10-28-2012, 03:07 PM
(10-28-2012, 03:10 AM)zenmaster Wrote: It's just the degree of information processing from oneself one is willing to accept. Both feeling and thinking are "thought", with feeling being from the periphery of wholeness offered by our unconscious and thinking being a more pointed determination. Thinking is like forming links in a chain, while feeling is how the chain may be linked. Feeling is from time/space (a yin principle) and thinking is from space/time (a yang principle).
zenmaster, you may very well be right about all this -- I don't understand what you wrote here, perhaps because you are using words in ways that are unfamiliar for me. When someone uses the word "consciousness" I think I know what they are talking about. It is the feeling "I Am" or "I Am Aware," or "I Am Aware of X, Y, or Z." Or at least that's the nearest I can come to putting it into words.