09-21-2020, 11:35 AM
(09-21-2020, 09:03 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...
If I place a title, "doctor" before my name and wear a white lab coat, this is considered instant credibility. Even before these credentials are considered and challenged. That has always felt wrong to me, although I hvae only pinpointed why recently. Although 2020 certainly gives people 2020 vision on certain matters relating to authorities.
There are so many logical fallacies and this is one of them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority
Even scientists discussing science are bathed in fallacies all the time. So we can't expect people to follow the rules for a good exchange of arguments.
Personally, I do my best to follow them even when discussing spiritual matters. Since words are distortions and it is already so difficult to understand each others, at least we can help ourselves by learning this skill.
And yes I agree that the confusion is on purpose. What we need now I believe is to find ways to test (scientifically) the physics hypotheses that are more spiritual in influence, or just to find tests for the metaphysical per se. If we succeed in finding ways of testing these things, it would be an indication that 4D really is available right now. Because in 3D this would probably remain un-doable, otherwise as you said that would make the whole point of 3D moot.