(01-11-2013, 08:57 AM)ShinAr Wrote:(01-11-2013, 08:23 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: In a forum called Strictly Law of One Material, it may make most sense to use the definitions of left- and right-hand path as given by Ra, which are service to self and service to others, respectively.
Which makes my point with precision, my friend Greek.
If this is truly a forum for discerning the Material being offered, and in that process of discerning we simply accept only what the Ra material speculates, avoiding the influx of any other discernment of it, then how can it be a place of discerning the Ra Material.
Either we are here to discern and discuss the Material, comparing it to our discernment based upon our understandings, or we are here to simply worship the material and accept it without discernment.
This is the copied description of how this forum Strictly Law of One should be approached.
'Discussion and questions in this study forum should be directly related to Law of One material. Whether asking a question or writing a thesis, whether writing about the chakras, physics, or Zach Galifianakis, all posts should be tied into, and make reference of, and be about the information within the Law of One books in some fashion.'
Personally I think it is erroneous to call it Law of One, as it should be called the study of the Ra material, which refers to its understanding of The Law of One, but is NOT to be considered The Law of One. As a matter of fact I believe I recall one of the mods stating that exact thought in a recent post or PM somewhere.
I do not see anything in the guideline above which suggests that discerning the information provided by the Ra Material is breaching those guidelines. Rather I see the guideline as stating that all posts must somehow relate to discussion about it.
And in any discussion, is not discernment of that which is being discussed the natural progression of the discussion?
And besides that which I have just stated, is this not a thread 'within that forum' for a discussion on the Tarot card meaning?
It is my understanding that The tarot was deliberately designed by The Ancients to preserve ancient teachings in symbols and enchanted with runes which enable interpretation of those teachings according to enlightened and evolved understanding, or rather, specific individual vibration compatible with those enchantments.
It is my understanding of The Tarot that it is ALL about the right hand and left hand path, and how leaving the one to embark on the other, brings one into a revelation which takes them into an ascendance of higher understanding and state of being.
Therefore any discussion on The Tarot would have to include discussion of those paths and that progression of awareness.
In my humble opinion and thinking.
Shin'Ar, you might have missed it, but the description of sub-forum "Archetypes of Mind, Body & Spirit" is:
A sub-forum dedicated to the study and discussion of the archetypes of spiritual evolution as presented in the Law of One material.
In regards to whether Law of One material, given to us by Ra social memory complex, is a philosophy, five books or a hot dog, is a discussion that I thought that we already had in this thread:
After this discussion, I thought that we, as a community, agreed that Law of One can have many messengers/teachers, but that we here, on Bring4th, are discussing the material which was given to us by Ra. I even believe that this whole discussion then proceeded into changing the name of this forum from "Strictly Law of One" into "Strictly Law of One Material".
Either way, as you can read in the description of the "Strictly Law of One Material", it does say: "...and be about the information within the Law of One books in some fashion."
It is not my judgement call to make whether this and/or other threads are being derailed when other teachings/philosophies are being discussed which have nothing to do with the Ra material. But I do want to believe that this is the only little section where Ra material can be discussed in peace. All other forums like Life on planet Earth, Olio and Non-L/L Research channelings etc., are free for the discussions of whatever sources other than Ra.