So I was in and out of a dream-like and meditative state while going in and out of a nap about 20 minutes ago and I started to think about how my life has changed recently. I don't remember the context of what was happening but my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of that my outer reality only changed when my inner one did, and my inner and outer reality were having an intellectual debate about it (which is dumb but anyways
). So I already know that when you change the more inner part, the outer reflections change and all that jazz, but what I was wondering is how deep you can change whatever it is that is changed. Because, at the very basic level, all is just Love, but it's not like I can change Love to Love and have things in space/time change.
So this brings me to my question, does anyone know or have any ideas about how many levels of being there are? That is, there's my outer reality which is a manifestation of my inner reality, which is probably infinite in depth, and somehow gets to Love/Light and Light/Love, and yea... If I'm being super vague I'll try to rephrase, but for now we'll go with this
Where I would go from here, wherever here becomes, is changing at the deepest level for the fastest being-change possible, if that makes any sense. :p All thoughts, information, advice, guidance, criticisms, rants, cautions, recommendations, fairy tales, and things like that are welcome
Peace, Love and Light

So this brings me to my question, does anyone know or have any ideas about how many levels of being there are? That is, there's my outer reality which is a manifestation of my inner reality, which is probably infinite in depth, and somehow gets to Love/Light and Light/Love, and yea... If I'm being super vague I'll try to rephrase, but for now we'll go with this

Where I would go from here, wherever here becomes, is changing at the deepest level for the fastest being-change possible, if that makes any sense. :p All thoughts, information, advice, guidance, criticisms, rants, cautions, recommendations, fairy tales, and things like that are welcome

Peace, Love and Light