02-09-2009, 01:15 AM
(02-08-2009, 08:54 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Can you elaborate on the difference between active and passive meditation?
By active meditation I mean visualization. Specifically, actively visualizing the clearing of my chakra system. I'm to the point now that I can feel each chakra opening and if it's blocked in a big way. Can't feel the more subtle blocks yet.
By passive meditation I mean going into stillness...the complete (ideally) absence of thought.
(02-08-2009, 08:54 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: What was your experience after you crossed the gateway?
I've taken to meditate during the middle of the night. It's much easier for me to get to deep stillness then. The times I've succeeded it's taken about 20 minutes of deep stillness before the transition. Prior to transition I briefly loose consciousness and then regain it at the start of the transition. There's a very distinct sound that's not quite like anything i've heard before. If you can images hearing the rapid increase in vibration, then it what it sounds like and what it is in actuality.
After that sound, my heart drops immediately to a sleeping rate. At this point my body is completely on auto-pilot.
On the occasions i've crossed and been able to maintain it, what seems like about 15 minutes was well over an hour in actual time. I would have thought just the opposite but that's been my experience. On a couple of other occasions I quickly lost the experience just after crossing. I started to think too much and it brought me back.
It is my understanding that the geography if you will after the gateway is quite diverse. I've experienced three states but i'm sure that the possible experiences are large in number if not infinite.
State 1) A feeling of great clarity. A got a "hit" one day to try a psychic experiment once in this state and it worked like a charm.
State 2) A feeling of complete and utter bliss. Feels like your heart is going to burst right out of your chest. Re-attempted psychic experiment once in this state and it didn't work.
State 3) Feels like being connected to a giant computer which is downloading massive information into your mind. Feeling of complete confidence that everything is well now and will be right in the future. Got this one twice but it didn't last long before I disconnected.
I've also had dreams of getting into this state and channeling a large amount healing energy. My ultimate goal is to get through the gateway predictably and being able to channel that energy.
(02-08-2009, 08:54 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: All of the following, I believe, can be used as means to open the gateway: ritual, chanting, movement (dance, whirling), sexual activity, hallucinogens like ayahuasca, fasting.
Ritual: makes sense for setting intention. I don't have a ritual. Would make sense to develop or find one. I could do a better job of setting intention.
Chanting: this makes sense for getting the mind out of the way and reaching stillness. I've used a simple form of this by saying a word over and over again like "stillness" or "emptiness" and it's helped at times.
Movement: i guess for some this could put them into a trace. Getting the endorphins going can't hurt either.
Sexual activity: Would clearly take the right mate. Wouldn't work with my wife unfortunately.
Ayahuasca: Not for me at this point in my life. I also suspect that short-cuts are counter productive over the long run.
Fasting: Great idea. This one has been crossing my mind that last several weeks. I used to fast semi-regularly before I got married but wasn't as adept at meditation back then. I'm going to give this a try again here soon.
(02-08-2009, 08:54 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: The one conscious experience I have had of opening the gateway came during meditation at a time of great emotional stress.
That's interesting. I've felt like I had to clear all emotional disturbances/abscurations prior to being able to pass through. Can you share the experience?