12-06-2012, 10:39 AM
(12-06-2012, 10:03 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Cyan thanks for your extreme effort.
You are welcome, while "it" is at times, a useful tool, it is intensely exhausting for any channel for an extended period of time so I may have to fold otu of all L worded conversations in a few days before I peak out my tolerance and switch to a different density body again as my vitals run out mid channeling.
Quote:Al though I am not in agreement with all of your interpretation I think you have managed to express yourself clearly.
I would be super surprised if anyone was in total agreement with my vision of what, in essence, cannot be agreed upon due to its nature as the last / first changer.
Quote:(12-06-2012, 08:34 AM)Cyan Wrote: And only a fool would think thats because it creates, it is, rather, because it is the first logical creation to counterbalance the perfect beauty, harmony and everythingness that you hold within but do not know. So the one you see first has to be, in a way, the exact opposite, the childlike spirit with a determination to study anything regardless of the consquences for personal health of itself or others, as such concepts have not yet been invented.
Confused here. When you said only a fool would think 'it' creates, was the 'it' the fool, or Lucifer?
I meant that it takes a very special kind of fool to worship or believe in Lucifer as the creator because of its apparent closeness to the creator (yourself/internalself).
A personal tidbit about this: Its a mistake I made in one meditation when I assumed that what the internal self perceives is God, but I later turned that around into a belief that what the internal self perceives is the internal interactions thrown onto the external sphere which we observe the world through. So "God/Creator" is internal and always unseen, except through the eyes of someone who is willing to mirror you to you when you are feeling "it" as pure. But to channel it to you pure when you are feeling it pure requires for them to see something which bends/breaks the laws of physics. I have never seen what it looks like nor have I inquired what is has looked like when I have been in that state (the only I, I can know when it is in the state). And I would prefer not to for obvious veil breaching reasons.
Quote:If Lucifer, which seems to fit with the rest of your clarification about how you think of Lucifer, than this would suggest that you do not believe Lucifer to have the power to actually create.
It doesnt, not at least in any meaningful way that we would imagine create. Anymore than "the hero" can create or "the fisherman" can create, they are kind of archtypes / jobs. In that "job" of "lucifer" you essentially can not create but rather work as the opposite or the mirror for the creations of others for the purposes of judging / evaluation / poking forward intentionally in a way that may cause pain.
Quote:is that correct?
Quote:Finally I would just like to say, IMHO, that Lucifer is one of the first of the fragmented fields of consciousness, and also one of the archangels.
Yes it is I'm unsure if it is the first, or amongst the first but it is up there somewhere

Quote:This 'other' concepts of Lucifer as some representation of darkness and evil, or even as Cyan speculates, an inner struggle between the physical and the spiritual, are simply not in line with the ancient teachings of Lucifer.
There is always a inner representation of darkness and evil, but i doubt it is someone whos name is "light-bringer". Those guys I dont study but i do know their rough outlines and names and i've left it at that. I dont need to know the names, invocations, locations and occupations of all the darkness and evil entities in the world anymore than i need to know the same for light side creatures. I consider it "superfluous". If i feel i have a need for someone who is darkness and evil and my conventional group of friends wont do, i'll ask one of them for the darkest contact they have, get in touch with it and be nice, polite, upforward about why I need to see them and discuss my things with them (usually advisory nature) and they'll almost always give me their name in relation to me. Then i'll put their astral name down on my phone and I'll have a "demon" on speed-dial. I tend to not get super harassed about these things due to being too useful to too many groups for any single group to have the power to mess with all the other groups and try to take me down spiritually.
Best they can do is try to convince me to off myself, but thanks to a copious supply of "happiness", that has not worked, and even such attempts are slowly winding down. Last "great attack" of the astral nature that I could actually categorize as an attack and not a misinterpetation of catalyst by me would be 2-3 years ago when a beggar kicked me for not giving him money and i had a fistfight with him. That is as close as I have been to anything resembling "real" astral danger in a long while.
My personal stupidity in dealing with catalyst that lands me in danger is just my personality and has nothing to do with astral entities, most humans are quite skilled ad getting in trouble all on their own.

Quote:They are simply the fallout of the perversions that have taken place which twisted and corrupted many of the ancient teachings and used that name in error and confusion.
Yup, the actual "dark" entities that i "come across" usually are the ones that have the most trouble with saying the word "Lucifer".
A close analogue would be in Lord of the rings, when they have that ring in the council and Gandalf starts to speak that ancient tongue. That scene is Gandalf saying "lucifer" and all others are going "eeehhh" but as the movie advances, you'll see that only Gandalf is unafraid of death/personal sacrifice while all others expect Sam hesitate at the moment.
I know its not a great metaphor, but it fits. When the word needs to be said it needs to be said in a loud and booming voice lest a whisper be misintreprted as Meekness in the face of yourself.
Only those who serve someone need to fear saying that someones name. For all others it should be no different than saying "car" or "airplane" or "computer" and have the same emotional level.
I call it lucifer because:
Quote:Lord of Poking people with a stick in a calculated manner when they need to be poked with a stick so as to agitate them to work better towards their own evolution and the evolution of the all through that.
Is wordy.
If I may be, so bold as to inject a slight amount of humor here, without, i hope such a humor explodes horribly horribly like the hindenburg:
This is rather classically a Luciferian(the artists, not the charachters) standpoint on the 21.12.2012 debate. Not necceseirly mine but i find it funny and hope it carries the point across. (the reason it is funny is because if something happens, he has a perfect set of charachters to seamlessly segway into 4th Density earth and continue the webcomic there)
It is from the latest sinfest comic, sinfest is a comic about all the astral entities as they interact with the person who draws the comic, there is god, a Zen buddhist monk that floats on a cloud touching objects on the nose, spy pyramids, feminists, love, hate. Its a good comic.
![[Image: 2012-12-06.gif]](http://www.sinfest.net/comikaze/comics/2012-12-06.gif)