10-17-2013, 12:17 PM
this is a session done a few years before the Ra contact began (1979). It is interesting as it correlates with a few key points that Ra made regards the octave.
Hatonn here is saying that 4th density correlates to the Astral Plane.
here 5th density is called 'devachanic'.
in a passage on the 7 bodies which correlate to vehicles in which mind/body/spirit complexes can interact with the different densities, this is the term that Ra offers us as well.
"47.8 The light body or blue-ray body may be called the devachanic body. There are many other names for this body especially in your so-called Indian Sutras or writings, for there are those among these peoples which have explored these regions and understand the various types of devachanic bodies."
new question
Ra references the number 500 in their discussion of the Confederation.
"There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation."
well, this at least clarifies some of the terminology used for me. I was undecided as to whether the astral referred to inner planes 3d, or if it was a different density.
it is probably best to conceive of the octave as a 'whole'; and while there are boundary points, we do have access to the other notes of the octave given enough discipline and desire to seek.
I will end with the godfather Ra speaking
47.8 Each of these bodies has an effect upon your mind/body/spirit complex in your life beingness. The interrelationships, as we have said, are many and complex.
These bodies are part of each entity and the proper use of them and understanding of them is, though far advanced from the standpoint of third-density harvest, nevertheless useful to the adept.
full perusal is available here: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0617.aspx
Hatonn Wrote:H: I have a question. I keep reading in the literature—metaphysical literature, psychic literature—that there are seven levels, seven states of consciousness, seven heavens, or something of this sort. Is this a valid concept?
We are aware of the question. I am Hatonn. You are no doubt familiar with the concept of quantum mechanics and also with the octave which you may find on any piano.
There are in a major scale, as this instrument would put it, seven different notes, having a relationship to each other which is pleasant. And then there is an octave. In that octave there is an identity—top note with bottom and the tonality begins again. Thus it is with quanta, where you have just so much occurring within a quantum; and then there is a leap, shall we say, to another set of configurations.
There has often been in your culture the term “seventh heaven” heard, and it is only one of many popular beliefs that there is not only a heaven but that there are various heavens for those who have done various things,
Your rather primitive Christian dogma would limit one’s heavens to two—one good and one bad—with a rather neutral zone in between for those who have not yet decided whether to be bad or good. This is not accurate.
Quote:There are, indeed, seven levels within the realm within the next dimension or quantum—from you. This plane has been called by Theosophists the astral plane.
Hatonn here is saying that 4th density correlates to the Astral Plane.
Quote:Beyond that quantum there is a further octave of seven, and that plane is sometimes called the devachanic. Beyond that plane there is another octave of seven, which is sometimes called spiritual by your people. Beyond that plane few among your peoples who are incarnate upon your planet have traveled.
here 5th density is called 'devachanic'.
in a passage on the 7 bodies which correlate to vehicles in which mind/body/spirit complexes can interact with the different densities, this is the term that Ra offers us as well.
"47.8 The light body or blue-ray body may be called the devachanic body. There are many other names for this body especially in your so-called Indian Sutras or writings, for there are those among these peoples which have explored these regions and understand the various types of devachanic bodies."
Quote:There are an infinite number of octaves in the heavenly music. The number seven, however, is the number of completeness, for that is, shall we say, the scale of vibrations within each quantum.
Does this answer your question, my brother?
new question

Quote:H: Yes, thank you—except I would like to know now in which octave or in which level of an octave are you?
Well, we are speaking only for ourselves, for we are only one of over 500 civilizations which take part in this operation concerning planet Earth, the planet of sadness, at this time.
Ra references the number 500 in their discussion of the Confederation.
"There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation."
Quote:We, ourselves, vibrate within the fifth octave. You vibrate within the third. There are many in the Confederation which vibrate in the sixth, and some in the fourth. We have three among our number who, though vibrating in the third dimension, have done so in such harmony that they are able to aid us in spite of the gross physical illusion that they are experiencing and are able to aid us by thought. So you see, my friends, your condition is not hopeless. Your bodies do not pin you down as specimens pinned under a glass table. It is your minds that imprison you by accepting the illusion. We ask you, therefore, to open your minds to the freedom of realizing that there are infinite illusions and that your imagination has the freedom and the right to play among them as at will.
well, this at least clarifies some of the terminology used for me. I was undecided as to whether the astral referred to inner planes 3d, or if it was a different density.
it is probably best to conceive of the octave as a 'whole'; and while there are boundary points, we do have access to the other notes of the octave given enough discipline and desire to seek.
I will end with the godfather Ra speaking

47.8 Each of these bodies has an effect upon your mind/body/spirit complex in your life beingness. The interrelationships, as we have said, are many and complex.
These bodies are part of each entity and the proper use of them and understanding of them is, though far advanced from the standpoint of third-density harvest, nevertheless useful to the adept.
full perusal is available here: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0617.aspx