(11-13-2011, 07:48 PM)loop Wrote: well, your (genuine) reasoning made me give the hint to the Debt Chain article. For a 4th density world, giving free stuff is natural. I wish it to be so in our particular 3D world too, but that doesn't seem to be the case in this specific world. She offers a lot of freely accessible "uplifiting" information, which on it's own is sufficient for rising the collective's vibrations. The "Ascension Course" is an extra, which one can use to further work on the Self. It is a set of very practical exercises designed and guided very professionally. I really mean it when I say that it's worth the [~optional] $99.
I too have mixed feelings about the fact that we are asked to pay the course, when we can obviously have it for free at the first place. My feeling though is that the cost is placed so that the Debt Chain would be solved. Even though, $99 is quite a lot (why not $9,99), but again, it is a quality class and has it's copyright. It truly is unlike anything else I've met on the webs.
As per her genuinity, Wonderers develop distorsions, we are warned and should expect it. I perceive that she is hiding/twisting/distorting information/facts for some reasons, but again, we incarnates do it, so I'm be far from blaming her for this. On the flip-side, unlike Ra, her message is somehow more attached to our human nature. The depth is unmatchable to the LOO, but I find it complementary and mostly in harmony, the best part being that she provides practical and applicable exercises to aid us in our self-realization & mastery process. All the meditation practices and classes I've tried are in total sync with the LOO message and are leading towards an STO polarization - they all build the "WE ARE ONE" perception.
All and all, her work is enjoyable and spending time on her exercises appears more beneficial to me than reading claimed channeling of Salusa, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Pleiadeans and the rest of the gang at stevebackow.com & 2012indyinfo.com. While there probably is authentic info in these channelings, there's also a lot of sensibel STS interference too. I think I've reached a point in which my desire for actual meditative(=awareness expansion) work outgrows my desire to read others' "dream worlds". Those giving me actual and applicable tools are those who I choose to trust from here on. These for now are the LOO, Inelia, CAC and occasionally few others.
Just to note, she's not a Wanderer by definition. A Wanderer is a fourth, fifth or sixth density being responding to the call from a planet in need. Regardless of the source density, it entails lives in first, second and third density beforehand. She claims to be an entity directly from source, with no incarnations before, or will have again. That puts her outside of the octave of densities/experience, which makes my discernment bells ring, as the cosmos is fractal in nature (octave based).
If a third density being can open up to unconditional love (and expect nothing in return), and gain wisdom as to the fact the cosmos supports you abundantly, why would a being direct from source not be able to do the same? :¬)
She would have such mastery - and that simply means absolute knowingness - that by following her path/service she would be unconditionally supported by the cosmos. Hence, one doesn't need to charge money.
Jesus did not charge for teachings. Nor did Buddha or any other enlightened master. They offered information to all who had the ears/eyes for it, unconditionally.
Take for example, (in my opinion) the best spiritually enlightening material on the planet - the Ra Material. Given away entirely free by Don, Carla and Jim, in the name of unconditional service (love) to others.
To me, that speaks volumes. Offering unconditionally is brining in aspects of fourth density, rather than being ruled by third density itself. The path of evolution, in my opinion :¬)
Much love, by the way, I mean no offense to you or anyone who values her work.