12-17-2012, 06:20 AM
All is process. Procession into Mystery.
This mindset of being either/or, and us and them, regardless of which 'side' one thinks they are on, is simply furthering division.
One cannot be in balance if one chooses to sit at the extreme and 'wage love or war' against an other, as though that other is not a part of the same process in which you exist.
Tenet has offered a thought for consideration regarding the consequences of directly inciting negative response, and suggested anonymous radiation a far better avenue for love to travel.
How can anyone who has ever known someone who is void of compassion and without conscience, deny the possibility that triggering their negativity will result in negative consequences?
It is far better to radiate love naturally according to the vibration of your field.
The circle has no point of direction or focus. It radiates out 360 degrees and touches All.
It is the attempt to focus love that is unnatural.
Either you vibrate in a frequency which offers love concentrically, or you radiate a field which is not a frequency of love. It is not a matter of direction or focus, but a matter of radiation and concentric expansion.
Love is NOT a weapon or tool.
It is a result.
This mindset of being either/or, and us and them, regardless of which 'side' one thinks they are on, is simply furthering division.
One cannot be in balance if one chooses to sit at the extreme and 'wage love or war' against an other, as though that other is not a part of the same process in which you exist.
Tenet has offered a thought for consideration regarding the consequences of directly inciting negative response, and suggested anonymous radiation a far better avenue for love to travel.
How can anyone who has ever known someone who is void of compassion and without conscience, deny the possibility that triggering their negativity will result in negative consequences?
It is far better to radiate love naturally according to the vibration of your field.
The circle has no point of direction or focus. It radiates out 360 degrees and touches All.
It is the attempt to focus love that is unnatural.
Either you vibrate in a frequency which offers love concentrically, or you radiate a field which is not a frequency of love. It is not a matter of direction or focus, but a matter of radiation and concentric expansion.
Love is NOT a weapon or tool.
It is a result.