I guess you are not talking about the time/space post-death harvest mechanics of the steps of light.
Working from two sources from the confederations beside Ra...
1. Time left for graduation (harvest) from 3D to 4D is anywhere from a few days/months/years to 125 years.
2. The end of this period will most probably happen due to a pole shift or some kind of natural global disaster. People at least partially capable of dealing with fourth-density energy (Dual activated body?) will/might remain.
3. Quarantine will stop.
4. It will take something up to 1 to 8 century until true 4D physical vehicle are birthed.
Working from two sources from the confederations beside Ra...
1986.07.27, L/Leema Wrote:Therefore, my friends, the time frame for those in third-density physical vehicles attempting to graduate is perhaps as short as three decades, perhaps as long as fifteen. It depends upon how many entities are able to use increasing quantities of fourth-density light vibration, for as we said, this movement into the new fourth-density area of space/time which vibrates in a new fashion shall be one which is gradual and which takes much of your time to occur fully.
1986.07.27, L/Leema Wrote:We feel that this perhaps frees us to speak about the true question, which is the coming of the fourth density. As we have said, your planet vibrates already in fourth density and the time does indeed draw near for entities with fourth-density physical vehicles to begin incarnating upon the level of physical manifestation. Indeed, many among your small children have incarnated with what you may call the double body of third density and fourth density, and by and large this hybrid doubly activated physical manifestation shall continue for some time in your probable future, the time extending somewhere between one and eight centuries.
2005.10.14 Q'uo Wrote:First of all, the likelihood of planetary pole shift is nearly certain. The only question is when that shift shall occur.
2007.02.11. Q'uo Wrote:Therefore, the energy for a pole shift or some other natural kind of disaster cannot be ruled out to express the roughness of the transition over to the main line from the parallel line. Any time a fast-moving vehicle such as a train moves through a shunt from one track to another, there is a bobble in the environment of the people onboard the train. And certainly your people are feeling that bobbling already. And it will continue. And at its end, those who remain upon planet Earth are those who are at least partially capable of dealing with fourth-density energy.
1. Time left for graduation (harvest) from 3D to 4D is anywhere from a few days/months/years to 125 years.
2. The end of this period will most probably happen due to a pole shift or some kind of natural global disaster. People at least partially capable of dealing with fourth-density energy (Dual activated body?) will/might remain.
3. Quarantine will stop.
4. It will take something up to 1 to 8 century until true 4D physical vehicle are birthed.
1986.07.27, L/Leema Wrote:And if you are a wanderer, helping with graduation, yet also you must graduate, for you have put yourself within the physical vehicle in an incarnational experience and it is as much your duty as a naturalized citizen of your Earth to achieve harvest as it is any other person. Never think that wanderers are necessarily missionaries who may go home. My friends, you are now natives of Earth until you have graduated again to your native density. Therefore, under no circumstance assume that the lessons of love are not those which must be learned by you.
However, we feel that it is safe to recommend that each entity which has decided to attempt to increase the rate of spiritual, mental and emotional evolvement behave as if this were the last chance to achieve a harvestable vibration, for in that way you shall give to your effort all that it deserves.