01-30-2018, 02:32 PM
(01-30-2018, 09:57 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Here’s the philosophy from “The Mystical Qabalah”:
Quote:These four Elements are said to be the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water of the Wise - that is to say, four types of activity. They are represented in notation of esoteric science by four different types of triangle. Fire is represented by a triangle upwards; Air by a similar triangle with a bar across it, thus indicating that Air may be esteemed as akin in nature to Fire, but denser. In fact, we should not go far wrong if we called Air, Negative Fire, or Fire, Positive Air. Water is represented by a triangle point downwards, and Earth by the same triangle with a bar across it; and to these two symbols the same principles apply as to their predecessors.
Supposing, then, we consider the Fire triangle as representing unconditioned force and the Air triangle representing conditional force, the Earth triangle as representing totally inert form and the Water triangle as representing an active type of form, we have another mode of classification available. In the most ancient myths, the air, or space-god, is the parent of the sun, celestial fire, and water is the matrix of earth. This comes out clearly on the Central Pillar of the Tree of Life, where Kether, space, overshadows Tiphareth, the sun centre, and the watery Yesod, the moon-centre, overshadows the earthly Malkuth.
The ability for the Tree of Life to explain metaphysical and spiritual principles and concepts, is why I love it! What other mysteries lie hidden within the glyph and the relationships of the Sephiroth and the paths?
I would add to this that often in classical philosophy you will actually see Earth and Water combined as one element and hence you also see the three element arrangement of Fire, Air, Water but in fact Earth is included with Water.
Here is some explanation which is drawn from the First Knowledge Lecture of Golden Dawn (such as the version Regardie put out). The elements are composed of combinations of the two principles of temperature and moisture. So, we have:
Fire - Heat and Dryness
Air - Heat and Wetness
Earth - Cold and Dryness
Water - Cold and Wetness
In this context "heat" could very well refer to "force" and "cold" could very well refer to "form". This makes sense if you understand 'high vibration' to correspond with heat, high activity and 'low vibration' to be low activity. It is often said that matter is just energy at a slow vibration.
Another way to consider this is through simple chemistry. Oxygen is what feeds Fire and so the matter of Air becomes the matter of Fire when it is 'ignited'. Thus, they are the same matter of differing phases. Earth and Water are well demonstrated through ice whereby we see clearly that Earth and Water are also two forms of the same matter at differing phases. In truth, all the elements can be transformed in to eachother but there is distinction in particular between the 'hot' and the 'cold'. Consider this not just in terms of physical temperature but in terms of COLOUR and FEELING.