I was born into a poor Mormon/Latter Day Saint family of 6 children in Alberta Canada.
My first memories are of becoming aware of little things like being able to breath on command and moving my fingers and toes and limbs on command. It seemed strange that I was in a body, hard to explain but it was foreign feeling from the time I was 3 or so years old and was becoming aware. I yearned for knowledge and begged my dad to take me to school before I was old enough.
I was never afraid to ask questions and throughout my school years it got me into a lot of trouble because I wouldn't accept the cookie cutter answers that people were fed through tradition. It's not polite to question your elders you know??
My mom was very good about telling us the tradition Mormon stories of where we came from, why we are here and what happens when we die. I feel very blessed to have been born into a family that accepted that we weren't just an accident and that life had meaning and purpose.
We were taught that in the Pre existence we chose our families and the general type of life and experiences we wanted. We were taught that when we were born a veil was placed upon us so we could forget our Pre-earth life and learn obedience to the fathers commandments so we could return to live with him. Among other things, many of which I have found no fault with. The Law of One has added further confirmation to the things I have always known. For example Ra states that a wanderer will find the information to be useful. I have shared the Law of One with many others and literally nobody I have shared it with has bothered to read it, including my mom.
I was never very popular but usually well liked because It always made sense to me to treat others as I would like to be treated. I sensed the Karmic law from an early age and felt if I hurt others it would only serve to hurt me in return. When kids were fighting in the playground or after school there was always announced a "winner" and even though I got into fights my self I never once felt like a winner, no matter what the outcome, I simply felt the effects and the hurt I caused the loser. To my credit, I only seemed to get into fights when someone needed my defense or when someone made fun of my family. We were very poor so I always felt obligated to defend them, and to defend those in need, to keep the peace. Even in my own family I always felt like the peace maker. "blessed are the peacemakers" would run through my mind.
I always had trouble in school, since I would ask many questions, wanting to know the under-lying reason for all things. I was never content to accept things without feeling I fully understand the how and Why behind it.
I skipped school a lot but not to go and goof off as most kids would (although I did have my fair share), it was to get out in nature. I spent a lot of time while skipping school, after school, and on weekends out in the woods near our home when we moved to British Columbia. I was never afraid of the woods and always felt that I was being protected from anything that would do me harm.
I also harbored a lot of anger as child, part of it was because my family always seemed to be in turmoil, and the other part most likely came from the lack of truth I was getting, and the vague answers I was being fed. The common response to my deepest questions was something like "we're not meant to know everything in this life, but we will remember everything when we die"... While there is much truth to this statement I felt that my life purpose was to find out to my hearts content the answers to the questions I sought.
I'm sure I could write a book about my experiences and maybe I will one day. For now I want to briefly go through how I came to this website.
I was browsing the internet looking for things on UFO's etc when I came across David Wilcox's site divinecosmos.com and found one of his articles. When I began to read it, complex as it was, a light turned on. I couldn't get enough of his stuff. I also take everything with a grain of salt and often try to dis-prove things before I accept them into my heart as truth. His article led me to The Law of One series by Ra. God bless those involved for bringing that work to light! Many of the teachings confirmed many of the Mormon beliefs I grew up with in a very profound way, and many of them simply showed me how primitive the worlds beliefs really are.
For example, In the mormon church we are are taught that we are all sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father who created us in spirit form in pre-earth life. For a time we lived in bliss, not knowing as gods do, good and evil or "duality". A great plan of happiness was presented to all the hosts of heaven in which we would be given bodies, and a world that would teach us the things necessary to return to our heavenly father and, obtain all that he has. We cheered at this plan, however it was understood that we would make many mistakes and inherit the carnal nature of man. In doing so we would sin, and sometimes greatly, hurting our fellow man. For this there would need to be a savior since no unclean thing can dwell with God, we would have to be redeemed. Our two eldest brothers, Jesus and Lucifer both said that they would volunteer. Jesus' plan was that he would go and be our redeemer and do all that the father asked of him, and the glory would be the father's. Lucifer also had a plan that not one of the hosts of heaven would be lost, we would be made to do good so we could return to live with our heavenly father - for sure.
The was a "war" in heaven as the hosts of heaven decided who they would follow, since we had our free agency to choose, even then. 1/3 of all the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer's plan and rebelled against god and were cast out of his presence, and inherited the earth, becoming the devils and demons that would tempt us and try to beguile us into becoming miserable like them, having no thought for good.
The rest of us would be sent to fulfill our mission to obtain bodies and live out our existence under the veil and would have to work hard so we could return to live with our heavenly father.
I knew that this was just a very basic representation of what actually happened. It left me with many questions. Of course there are many more things we are taught in the mormon faith, this isn't a commercial for mormons, I'm just trying to accurately portray how I have come to the present understanding of myself, as a possibly wanderer. As I'm still not 100% sure, but for now it feels right to accept it as truth.
I always felt that other people could hear what I was thinking and so I would assume they knew what I meant when I was talking about something. I would have trouble communicating what I was actually thinking or feeling since I felt that nobody would really understand what I was trying to say or communicate.
I have always been drawn to the stars, astronomy, and have searched the scriptures for truth about our origin and answers to my questions. I have always felt close to my heavenly father and felt that my purpose was to provide service to my fellow man, and to take nothing from them without giving something back of equal or greater value. As if I am here for them and not for me. I have felt intense sorrow for those who have hurt others willingly. As Jesus said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Those words I have repeated to myself and God many times.
In the Mormon church we are taught that we can communicate directly with God and receive personal revelation if we have sufficient faith and purity of purpose. The foundation of the Mormon church began when Joseph smith Read James 1:15, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him". This helped me have faith in the Ra material, as we are taught to seek truth, and to use our discernment when necessary. The Law of One by Ra made much sense to me that our brethren from another planet or group would try to help us where possible without infringing on our free agency.
I have received all answers to my questions to my satisfaction when, and only when I was ready for them.
For now it is late so I wont write any more but I think this is sufficient for now. I will add more as my thoughts and time allow. I have become a seeker for ultimate truth and thirst to know many things. I believe what Ra says, that it is possible for 3rd dimensional wanderers to become fully conscious of their heritage. I feel as though I have come close to that many times. I have also had a very life changing experience when I had to make a choice to live or die, and I chose to live because I had an intense feeling that I hadn't yet learned to truly Love. That is why I am still here. I will write more on this later. For now, please accept this as my testimony that I am becoming awake to my status as a wanderer and I have a deep love for mankind, my brothers and sisters and wish to help in any way that I can.
My first memories are of becoming aware of little things like being able to breath on command and moving my fingers and toes and limbs on command. It seemed strange that I was in a body, hard to explain but it was foreign feeling from the time I was 3 or so years old and was becoming aware. I yearned for knowledge and begged my dad to take me to school before I was old enough.
I was never afraid to ask questions and throughout my school years it got me into a lot of trouble because I wouldn't accept the cookie cutter answers that people were fed through tradition. It's not polite to question your elders you know??
My mom was very good about telling us the tradition Mormon stories of where we came from, why we are here and what happens when we die. I feel very blessed to have been born into a family that accepted that we weren't just an accident and that life had meaning and purpose.
We were taught that in the Pre existence we chose our families and the general type of life and experiences we wanted. We were taught that when we were born a veil was placed upon us so we could forget our Pre-earth life and learn obedience to the fathers commandments so we could return to live with him. Among other things, many of which I have found no fault with. The Law of One has added further confirmation to the things I have always known. For example Ra states that a wanderer will find the information to be useful. I have shared the Law of One with many others and literally nobody I have shared it with has bothered to read it, including my mom.
I was never very popular but usually well liked because It always made sense to me to treat others as I would like to be treated. I sensed the Karmic law from an early age and felt if I hurt others it would only serve to hurt me in return. When kids were fighting in the playground or after school there was always announced a "winner" and even though I got into fights my self I never once felt like a winner, no matter what the outcome, I simply felt the effects and the hurt I caused the loser. To my credit, I only seemed to get into fights when someone needed my defense or when someone made fun of my family. We were very poor so I always felt obligated to defend them, and to defend those in need, to keep the peace. Even in my own family I always felt like the peace maker. "blessed are the peacemakers" would run through my mind.
I always had trouble in school, since I would ask many questions, wanting to know the under-lying reason for all things. I was never content to accept things without feeling I fully understand the how and Why behind it.
I skipped school a lot but not to go and goof off as most kids would (although I did have my fair share), it was to get out in nature. I spent a lot of time while skipping school, after school, and on weekends out in the woods near our home when we moved to British Columbia. I was never afraid of the woods and always felt that I was being protected from anything that would do me harm.
I also harbored a lot of anger as child, part of it was because my family always seemed to be in turmoil, and the other part most likely came from the lack of truth I was getting, and the vague answers I was being fed. The common response to my deepest questions was something like "we're not meant to know everything in this life, but we will remember everything when we die"... While there is much truth to this statement I felt that my life purpose was to find out to my hearts content the answers to the questions I sought.
I'm sure I could write a book about my experiences and maybe I will one day. For now I want to briefly go through how I came to this website.
I was browsing the internet looking for things on UFO's etc when I came across David Wilcox's site divinecosmos.com and found one of his articles. When I began to read it, complex as it was, a light turned on. I couldn't get enough of his stuff. I also take everything with a grain of salt and often try to dis-prove things before I accept them into my heart as truth. His article led me to The Law of One series by Ra. God bless those involved for bringing that work to light! Many of the teachings confirmed many of the Mormon beliefs I grew up with in a very profound way, and many of them simply showed me how primitive the worlds beliefs really are.
For example, In the mormon church we are are taught that we are all sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father who created us in spirit form in pre-earth life. For a time we lived in bliss, not knowing as gods do, good and evil or "duality". A great plan of happiness was presented to all the hosts of heaven in which we would be given bodies, and a world that would teach us the things necessary to return to our heavenly father and, obtain all that he has. We cheered at this plan, however it was understood that we would make many mistakes and inherit the carnal nature of man. In doing so we would sin, and sometimes greatly, hurting our fellow man. For this there would need to be a savior since no unclean thing can dwell with God, we would have to be redeemed. Our two eldest brothers, Jesus and Lucifer both said that they would volunteer. Jesus' plan was that he would go and be our redeemer and do all that the father asked of him, and the glory would be the father's. Lucifer also had a plan that not one of the hosts of heaven would be lost, we would be made to do good so we could return to live with our heavenly father - for sure.
The was a "war" in heaven as the hosts of heaven decided who they would follow, since we had our free agency to choose, even then. 1/3 of all the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer's plan and rebelled against god and were cast out of his presence, and inherited the earth, becoming the devils and demons that would tempt us and try to beguile us into becoming miserable like them, having no thought for good.
The rest of us would be sent to fulfill our mission to obtain bodies and live out our existence under the veil and would have to work hard so we could return to live with our heavenly father.
I knew that this was just a very basic representation of what actually happened. It left me with many questions. Of course there are many more things we are taught in the mormon faith, this isn't a commercial for mormons, I'm just trying to accurately portray how I have come to the present understanding of myself, as a possibly wanderer. As I'm still not 100% sure, but for now it feels right to accept it as truth.
I always felt that other people could hear what I was thinking and so I would assume they knew what I meant when I was talking about something. I would have trouble communicating what I was actually thinking or feeling since I felt that nobody would really understand what I was trying to say or communicate.
I have always been drawn to the stars, astronomy, and have searched the scriptures for truth about our origin and answers to my questions. I have always felt close to my heavenly father and felt that my purpose was to provide service to my fellow man, and to take nothing from them without giving something back of equal or greater value. As if I am here for them and not for me. I have felt intense sorrow for those who have hurt others willingly. As Jesus said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Those words I have repeated to myself and God many times.
In the Mormon church we are taught that we can communicate directly with God and receive personal revelation if we have sufficient faith and purity of purpose. The foundation of the Mormon church began when Joseph smith Read James 1:15, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him". This helped me have faith in the Ra material, as we are taught to seek truth, and to use our discernment when necessary. The Law of One by Ra made much sense to me that our brethren from another planet or group would try to help us where possible without infringing on our free agency.
I have received all answers to my questions to my satisfaction when, and only when I was ready for them.
For now it is late so I wont write any more but I think this is sufficient for now. I will add more as my thoughts and time allow. I have become a seeker for ultimate truth and thirst to know many things. I believe what Ra says, that it is possible for 3rd dimensional wanderers to become fully conscious of their heritage. I feel as though I have come close to that many times. I have also had a very life changing experience when I had to make a choice to live or die, and I chose to live because I had an intense feeling that I hadn't yet learned to truly Love. That is why I am still here. I will write more on this later. For now, please accept this as my testimony that I am becoming awake to my status as a wanderer and I have a deep love for mankind, my brothers and sisters and wish to help in any way that I can.