Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Printable Version

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Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - yossarian - 11-12-2011

The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-12-2011

I don't know about the skulls. Just that there is a crystal skull. But, the clouds can screw with us if we let them. Or, you might listen to someone who is allowing the clouds to screw with them. Or, you might double it up and allow the clouds to screw with you while allowing the "others who allow the clouds to screw with them" to screw with you. Or, someone is straight up dishonest.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Unbound - 11-12-2011

Ain't DNA inside of you? BigSmile

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Parsons - 11-12-2011

(11-12-2011, 11:07 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I don't know about the skulls. Just that there is a crystal skull. But, the clouds can screw with us if we let them. Or, you might listen to someone who is allowing the clouds to screw with them. Or, you might double it up and allow the clouds to screw with you while allowing the "others who allow the clouds to screw with them" to screw with you. Or, someone is straight up dishonest.

I started checking facts... According to wikipedia (name another crystal skull "authority" that you can find online?) and all of the google search results I clicked on:

Quote:The crystal skulls are a number of human skull models fashioned from blocks of clear or milky quartz crystal rock, claimed to be pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artifacts by their alleged finders. However, none of the specimens made available for scientific study were authenticated as pre-Columbian in origin.

I say this because when you look into some of these groups around crystal skulls, for instance is one of them, and they claim that it was authenticated as ancient...

Someone isnt telling the truth here, obviously...

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Unbound - 11-12-2011

As far as I know because they are made out of quartz they are difficult to date because they can't be carbon dated, and to my understanding it has been confirmed that a few of them completely defy current lapidary knowledge. I also don't necessarily trust the opinions on wikipedia, since it tends to be only the most skeptical in its stance.

Of course, since none of us have actually encountered one of these alleged skulls, I doubt any of us have any authority to say one way or the other if they have any validity. Even if they aren't ancient, they could still be useful tools.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - yossarian - 11-12-2011

(11-12-2011, 11:27 PM)Azrael Wrote: As far as I know because they are made out of quartz they are difficult to date because they can't be carbon dated, and to my understanding it has been confirmed that a few of them completely defy current lapidary knowledge. I also don't necessarily trust the opinions on wikipedia, since it tends to be only the most skeptical in its stance.

Of course, since none of us have actually encountered one of these alleged skulls, I doubt any of us have any authority to say one way or the other if they have any validity. Even if they aren't ancient, they could still be useful tools.

but is it in any way relevant to our lives?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Unbound - 11-12-2011

Relevancy only comes from the individual anyways. Is it relevant to your life? Yes, it most certainly could be, if that is a path you choose to examine and explore. If it doesn't resonate with you, then perhaps it is not something that you are intending to be part of your experience. No one can tell you what you will experience through any particular idea, you need to validate for yourself what is relevant or not.

For myself, the DNA activation doesn't seem very incredulous to me. It's known that only around 5% of human DNA is actively utilized, and on a purely logical basis it doesn't make sense for it to just be "junk". Also, the fact that there are children who have been born recently with 3 strands of DNA, which supports the fact that an increase in DNA strands is indeed a plausible phenomenon. The rest is up for the individual to examine.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - zenmaster - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.
It is BS, but it's not there to screw with us any more than an child's fantasy would be. These are notions that have roots in vague intuitive perceptions of a formless unconsciousness that suggests possibilities. The possibilities inevitably line up with ego hopes and fears. So it's a distraction which reinforces some distortion. It works because, to the believer, everything is possible if they like the idea.

The idea 'resonates' if the notional direction (from that and to this) is shared (I perceive what this is suggesting and buy into it as a viable way). That's it. And there's a lot of innuendo, or suggestions lacking support, which leaves plenty of opportunity for filling in the blanks with personal justifications to make the idea appear sound. At that point, the idea is propagated just like a rumor.

As Ra said "The function of intuition is to inform intelligence. In your illusion the unbridled predominance of intuition will tend to keep an entity from the greater polarizations due to the vagaries of intuitive perception." That is, there is tremendous lack of discernment and lack of honesty involved in the declarations of these notions. They are said merely for effect, to influence perception of possibilities. It is a placeholder for some as yet self-determined idea of what connects oneself to 'faith'. Does faith need miracles? Ultimately, no.

"The hitchhiker, instead, is distracted by conversation and the vagaries of the road and, dependent upon the whims of others, is concerned to make the appointment in time. "

In time for what? In time for an invented circumstance like many threads here proclaim?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - yossarian - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 04:09 AM)zenmaster Wrote:
(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.
It is BS, but it's not there to screw with us any more than an child's fantasy would be. These are notions that have roots in vague intuitive perceptions of a formless unconsciousness that suggests possibilities. The possibilities inevitably line up with ego hopes and fears. So it's a distraction which reinforces some distortion. It works because, to the believer, everything is possible if they like the idea.

The idea 'resonates' if the notional direction (from that and to this) is shared (I perceive what this is suggesting and buy into it as a viable way). That's it. And there's a lot of innuendo, or suggestions lacking support, which leaves plenty of opportunity for filling in the blanks with personal justifications to make the idea appear sound. At that point, the idea is propagated just like a rumor.

As Ra said "The function of intuition is to inform intelligence. In your illusion the unbridled predominance of intuition will tend to keep an entity from the greater polarizations due to the vagaries of intuitive perception." That is, there is tremendous lack of discernment and lack of honesty involved in the declarations of these notions. They are said merely for effect, to influence perception of possibilities. It is a placeholder for some as yet self-determined idea of what connects oneself to 'faith'. Does faith need miracles? Ultimately, no.

"The hitchhiker, instead, is distracted by conversation and the vagaries of the road and, dependent upon the whims of others, is concerned to make the appointment in time. "

In time for what? In time for an invented circumstance like many threads here proclaim?

What is your solution/approach to the vagaries of intuition? How do you personally reach the greater polarizations?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Unbound - 11-13-2011

I don't know if I buy that explanation, Zen... I don't understand how you can approach things as though there is a "true" way that things actually work. I don't doubt that physics work, but physics does not explain reality. So in the same, what biologists currently know works, but it does not explain the extent of biology.

I think that there is whatever effort that can be taken by individuals to cling to their notions of the reality they expect and are comfortable with. All this talk of "possibilities", and your forgetting that WE create the possibilities. An individual can create a possibility strongly enough for themselves to make it true of their own experience, I don't doubt that for a second. So should you pursue such an "activation" in whatever way resonates with you I am quite certain you would take something from the experience. Some choose to meditate endlessly, others work with their beliefs in more tricky ways to fool them out of their static reality.
That isn't to say that there probably is some BS out there and spending money on products is the last thing you should do, but there are many references to these things which do not require your wallet.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-13-2011

@Azrael, your understanding sounds very similar to what Zenmaster explained. So, I'm wondering, did you simply not appreciate when zen said "it is BS"?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Odinn - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 11:46 PM)Azrael Wrote: [...]

For myself, the DNA activation doesn't seem very incredulous to me. It's known that only around 5% of human DNA is actively utilized, and on a purely logical basis it doesn't make sense for it to just be "junk". Also, the fact that there are children who have been born recently with 3 strands of DNA, which supports the fact that an increase in DNA strands is indeed a plausible phenomenon. The rest is up for the individual to examine.

I also think so (or want to). Besides the Earth moving into a denser area (with more plasma or whatever it is) in the galaxy; and energy and radiation coming from out star in all these flares we're experiencing. These might be the trigger for that organic change, on our DNA ("DNA activation" sounds to me a little bit of film buff, plus it's already activated). If with more DNA in use we could levitate, well, that's another story...

I want to think that evolve, at this point of our species experience, may only mean getting closer to each other (not just as in "I kindly help you with the bags in the supermarket and then someone will help me..."). Getting closer by defeating the facts that separate us from that other group (be it their skin color goup, or their bank account group, or their car group, or their politcs view group, or...). Closer until reaching unity - of understanding, of acting and then of consciousness.

I don't think we'll witness any --as I lovingly term it-- F/X Harvest, with gleaming, raising in the air bodies... I wish it would be like that - quick and to a better place (contrary to most of you, more convinced of the need of existence in this plane/density/shape/way, I don't like here at all; if I ever decided to come here to run whatever "exams" to myself, I REALLY hope I slap me heavily when I come back to my true self. And never come back to such an absurd, extreme place).

I do think there's a Change going on. And that Change, whatever it might be, will take long. That I'm sure of. I don't know if it will be faster, but surely better if we ACT on its behalf: getting to the street to #occupy; planning and change our jobs for doing something we feel better working in... Whatever it comes, it should take us at work.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - zenmaster - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 07:40 AM)Azrael Wrote: I don't know if I buy that explanation, Zen... I don't understand how you can approach things as though there is a "true" way that things actually work.
What? I thought I was proposing the exact opposite. Maybe you can share how it was construed as a "true" way?

(11-13-2011, 07:40 AM)Azrael Wrote: I think that there is whatever effort that can be taken by individuals to cling to their notions of the reality they expect and are comfortable with. All this talk of "possibilities", and your forgetting that WE create the possibilities.
Again, what? How am I forgetting that we create the possibilities? What exactly implies that?

(11-13-2011, 07:40 AM)Azrael Wrote: An individual can create a possibility strongly enough for themselves to make it true of their own experience, I don't doubt that for a second. So should you pursue such an "activation" in whatever way resonates with you I am quite certain you would take something from the experience.
I don't think you understand my position. I know for a fact that if someone accepts something new and whatever that is congruent with their higher good that transformation will occur at some level.

(11-13-2011, 07:40 AM)Azrael Wrote: That isn't to say that there probably is some BS out there and spending money on products is the last thing you should do, but there are many references to these things which do not require your wallet.
Almost all of it is BS, even what may 'work' for some person. The ideas, framing, what is purported to be so are completely transient and usually merely serve to constellate energy around an some archetype in the personal and collective unconscious. There is often a huge disconnect when such a bridge between 'heaven and earth' is constructed through their imagination. By disconnect I mean, if it works, it works mainly on an unconscious level steered by desire to see and experience change and transcendence. There is dissatisfaction with their current condition and a promise of change fed by such stories.

To many, the hows or the whys do not matter for such stories, it's the 'idea' of the story that matters. And so that is the detachment - the separation. An idea is what gets propped up or put on a pedestal due to the personal numinosity it represents. Since the story itself doesn't matter with respect to exterior things, and with respect to interior things it's like a leaf in a stream steered by winds of hope, there is no grounding or discernment.

The ideas are purposely kept vague (accessible as intuitive apprehension only) and inflated in order to prevent the very transcendence (transformation of mind) it is meant to perform.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Namaste - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.

Anyone who sells ascension, i.e. 'activation codes' is either dishonest or confused.

I know a lovely lady, her heart is wide open, and she is convinced she is doing the right thing. Yet, to attend her 11/11/11 day, in which you were given 'ascension codes', costs £111 per head.

Someone else in charge of your evolution? I think not. They are all permission slips.

There's only one person in charge of your destiny :¬)

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Tenet Nosce - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.

We went to a ceremony at Serpent Mound on 29 October. For me, it was more about what kind of shift I wanted to make within myself. I wasn't too concerned with what everybody else was doing or thinking.

Plus- I had never been to Serpent Mound. There was a very interesting presentation on it before the ceremony which, in and of itself, was worth going for. One of the items shown was a posterboard map of all the mounds in the US midwest. They are clearly arranged into the shape of a bird when viewed from the sky.

This picture isn't the best. But no matter. I am sure somebody will feel compelled to note that they don't see any such bird-like configuration, and the dots are certainly all random because the people who lived in these areas in times past didn't have the knowledge or technology to accomplish such a feat. And besides the only reason I see a bird figure is because I really really desperately want to believe in something. Wink

.jpg   mound concentration.jpg (Size: 274.96 KB / Downloads: 487)

Also, the mound is one of the few ancient effigies or monuments that precisely tracks lunar alignments as well as solar ones.

There was a Mayan elder present. He spoke a few times about the Naga-Maya. Which was interesting because Naga refers to the snake-people of the Vedas that live(d) underground. Interesting because I think he was using the word "Maya" in a different context than most of the people at the ceremony understood it. One of those "let him who has ears hear" sort of things, I think.

The Elder also mentioned that this was the beginning of the time for the people of the world to start making pilgrimages to all the sacred sites. He made no mention that this had to be done in any organized or "official" way. Interesting, because I have been feeling this urge to do just that.

Also, there was some registration thing I found online. We just jumped in the car and showed up. There didn't seem to be too much of an issue with this. There was an awkward moment where a basket was being passed around for "love donations". RollEyes I put in a twenty. Again, more of a declaration to myself that money is easy to come by, then that I felt morally obligated to support the effort financially.

There were also a couple of weird things that happened. For example, at the beginning of the ceremony, a raincloud appeared out of "nowhere". It lightly drizzled as we were making a procession around the mound, and then nature provided a lovely rainbow just as we were finishing the circle.

Also, I took some pictures on my cell phone. All of the ones during the time period while we were actually walking around the mound disappeared!?

Also, during the second part of the ceremony, my partner spontaneously sun-gazed and communed with the Logos. She did this with no previous knowledge or prompting on sungazing.

Also, my partner received a crystal skull of Imhotep from her grandfather just a week before the ceremony. At the time she received this gift, we were not yet aware of the ceremony. So... just another "random coincidence" I guess...

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 11:03 AM)Odinn Wrote:
(11-12-2011, 11:46 PM)Azrael Wrote: [...]

For myself, the DNA activation doesn't seem very incredulous to me. It's known that only around 5% of human DNA is actively utilized, and on a purely logical basis it doesn't make sense for it to just be "junk". Also, the fact that there are children who have been born recently with 3 strands of DNA, which supports the fact that an increase in DNA strands is indeed a plausible phenomenon. The rest is up for the individual to examine.

I also think so (or want to). Besides the Earth moving into a denser area (with more plasma or whatever it is) in the galaxy; and energy and radiation coming from out star in all these flares we're experiencing. These might be the trigger for that organic change, on our DNA ("DNA activation" sounds to me a little bit of film buff, plus it's already activated). If with more DNA in use we could levitate, well, that's another story...

I want to think that evolve, at this point of our species experience, may only mean getting closer to each other (not just as in "I kindly help you with the bags in the supermarket and then someone will help me..."). Getting closer by defeating the facts that separate us from that other group (be it their skin color goup, or their bank account group, or their car group, or their politcs view group, or...). Closer until reaching unity - of understanding, of acting and then of consciousness.

I don't think we'll witness any --as I lovingly term it-- F/X Harvest, with gleaming, raising in the air bodies... I wish it would be like that - quick and to a better place (contrary to most of you, more convinced of the need of existence in this plane/density/shape/way, I don't like here at all; if I ever decided to come here to run whatever "exams" to myself, I REALLY hope I slap me heavily when I come back to my true self. And never come back to such an absurd, extreme place).

I do think there's a Change going on. And that Change, whatever it might be, will take long. That I'm sure of. I don't know if it will be faster, but surely better if we ACT on its behalf: getting to the street to #occupy; planning and change our jobs for doing something we feel better working in... Whatever it comes, it should take us at work.

I wish the world were more receptive to such help. The truth is that we don't trust one another, especially as strangers. And we shouldn't if we want to protect, or preserve, what we hold dear to us. It is attachment, yes. Spiritual teaching asks us to remove attachment to this world. It isn't our nature, and the truth is that this spiritual practice is just another attachment we hold dear to. It's in our nature.

But yes, I see a woman with a cute child. The child falls down. I give the child a happy face that helps her not feel hurt by the fall. The mother mus automatically view me as a child predator. I agree with her, that is the proper reaction and I wouldn't want her to feel safe enough to let me drive her child to her home for her. I'm not a threat in the least, but I would rather live in a world with a mutual understanding that I should be treated as a predator. I accept that because I will do the same with my own children.

Helping an old lady with groceries... She should not trust my intentions.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Tenet Nosce - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 12:42 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: It's in our nature.

Who are "we"? And on what grounds and/or authority do you feel qualified to declare what is "our nature"?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-13-2011

Only 35 years of observation. Same as anybody else.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Tenet Nosce - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 01:46 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Only 35 years of observation. Same as anybody else.

I believe the truth of the matter would be that there are currently incarnated a brilliant display of souls with all manner of unique and extensive experiences from which to draw from with respect to what they discern to be an accurate representation of "human nature". But I am sure there are those for which this is their first post-ape experience on earth as well.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - loop - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: The crystal skull thing and countless "DNA activation" and "crystal activation" and stuff like that.

I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.

I tend to like the "Activation" stuff. The intensity of the "events" related to the recent "dates" worked very well for me and many of the people I meet on daily basis.

I believe that the chakras have crystalline structure/shape and their activation leads to finer crystallisation of the whole body. You know - the water and the snowflake shape, well this is the principle ... I think the deep meditation process I'm doing in the last months really makes what may be called "crystal activation".

Is my DNA changing significantly as part of this process? Probably yes, very likely.

Whether there are objects like the crystal skulls which aid in the activation process - IMO yes, very likely. I have experience with crystals activating very strong energy levels and supernatural experiences in my past. Never had a chance to meet any of the ancient skulls, but I trust that they are huge activators, even if that's just because the collective trusts so.

So in summary, these are not from "the screwers". Other things are, but these, as written, are good stuff!

(11-13-2011, 11:54 AM)Namaste Wrote: Anyone who sells ascension, i.e. 'activation codes' is either dishonest or confused.

Have you seen Inelia's article about the Debt Chain:

I personally asked her for the Ascension Course ($99) for free, just because I can't afford it yet, due to a decision I took to stay without job for the first 9 months since my child's birth. I now work again, but it'll take few more months until we can afford putting money to something else but the basic survival stuff. I definitely intend to pay for it asap, as it's well worth to.

The Dept Chain article resonates so naturally with me. I think I second the concept that the way the world is, some things should not be "for free" just for the sake of preventing the Dept Chain.

Even though, in an interview, Inelia says that the majority of the people are not paying for it, since they say that they can't afford it :-/. When her assistant sent me the download link, she also advised me to start doing the "Reconnecting with the spirit of money" exercise:

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 03:07 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(11-13-2011, 01:46 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Only 35 years of observation. Same as anybody else.

I believe the truth of the matter would be that there are currently incarnated a brilliant display of souls with all manner of unique and extensive experiences from which to draw from with respect to what they discern to be an accurate representation of "human nature". But I am sure there are those for which this is their first post-ape experience on earth as well.

Ra spoke in depth about archetypes. Do you think that there are souls here outside of this influence?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Namaste - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 03:13 PM)loop Wrote:
(11-13-2011, 11:54 AM)Namaste Wrote: Anyone who sells ascension, i.e. 'activation codes' is either dishonest or confused.

Have you seen Inelia's article about the Debt Chain:

I personally asked her for the Ascension Course ($99) for free, just because I can't afford it yet, due to a decision I took to stay without job for the first 9 months since my child's birth. I now work again, but it'll take few more months until we can afford putting money to something else but the basic survival stuff. I definitely intend to pay for it asap, as it's well worth to.

The Dept Chain article resonates so naturally with me. I think I second the concept that the way the world is, some things should not be "for free" just for the sake of preventing the Dept Chain.

Even though, in an interview, Inelia says that the majority of the people are not paying for it, since they say that they can't afford it :-/. When her assistant sent me the download link, she also advised me to start doing the "Reconnecting with the spirit of money" exercise:

I don't agree with her notions. One is able to offer unconditional love (albeit healing, information, or any other service) without expectation of anything in return. When the other self accepts the offer with genuine gratitude (love), how can that be anything but positively polarising? That is in fact, the basis of fourth density positive :¬)

To add, I don't think she is entirely genuine. Firstly, there is lots of useful information on the website. None of it is new.

Secondly, some of her information clashes with the Ra Material.

Thirdly, she charges for ascension courses, yet, claimed she had the option to leave this body but stayed around to serve until 2017. 6 years left to help as many people as possible and yet she restricts information based upon financial exchange. That limits the minds that can reach her soul saving information exponentially. Hardly the actions of a being with a direct connection to source :¬)

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Odinn - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 03:13 PM)loop Wrote: [...]I can't afford it yet, due to a decision I took to stay without job for the first 9 months since my child's birth. I now work again, but it'll take few more months until we can afford putting money to something else but the basic survival stuff.[...]

That's the acting I was talking about... (and btw congrats on that decision ;-)

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - loop - 11-13-2011

(11-13-2011, 05:44 PM)Namaste Wrote: I don't agree with her notions. One is able to offer unconditional love (albeit healing, information, or any other service) without expectation of anything in return. When the other self accepts the offer with genuine gratitude (love), how can that be anything but positively polarising? That is in fact, the basis of fourth density positive :¬)

To add, I don't think she is entirely genuine. Firstly, there is lots of useful information on the website. None of it is new.

Secondly, some of her information clashes with the Ra Material.

Thirdly, she charges for ascension courses, yet, claimed she had the option to leave this body but stayed around to serve until 2017. 6 years left to help as many people as possible and yet she restricts information based upon financial exchange. That limits the minds that can reach her soul saving information exponentially. Hardly the actions of a being with a direct connection to source :¬)

well, your (genuine) reasoning made me give the hint to the Debt Chain article. For a 4th density world, giving free stuff is natural. I wish it to be so in our particular 3D world too, but that doesn't seem to be the case in this specific world. She offers a lot of freely accessible "uplifiting" information, which on it's own is sufficient for rising the collective's vibrations. The "Ascension Course" is an extra, which one can use to further work on the Self. It is a set of very practical exercises designed and guided very professionally. I really mean it when I say that it's worth the [~optional] $99.

I too have mixed feelings about the fact that we are asked to pay the course, when we can obviously have it for free at the first place. My feeling though is that the cost is placed so that the Debt Chain would be solved. Even though, $99 is quite a lot (why not $9,99), but again, it is a quality class and has it's copyright. It truly is unlike anything else I've met on the webs.

As per her genuinity, Wonderers develop distorsions, we are warned and should expect it Wink. I perceive that she is hiding/twisting/distorting information/facts for some reasons, but again, we incarnates do it, so I'm be far from blaming her for this. On the flip-side, unlike Ra, her message is somehow more attached to our human nature. The depth is unmatchable to the LOO, but I find it complementary and mostly in harmony, the best part being that she provides practical and applicable exercises to aid us in our self-realization & mastery process. All the meditation practices and classes I've tried are in total sync with the LOO message and are leading towards an STO polarization - they all build the "WE ARE ONE" perception.

All and all, her work is enjoyable and spending time on her exercises appears more beneficial to me than reading claimed channeling of Salusa, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Pleiadeans and the rest of the gang at & While there probably is authentic info in these channelings, there's also a lot of sensibel STS interference too. I think I've reached a point in which my desire for actual meditative(=awareness expansion) work outgrows my desire to read others' "dream worlds". Those giving me actual and applicable tools are those who I choose to trust from here on. These for now are the LOO, Inelia, CAC and occasionally few others.

(11-13-2011, 05:51 PM)Odinn Wrote: That's the acting I was talking about... (and By the way congrats on that decision ;-)

Thanks! To be honest, I feel that I got help from my HS as the things somehow got arranged to happen. Nonetheless, I was really seeking the outcome of being jobless and dedicated to help my wife with growing our boy in the first 3/4 of this year. Inevitably, I have to start bringing money again and I am thankful that I found (or was found by) a relatively good job with a very nice team in startup software company. I really miss the time with my baby boy a lot, but that's how it has to be - winter's knocking on the door and the household expenses have to be covered. At least I'm feeling how the situation is changing at rapid pace, as the way the humanity is used to work (40+ hours a week) is crazy. The kids are suffering from these work habits we have and I don't agree on this - I want the rules of the game changed for good.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - yossarian - 11-13-2011

Putting it up for $100 and then giving it away for free might be a technique to increase the value of the course in people's minds so that they won't forget to complete it.

Apparently she has given away hundreds of thousands of courses for free.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - native - 11-13-2011

(11-12-2011, 10:00 PM)yossarian Wrote: I'm starting to think it's all there to screw with us.

Trying to understand it all certainly is fruitless. We're here to work on our self in relation to others, and that's it.

Not sure what you mean by crystal activation, but I will say crystals in general are useful. I don't get carried away with them, but they definitely raise your vibration and can provide information that seeps its way into your conscious mind over meditation.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Oceania - 11-13-2011

what if we're not supposed to look inside?

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - 3DMonkey - 11-13-2011

If curiosity kills the cat, then call me a short haired domestic because I'm going in.

RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - native - 11-13-2011


RE: Is all the talk of "activation" just bullshit to get you to look outside yourself? - Oceania - 11-13-2011

lol i'm scared.