Levels of being - Printable Version

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Levels of being - JoshC - 07-09-2010

So I was in and out of a dream-like and meditative state while going in and out of a nap about 20 minutes ago and I started to think about how my life has changed recently. I don't remember the context of what was happening but my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of that my outer reality only changed when my inner one did, and my inner and outer reality were having an intellectual debate about it (which is dumb but anyways Tongue). So I already know that when you change the more inner part, the outer reflections change and all that jazz, but what I was wondering is how deep you can change whatever it is that is changed. Because, at the very basic level, all is just Love, but it's not like I can change Love to Love and have things in space/time change.

So this brings me to my question, does anyone know or have any ideas about how many levels of being there are? That is, there's my outer reality which is a manifestation of my inner reality, which is probably infinite in depth, and somehow gets to Love/Light and Light/Love, and yea... If I'm being super vague I'll try to rephrase, but for now we'll go with this Smile

Where I would go from here, wherever here becomes, is changing at the deepest level for the fastest being-change possible, if that makes any sense. :p All thoughts, information, advice, guidance, criticisms, rants, cautions, recommendations, fairy tales, and things like that are welcome Smile

Peace, Love and Light

RE: Levels of being - Aaron - 07-09-2010

Hi, Josh. Smile On "fastest being-change possible": For me, usually, a change in my state-of-being will be realized over days or weeks of mindful application of a concept to my everyday waking life. For example, I will come across a bit like "There is no separation between the self and what IS.", and in the following days, I will keep that in mind, pulling it up and repeating it as needed while processing catalyst. However, surprisingly, the most pronounced changes have come when I literally wake from sleep differently than usual. And here, I think, is the difference between wisdom that is told to you, and wisdom that is actually experienced.

It's next to impossible for me to put the waking experiences into words. But I'll try. It's happened to me twice now though, and both of the following days were blessed and filled with joy. On waking, I would start to become aware of myself just before I woke up, and I would feel my consciousness become "squeezed" or "compressed" or "funneled" into my body. And after I sit up in bed, I would retain this kind of background vibration, or remembrance of being in a state of love that is untouched by doubts of the self or others. On those days, it's easier to process catalyst because that memory of existing in a different layer of reality, a layer where love is known, is so reassuring.

EDIT: Peregrinus just posted this quote on facebook that brilliantly captures the message I'm trying to convey.

“I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy.” —Rabindranath Tagore"

RE: Levels of being - norral - 07-10-2010

u might want to check out initiation human and solar by alice bailey
that goes into different levels of being


RE: Levels of being - Questioner - 07-15-2010

Hi Josh,

Are you familiar with the puzzle Sudoko? It has a grid of rows and columns, with a few numbers filled in, and rules about where numbers are allowed to go. The challenge is to use logical rules to fill in the blank spots. For example, if there's a row that already has a number 2 in it, you can't put another number 2 in that row.

I see our co-creation of reality as Spiritual Sudoko. Well, this person is consistently loving so it's not possible to use them for nasty manipulations. This other person is certain that they will kick every dog they encounter, so it would be better for them to not be elected dogcatcher. Meanwhile, another person is a diligent hard worker. That means that lazy sloppiness can't get put into their column! We all have our desires and goals, changing moment to moment. Our shared universe is the most efficient way to accommodate what we all truly believe. Eventually all the missing pieces will get filled in, which will mean the end of time and God's review of how this game turned out.

How does this apply to your own life? By remaining certain, firm, convinced in the spiritual and emotional essence of what you desire - its meaning and feeling, how you'll act when you achieve it - while flexible about the way in which the desire gets fulfilled.

If you say you want one particular situation in life before you're happy, you spill your own preconditions across much of the Spiritual Sudoko grid. That doesn't give much room to maneuver to other people, or to the forces of Heaven.

If you instead focus on your own inner qualities - such as being a happy and loving person, or a powerfully effective person, or some other feeling - then you anchor your row and column, and leave plenty of room for the world to change around you. You go from being a happy, loving, effective person whose vision isn't fulfilled yet, to a happy, loving, effective person whose vision is made real around you - while respecting the free will of everyone else.

I recently came across an excellent free book about how to completely design your vision, so that the law of attraction inspires your best actions to make it real.

I'm not sure if this answers your original question, but I hope it's inspiring for you as it has been for me. Let me know if this addresses your question.

RE: Levels of being - JoshC - 07-15-2010

Thanks for the books, guys, I've started both of them. Will get back to you on 'em!

Love and Light