(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I didn't mean to imply more than this- although the discussion has definitely helped me come to a clearer understanding of my own opinion.
Ok cool!
(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: These people have relationships with one another. The relationships form a basis for the natural channels by which love energy can be effectively transmitted. So not only is it not 'wrong' but it is a most excellent way to practice the sending of focused love.
Exactly! So too, do we have relationships with those who have power over us.
It is a different kind of relationship: one of an STS (victim/oppressor) nature.
Now, before anyone says "Oh see, you have a victim mentality...you think you're oppressed" I will pre-empt that by saying anyone who pays taxes, has to spend extra money on a water filter to avoid fluoride, has their tax money go to support wars they don't believe in, has to battle the school system to avoid vaccinating their kids, lost a loved one to chemo, or breathes polluted air, is oppressed by the negative elite to some degree. No one on the planet is completely immune (well maybe those living on tropical islands...but even then, not completely, because pollution is pervasive).
(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I don't see the contradiction between the two. We direct personal love to those whom we have a personal relationship with. We direct impersonal love to nobody in particular.
Right. But an oppressor isn't "nobody in particular."
(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: It is different in the same way that sending material aid to despotic governmental regimes empowers them to further oppress their citizens.
I don't get the above statement. One is saying "I honor you as part of the Creator but decline your service" while your example is one of helping them render said STS service.
(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Despite all this reasoning, I still don't see why it would be more wise to send focused love to STS entities, given the plethora of other avenues and recipients for our focused love energy.
Well, I tried!
(12-15-2012, 04:03 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: If we wish to release ourselves from this dynamic, then perhaps we might reconsider walking up and ringing their doorbell to say "Hello." If it is true that negative entities are on their "way out" so to speak, then perhaps is it not a particularly great idea to reach out and start tugging on their coattails.
Ah, there it is! :idea: You might have just illuminated the difference in our viewpoints. It appears to me that you see them as already going out the door, looking straight ahead, away from the Earth, and not looking at the people any longer. So to acknowledge them would be attracting their attention.
Whereas, I was seeing this as more of a matter of them heading backwards out the door, still firing off shots as they back out, taking more victims down with them.
So in my view, since they were still focused on continuing the oppression as long as possible, knowing full well that they still had victims, then recognizing that they still are doing that isn't really calling attention to anything...since they are already aware of it. It's more like facing them and saying "OK I know you're doing this...but we no longer wish to be victims...you are free to turn around and hightail it out of town now...thank you very much" rather than cowering in a corner for fear they might see us.
Please note that I'm not suggesting initiating a confrontation, as you seem to imply. The confrontation has already been ongoing, for thousands of years. I'm suggesting an end to the confrontation. Forgiveness breaks the cycle of karma. In order to consciously forgive an oppressor, the love must be focused.
It's splitting hairs, really, but that subtle distinction might explain why we view this differently.