12-30-2011, 09:25 PM
(12-28-2011, 09:08 AM)Cyan Wrote: Thanks, i didnt think anyone was still reading my processes.
It is facinating as no matter who I am, my reflections are always a reflection of something. So. By default. Even if I am STS-Sto-Something else-Neutral-In my defences. Reading my material with the proper PoV is a positive experience.
The positive nature of anyones experience is "how much STO-STS" Do they see in each individual they encounter. Or, in another way. On what aspect of the creation do they focus on.
And to me, and in my PoV. Every interaction, no matter what the nature, content and direction of that intercation is, the experience itself is positive and has no negativity beyond what I choose to enter into the situation.
I intentionally mirror the absolute minimal amount of negativity that I can maintain while sitll having my own individual creation, or, STO-Potential, as I see it.
Too much STO causes a person to explode, and it is one of the hardest lessons to learn for a STo directed entity (Form a individual self barrier or perish).
Too much STS causes a person to implode. And it is one of the harest lessons to learn for a STS directed entity (Accept other selves as real and individuals).
My model, and my experiences correspond to a probable world where earth has been leaning in a STS direction for decades. Slowly heading towards STO direction.
I am a very STO entity with a very very difficult life lesson directly designed by me to force myself to intentionally manipulate STS strands to form a protective shell. Followed by equally deliberately removing said shell one strand at a time and allowing for resumption of STO-communication.
Only way on this level to reach the STO-candidates is to be able to mis-direct and delibrately defend oneself from STS-candidates.
Now, having reached a point where I strongly feel I am within who I wish to be, and thus, protected. I am able to start mapping the world around me in a way that I feel is objective.
Towards that view, which i feel is objective and i feel I am able to manifest with intent. My actions to others are STO always, regardless of what I do, as there is never this "self" to give power to, other than in the sense whereby two electrons are both the same electron but both must intentionally manifest their own electric field even when separated from the mass.
Not sure if what I said makes much sense to anyone, it is very difficult to find the proper words to describe something that in my mind has several more dimensions than what the English language will allow. So the decription seems jumbled and like it is jumping over points. I do that because to explain what happens when the reader notices a "jump" would take several dozen pages at least.
Thank you if anyone is sitll reading and finds my things interesting, even if you do not provide feedback as I had hoped
Here's some feedback: Less Brain, More Heart. Try it out.