01-11-2013, 06:51 AM
(01-10-2013, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [quote='Peregrinus' pid='112283' dateline='1357868852']
The left hand path does not think self Creator, but that there is no Creator other than in circumstance created through control.
Did you get this backward Peregrinus? Your other posts seemed to suggest the opposite which would have been more accurate.
The right hand path teaches that the Creator has established laws and guidance through 'systems' of religious persuasion and tradition. The right hand path is the one the human is born into and chooses to accept by faith that their authorities are teaching truth and they place their blind faith in that authority. And even those who choose to leave their natal traditions to follow some other inevitably just go from one authoritative teaching to another because that seems to be all that is available openly and publicly.
It is not until they begin to see the folly and contradictions of that right hand path, and begin to equate it with such things as human opinion and authoritative direction and control, that they begin to seek other avenues more in line with their own evolving understanding of a spiritual existence that is more correlated to self awareness than influenced direction.
You seem to be in agreement up to this point, and then you begin to speak of the left hand path to which they turn as one that is godless.
And that in itself is due to the influence that the right hand path has had on you in your development, whereby you interpret things the way you have been taught or exposed.
I think it is also importnat to realize ehre that when the left hand path is associated with negative vibration, we should understand that negative vibration is not negative in the sense that this word is usually imp[lied in right hand path teaching. We have left behind that influence, remember. We should not be applying their teachi9ngs into the teachi9ngs of the left hand path.
Negative on the left hand path does not mean bad or evil, or something in defiance of the positive. It simply means a vibration of different frequency than that of the positive.
Neither positive nor negative are bad or good. they are simply different vibrational frequencies due to the state of being of the field of consciousness.
Now with that in mind, when you state that the left hand path believes that there is no Creator, even if we do continue to apply the right hand misconceptions of left hand thinking, that would still be wrong because all left hand teaching is both monistic or polytheistic. Most will have either more than one god in their efforts to teach creational symbolisms, or they will speak to The One Creator of All.
I have no idea where you get the notion that the left hand path teaches that there is no God. That would be the teaching of atheism.
Atheism has nothing to do with left hand teaching.
(01-10-2013, 09:35 PM)Cyan Wrote: So, equal to or substituting the creator is left hand.
Right hand is not considered less than, it is considered as the path of the developing understanding which leads to the left hand path of thought process based on one's intuitive guidance rather than the direction of rule and authority. One is not more or less than the other, it is a matter of natural process of being and evolution of consciousness.
Which is why it is not easy, if not impossible to try to take one from the midst of right hand understanding and plop them into the midst of left hand teaching. They would not be able to grasp it in any way, and it would clash with the direction of the authoritative teaching on which they have been raised and tutored. Their minds are not open. They are closed to speculation and higher thought process. They are sheep following the shepherd, and if you try to force them into a different pasture, they will not eat of that offering, and find it distasteful.
On the other hand, those embarking on the left hand path are in full understanding of how the right hand path is no longer answering to their quest for divinity and they begin to understand the differences between self seeking and following the thinking of someone else.
You see Cyan, the left hand path does not fear or diminish the right hand path for this reason, whereas the right hand path despises the left hand because it leads their flock away from their rule and their thinking, and into a pasture where the grasses begin to nurture individualism and self awareness. And this both defies the right hand rule, as well as contradicting the right hand teachings, or should I say rather than contradicting,from the left hand understanding, not contradicting, but adding to with a higher degree of realization.
That many of those freshly embarking on the left hand path and leaving behind the right hand influences are still afflicted with those teachings, and continue to have some right hand ways of looking at the left hhand as evil or contrary and heretical is not surprising. In this way, as the paths change from one to the other much is dragged with a person from the right to the left, and because of that there are still many old impressions that cause them to continue to think of the left hand as evil or connected to thinking that is against the God of the right hand path, and therefore godless. Even when they know better as they have already chosen to think that the right hand has been misleading them and that is why they are now on the the left hand path.
It is difficult to leave behind everything we have been taught for many lifetimes.
(01-10-2013, 09:35 PM)Cyan Wrote: Does that not mean that the right hand serves the left hand without admitting it?
Precisley, although it would never want to admit that.
The right hand path was devised by the Elite system to prepare the evolving mass for the very individual processes of the left hand path.
You must remember here that the right hand paths are ones which are supported by the rulers and authorities in power of those places where those traditions have been developed. Many are therefore born into that path and hold to it through their traditional family bonds and practices.
And this is exactly how the left hand path became secluded and hidden from society at large. It was the rule of the authorities which they opposed, and that opposition led to them being constantly besieged by authority. In the times of the Roman conquests, paganism, one form of left hand path teaching, was set upon by those Emperors who tried to complete eradicate it.
Also remember that paganism was the main religion of those living more in tune with nature than those living more in tune with civilization.
In those times when civilization was being imposed on the natural lifestyles of mankind, so also was the right hand path being imposed, whereby the left hand resulted simply as the alternative to the right, and also as the way which followed more the natural ways, then the civilized ways. Which is another reason that the civilized right hand responded to the left with resentment and aggressive intent.
Yes, you are absolutely right on as you recognize that the right hand path knows well that it is preparing individuals for the left hand, however strong its reluctance of that may be.
They cannot over ride, nor conquer the natural evolution of consciousness as it reaches higher states of awareness of true state of being. They will do all they can to slow down that progression, but they can never stop it completely.
It is remaining on the right hand path which has been referred to by the left hand teachings as 'the cycle of darkness' because it establishes the continuing reincarnation into that path, over and over, until such a time as that field of consciousness begins to become more self aware, not of the human identity, which tends toward the right hand, but of the field identity as One, which tends toward the left hand understanding.
So to insert the Ra material into this understanding of the two paths, it is not that one is right and one is wrong, or that one is even better than another. They are simply different in that one is the path of higher progression into awareness of the fields of consciousness, rather than submission to the human form of identity and its many earthly influences. With that understanding we can see that negative should not be thought of as evil or wrong, and especially not as atheistic. Negative is simply the opposite vibration of positive.
All of us have both, and some tend to be more one than the other.
I now expect your next question and know exactly what it will be.
(01-10-2013, 09:35 PM)Cyan Wrote: IF one claims to be the creator and believes it, one claims to serve the creator but never know it, and they meet, what happens?
I'm sorry bro, but you sorta lost me here. I think I know what you mean, but wouldn't want to interpret without further clarification.