05-16-2022, 10:31 AM
New to the forum. One thing that it really costed me to wrap my head around is the Octaves. There are many mentions of them in the books, but, since Ra was still of this octave or creation, many things where even unknown to him/it/her, or chose not to disclose them.
I want to hear thoughts, opinions, on what you feel about octaves of creation. Is there a mathematical reason for being an "octave"? what do you believe they are?
The topic just fascinates me. And even more, are we on the first octave, or more "up the ladder"? I'll leave my beliefs below.
I do feel like octaves are just different densities, but not tethered together. I believe that densities within a same-octave are like a layered sandwich, where layers can only see down. One layer below cannot fully access its above layer, or stare at it directly, but it can feel there is a higher layer. When a superior layer, can perfectly see the entire "sandwich" of layers beneath it.
In this silly analogy, to me, an octave is a different "sandwich". Where one, cannot affect the other one, you can just stack them.
That may explain why higher density same-octave beings have a tremendous stake in mankind evolving, and have "tweaked" human history through interventional events such as preventing future nuclear wars (aside from preserving to the fullest of their abilities free will on average). I believe this is so because such events could have a tremendous impact on the entire octave, not only our density.
May be this got too complicated, and I apologize. But I'm eager to read your own opinions and learn by exploring them.
(I also found these fascinating images, which I have not yet fully analyzed)
New to the forum. One thing that it really costed me to wrap my head around is the Octaves. There are many mentions of them in the books, but, since Ra was still of this octave or creation, many things where even unknown to him/it/her, or chose not to disclose them.
I want to hear thoughts, opinions, on what you feel about octaves of creation. Is there a mathematical reason for being an "octave"? what do you believe they are?
The topic just fascinates me. And even more, are we on the first octave, or more "up the ladder"? I'll leave my beliefs below.
I do feel like octaves are just different densities, but not tethered together. I believe that densities within a same-octave are like a layered sandwich, where layers can only see down. One layer below cannot fully access its above layer, or stare at it directly, but it can feel there is a higher layer. When a superior layer, can perfectly see the entire "sandwich" of layers beneath it.
In this silly analogy, to me, an octave is a different "sandwich". Where one, cannot affect the other one, you can just stack them.
That may explain why higher density same-octave beings have a tremendous stake in mankind evolving, and have "tweaked" human history through interventional events such as preventing future nuclear wars (aside from preserving to the fullest of their abilities free will on average). I believe this is so because such events could have a tremendous impact on the entire octave, not only our density.
May be this got too complicated, and I apologize. But I'm eager to read your own opinions and learn by exploring them.
(I also found these fascinating images, which I have not yet fully analyzed)