the Greggsons raised and loved are dead, their still-breathing bodies inhabited by a completely alien entity; they are no longer human beings as humanity understood the term.

The same soon happens to all children throughout the world, and grief-sticken parents are unable to appreciate the greater cosmic destinies to which Karellen and his fellows are dedicated. For the transformed children's safety, they are segregated on a continent of their own. No more human children are born, and many parents find their lives stripped of meaning, and die or commit suicide. New Athens is destroyed by its members with a nuclear bomb.

Jan Rodricks emerges from hibernation on the Overlord supply ship and arrives on their planet. The Overlords permit him a glimpse of how the Overmind communicates with them. When Jan returns to Earth approximately 80 years later by Earth time, he finds an unexpectedly altered planet. Humanity has effectively become extinct, and he is now the last man alive. Hundreds of millions of children – no longer fitting with what Rodricks defines as "human" – remain on the quarantined continent. Barely moving, with eyes closed and communicating by telepathy, they are the penultimate form of human evolution, having become a single group mind readying themselves to join the Overmind.

Some Overlords remain on Earth to study the children from a safe distance. When the evolved children mentally alter the Moon's rotation and make other planetary manipulations, it becomes too dangerous to remain. The departing Overlords offer to take Rodricks with them, but he chooses to stay to witness Earth's end, and transmits a report of what he sees. The Overlords are eager to escape from their own evolutionary dead-end by studying the Overmind, so Rodricks' information is potentially of great value to them. By radio, Rodricks describes a vast burning column ascending from the planet. As the column disappears, Rodricks experiences a profound sense of emptiness when the Overlords have gone. Then material objects and the Earth itself begin to dissolve into transparency. Jan reports no fear, but a powerful sense of fulfillment. The Earth evaporates in a flash of light. Karellen looks back at the receding Solar System and gives a final salute to the human species.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Brittany - 05-05-2013

Finally made it up, though I remember very little. I know I was actually doing work, not just dicking around. There was something that could have harmed me, but I was fine and Ashim said it was because I had an "Earth Shroud" or something of that nature.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Hototo - 05-05-2013! I have also been watching a alarming overabundance of this Anime which may or may not explain why there were a great deal of children around. That, or the fact that I seem to attract a cloud of "little" girl kids to follow me around who are on average as aware as the best seers here. Though it usually only happens in public places like busses and such so who knows, maybe they are my protective method. Maybe it was one of those Tongue Anyway, I feel the dream lasted for a few days and there would be too much to casually remember and still maintain this place as I like for it to be maintained so I dont remember as much as I might otherwise be able to.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Horuseus - 05-05-2013

I made an 'intention' a couple nights ago for curiosity, though I'm not usually conscious enough within dreams so I can't say whether 'I' was there or not.

I do recall being on a German Airline/Airport last night, or being in a scene representative of that nature or theme.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-05-2013

(05-05-2013, 08:06 AM)Horuseus Wrote: I made an 'intention' a couple nights ago for curiosity, though I'm not usually conscious enough within dreams so I can't say whether 'I' was there or not.

I do recall being on a German Airline/Airport last night, or being in a scene representative of that nature or theme.

The so called authorities seem to place obstacles and diversions in our way.
They may ask for tickets or passports and the like.
I just tell them "I am a sovereign being - you do not need to see my ID", or words like this.
They can also play the 'money card' and demand payment (that you can not afford) etc.
I just say "I do not have to pay...etc"
There is a certain resistance to 'breaking out' but I'm sure (going on all the reports of travel/flying/driving in the dreams) that we are making good progress.
Being very honest seems to be the best strategy - I don't think that cheating is an option.
As Ra once told me "Crystalize your inner self, become the fullest expression of your beingness".

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Parsons - 05-05-2013

Hmm, now that several others have already jumped in before me, perhaps I will try this tonight. Angel

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - AnthroHeart - 05-05-2013

Tried past 2 nights, but don't recall being there.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Charles - 05-05-2013

I felt that I was in dry climate, many hills all about, with occasional small square buildings. I called for Ashim, looking forward to light and love and laughter. (It's not real or true if there is no joy, our universe dances.)

No one that I recall asked for a password, and I've no memory past that.

I was born very old, I doubt that I would decide to appear as a child. I will try again tonight, with two intensions. First is peace with sharing and laughter, and second is to remember it all.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ruth - 05-06-2013

I tried again last night. I was on some sort of platform and called for Ashim. I was told that Ashim was not present and to get on the ship. I didn't like the look or feel and refused to get on, and immediately woke up.

I'll keep intending to meet Ashim and any other bring4th brothers and sisters, and also to recall the journey.

I have no idea how I will appear to other selves, but feel certain that if you see me, you will recognize my light of love.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - carrie - 05-06-2013

A kind request.

Can you ask one of the pilots to guide your ship into the light / love.

You will not be able to stay there for long because it is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very loving and the light there is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very intense.

It is a billion (maybe a trillion?) times stronger than what you face on earth. But I want you to go there because I want you to feel the great love that is in that plane.

You will not be able to stay there for long. Maybe at the most, 3 or 4 minutes. 5 minutes is a stretch or the most anyone can go. Ask for a 5 minute ride there.

If you feel uncomfortable the pilot will have to pull you out from there. It is a place of much love.

It is irony that we cannot stay there for long because there is so much love/light there and we are not evolved high enough to stay there for long.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Ashim - 05-06-2013

Something totally unexpected (but on reflection not surprising) happened last night.
A did a brief meditation before sleeptime and was able to generate considerable energy in my auric field.
The yellow ray center has been somewhat blocked but due to diligent work this has opened up and enabled a more balanced state.
The catalyst I have been working with recently has been particularly crushing and difficult. I have found myself having to make considerable effort, much more than in the past, in order to clear these remaining issues.

The dreamtime was particularly long and I was in the company of very dark energies.
A little personal background may be helpful at this point.

I started a business, quite an ambitious undertaking back in '99 together with a partner.
During the start-up phase when it became clear that we were going to be able to raise the finances we spent an evening out together whilst visiting a potential supplier. We had a few drinks but nothing too excessive.
More or less out of the blue I told my partner the following:
"If you ever screw me I will kill you"
He replied with "yeh, try and screw me and I'll kill you too", but the effect of his comment was not as dramatic as mine.
I could sort of sense his concern.
Anyway to cut a long story short he together with his wife did in fact 'screw me' about 4 years down the road after the business had taken off and was becoming a moderate success. Sure it was probably legal what they did but most certainly not moral.
I found myself on the street, pennyless and in a fair amount of debt, with wife and child to support.
Not the most comfortable of situations.

Anyhows back to the dreamtime.
I found myself in the company of said business partner, or at least a 'copy' of his identity. He has his sidekicks with him.
I was constantly pulled energetically 'downwards' the whole time.
I was initially alone in a room with a key (it was his key) and I was not sure why I had this and felt bad about it.
The room was locked, it had door handles but no key hole so I could not get out.
The discomfort increased.
We engaged in quite a long discussion, the themes being his very hard work, the money he had managed to save and invest along with my 'lazyness'.
"so, still not got a job"? he would ask. The whole thing centered around rights and ownership.
Basically he was calling me a slacker.
I asked about our location and the sidekick pointed to a map of the moon on the wall. We were on the dark side of the moon.
I seemed to have be able to cross the karman line but got caught in the moons 'tractor beam'.
I immediately thought of star wars where Obi Wan has to disable the tractor beam on the death star in order for the heroes to escape.
I think I wished them well and left the key inside the room.
I awoke feeling really down, quite depolarized and nothing like my usual 'down'.
I took most part of the day to interpret the experience and recover, spending literally hours in a medatitive state.
On another thread I introduced the idea of 'moving the moon' in order to reduce the negative effects on the earth sphere.
I think I managed to do this, I mean to decrease the spiritual gravity between us.
In other adventures I had already made up with this business partner, I had forgiven him.
Maybe he had not quite forgiven me.

This afternoon I lay down in bed to meditate and fell into a dream state. There were the usual voices and teachings streaming through, I understood the karma/moon connection.
At the end of this session there was (for my perception) an 'earthquake'. The bed started to shake violently along with the whole room.
I have never felt such extreme vibrations - my body was literally buzzing with energy. There was a 'ripping' or tearning sound, it was as if the matter of my body and the surrounding area was disintegrating.
Just before I came around I realzed there had been a ship right above my house.
They told me this was one of the final activations.
I feel very balanced right now - in a state that I have never experienced before.
I feel humbled and have great respect for the sacrifice that the dark have made.

I feel small, like a speck of dust, but at the same time I feel incredibly powerful.
This has all been difficult to put into words.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Alex Zachary - 05-07-2013

Ashim, what you say is very interesting ! These pas couple of days when i was in my light trances i have briefly heard about "Final Activations". Can anybody report similarities?

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - carrie - 05-10-2013

It is called a strobe and light. Please see:

Quote:51.1 The third group watching over this process is that group you call the Guardians. This group is from the octave above our own and serves in this manner as light-bringers. These Guardians provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained.

Please, try to absorb the love/light as much as possible.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Unbound - 05-16-2013

Heading to sleep soon, will be available for travel.

RE: Dreamtime Lightship Meetup - Hototo - 05-16-2013

Guardians are nice folk.