I have taken part of this meditation once. Here is what I did.
First, I visualized the opening of the chackras to "working level". Then I placed myself in a sort of etheric body, capable of directing and handling more light than a physical vehicle.
Then I simply opened the channels for compassion, forgiveness and love. When the idea of "Lucifer" came to mind, what I did is that I imagined the circle of hatred and separation that, through wisdom and love, becomes the concept of unity again.
I did not invoke any controlling form. My thoughts were: "All is well. I understand how the growth is handled in a veiled enviroment like this. I hold no grudge towards anyone involved. All is well".
What I personally feel in regards to this matter is this:
When first someone gets involved with all this "conciousness raising stuff", the heart chakra is the leader. The focus is "ending suffering". This, however, does not seem to be a stance of wisdom, a stance of violet chakra being in the lead. From that point of view, "ending suffering" becomes "all is well". All is well, because one needs to feel said suffering to even arrive at a point to say "oh, I want to end suffering." There is no ending of shadows if we do not find ourselves some first.
And that does not mean that anyone should go and look for shadows now - the mere fact that we are contemplating such ideas in forums like this shows that we have attained the roles of those who look beyond the single actions, and realize and/or recognize the patterns involved in this. And the pattern always end with Judgement ("I want in, cause I feel like I know better") or Acceptance ("I see this as it is, and I see how it plays out").
The closest analogy I can think of here is reading a REALLY GOOD book, and looking at some "arch enemy", and saying "hm, I think he is just an evil, sadistic no one" or saying "Hm. I understand the position he is at. I would not choose it in a million years, but I understand how he could have arrived in a state of mind that allows him to do what he does."
...to put a more personal line into all this, I still have got only one real contact out of "Higher beings", in my dreams. I remember it clearly, and I still did not do anything about it. It said: "stop looking at things on the individual level. Focus on the archetypes."
First, I visualized the opening of the chackras to "working level". Then I placed myself in a sort of etheric body, capable of directing and handling more light than a physical vehicle.
Then I simply opened the channels for compassion, forgiveness and love. When the idea of "Lucifer" came to mind, what I did is that I imagined the circle of hatred and separation that, through wisdom and love, becomes the concept of unity again.
I did not invoke any controlling form. My thoughts were: "All is well. I understand how the growth is handled in a veiled enviroment like this. I hold no grudge towards anyone involved. All is well".
What I personally feel in regards to this matter is this:
When first someone gets involved with all this "conciousness raising stuff", the heart chakra is the leader. The focus is "ending suffering". This, however, does not seem to be a stance of wisdom, a stance of violet chakra being in the lead. From that point of view, "ending suffering" becomes "all is well". All is well, because one needs to feel said suffering to even arrive at a point to say "oh, I want to end suffering." There is no ending of shadows if we do not find ourselves some first.
And that does not mean that anyone should go and look for shadows now - the mere fact that we are contemplating such ideas in forums like this shows that we have attained the roles of those who look beyond the single actions, and realize and/or recognize the patterns involved in this. And the pattern always end with Judgement ("I want in, cause I feel like I know better") or Acceptance ("I see this as it is, and I see how it plays out").
The closest analogy I can think of here is reading a REALLY GOOD book, and looking at some "arch enemy", and saying "hm, I think he is just an evil, sadistic no one" or saying "Hm. I understand the position he is at. I would not choose it in a million years, but I understand how he could have arrived in a state of mind that allows him to do what he does."
...to put a more personal line into all this, I still have got only one real contact out of "Higher beings", in my dreams. I remember it clearly, and I still did not do anything about it. It said: "stop looking at things on the individual level. Focus on the archetypes."