09-11-2012, 02:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2012, 02:29 AM by godwide_void.)
(09-09-2012, 06:55 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Humans have eyes to see that are controlled by their brain. This is a physical requirement based upon our physical design, and it seems to be a constant throughout most 2d and 3d animal life forms. Even those which use sensory perception that do not even really use their eyes still have them.
Now, shall we suppose that the Source would have the need for physical eyes?
I am not saying it is impossible, I am just applying consideration here.
If it does have eyeballs, does it also have a brain which controls the sight process?
That aside let's consider how it is natural for the human to attempt to relate to God as human-like, and how often that tendency seeps into our efforts to comprehend it. This tendency creates a great problem in that it causes us to place great emphasis on human form, whereby we identify with it in ways that may keep us from wanting to let go, or that cause us to want to continue to identify our self with human form. As is depicted here.
It is not a far-fetched notion to consider that the supreme being which designed us would not incorporate elements in our appearance which would resemble it. Consider the separate components of the physical human head and the metaphysical human mind. The similarity we share with the Creator, the manner in which one may consider the human being as having been forged in Its image is dependent upon the synthesis of the two aforementioned components into a single unit; that is, while we perceive the mind as separate from the physical head, the Creator is as a vast monolithic mind which functions as Its head as well as body, as a formless abyss. The addition made to the vehicle of the human being which distinguishes it in form from the Creator is the rest of the body below the head, a necessary appendix which allows for our functional navigation and interaction with the environment the human is manifest in.
The Creator is Its own brain and its process of true "sight" manifests as omni-awareness of every one of Its generated beings. The eyes which I observed that it possesses serves the function of sight upon the highest dimensional plane of existence. Just as I observed It, It gazed right back at whatever form I was thus manifested in, although my certainty lies in that I existed as disembodied awareness. One of the primary functions of Its eyes is to optically observe through the nodes of visual awareness and perception manifest in every being it creates with functioning vision. The function of sight is utilized alongside Its ability to maintain awareness through each lower field and manifest all environments, and as It paradoxically dwells within all beings as all of existence dwells within It, the eyes It possesses allows for such an optical interfacing.
Quote:GWV, in your experience, can you elaborate on the actual ability to see in that state of being. Obviously, as aware being, one would see its environment. But is that type of sight actually similar to seeing through human eyes, or could it be more of a extrasensory perception?
I did not utilize my physical senses in the perception of this experience as this experience took place with eyes entirely shut, thus it was in actuality the pure awareness of my consciousness which, traversing through the pineal tunnel leading into the deepest chamber of being, arrived within Its presence and proceeded to observe the observer. I would not call it simply extrasensory perception inasmuch as it was simultaneously intrasensory perception as this experience gave rise to the understanding that the furthest zone beyond is exactly the same as the deepest region within.
Quote:Secondly, I would like to have us consider what you mean by simultaneity because there are many discussions about this which are in debate.
Siren and Azreal would have us think that all of creation is finished, and that beginning and end and every point in between are a simultaneous event occurring in this very second, ooops in that last second, wait now,,,,well you get my drift.
I, on the other hand, understand that creation is a continuing event in which future has not yet taken place.
In my speculation infinity has no beginning and no end.
In their speculation infinity is finished right now, I mean, right now, no wait,,,,right now, damn missed it again.
Can you attempt to address your meaning when you speak to this simultaneity?
I understand the concept that in some point of existence, all that exists is being realized by One Consciousness. And that all that exists is The One Consciousness experiencing in present time. That could be described as a simultaneity. All is experienced now by The One.
BUT, when you take that the step further to suggest that all that can possibly be, has already been experienced, in order to lend credence to higher being having some relation to our future, than that is a very different consideration altogether.
Simultaneity in the context I used it was referring to the interchangeability of the One Infinite Creator and Its Creation and was not referring to simultaneity in regards to the continuum and experience of events as perceived via a lens of a linearity-dominated paradigm, although I may offer my thoughts upon this to attempt to clarify things for you.
I reside in wholehearted agreement with you that the Creation is a continuing manifestation, and as Siren specifically termed it as having "unending continuity". The perception of the sublime blending of what is constituted as the past, present and future can be broken down as such: when an individual uses these terms, generally what is implied by past or future is a significant chunk of time which is intended to embody a certain period of time or a collection of events compressed into a set which becomes embedded in the mind of the perceiver as "the past" or "the future", for instance some consider "the past" to only exist only after a significant period of "time" has passed or been experienced, and would be in reference to say, the past week or past month.
In actuality, the past, present and future occur simultaneously. Consider that if you maintain mindfulness and remain in control of the current moment you are existing, you are in complete control of what will manifest as your past. Similarly, through the present devising of the moments which will become categorized as "the past", you are becoming in direct control of "the future" by orchestrating it with each moment, and what one would consider "the future" merely references to subsequent moments in the continuum of linear awareness which the perceiver has yet to experience.
To observe the sheer illusory aspect of time, consider that at the beginning of this particular paragraph, in the "past", my writing of the word "To" was the present, and the "future" is unfolding with each word I am typing. However, just as the "future" is unfolding, I am cycling through many currently unfolding "present" moments which immediately become the "past" as soon as the "present" unfolds and I cease experiencing the instantaneous moment which I am both initiating action and/or simply being, and what is considered the "future" are merely the moments immediately after the "present" moment which I have yet to experience but am still constantly manifesting myself or some extension of myself into existence. In the formation of this paragraph, I experienced the past, the present, and the future all at once, with my yet to experience subsequent moments that will eventually become classified as past, present, and future overlapping as they occur, unfold, and pass with the criteria that I am not dividing these three time frames into significant illusory chunks of collected moments, but am applying their designation on a momentary basis. Even in the brief pauses I take to shift my finger to hit another key on my keyboard, a present occurred, a present ended and became past, and with the cessation of this present and its transformation into a "past", the future opens up to me, only to immediately become classified as a "present" moment, and then after the "present" moment has passed it will become the "past".
As we spatially traverse we apply the concept of time to allow some means of making note of one's progress in transforming beingness. However, just as I have shown to you above the cyclical simultaneous looping nature of linear time, so too is cyclical time linear in its nature via constant action and reaction.
With the above insights presented, we may now tackle the concept of time in relation to the One Infinite Creator's perception of it. We are pixels which experience the finest micro-granules of many unending moments which do not cease in their stacking upon one another. All motion and navigation through the ocean of experience is in relation to the awareness of singular eternity analogous to the consideration of the numerous musical sequencing of melodies and harmony and notes as one single symphony. What the One Infinite Creator experiences that is exclusive to Its awareness is constant manifestation of Its awareness into fragmented existences. If infinity was experiencing its end right now, then new lives would not be born and new experiences would not be occurring.
As I displayed in the example above using my paragraph as a means to pinpoint that with each inputted letter, the past, present and future overlap and occur simultaneously, this can be applied to the consideration of eternity, in that each moment which passes in eternity is a new generation of a novelty aspect of infinite possibility, and as this infinite possibility becomes generated there is a moment when it simply "is", and this new facet quickly alters its existence by engaging in a new means of experiencing, thus ending the generation of this fresh manifestation, and each moment which follows results in the creation, sustaining and destruction of some facet of the manifestation's existence.
Infinity is always ending, but it is always beginning anew, and each moment which it evolves further, it is leaving behind some aspect of itself behind to pave the way for future opportunities to manifest itself anew, and as it manifests itself anew it thus continues to move away from what it once was. This is thus how one may begin to breach the deeper consideration of the simultaneity of time as cyclical and linear, as momentarily evolving but eternally unwavering.
Remember also that our perception of time pales in comparison to that of a higher dimensional beings, especially the quintessential being. In my experience of the Creator I observed the rapid manifestation and progression of each galaxy within It. Certainly, improvising every single ordered circumstance in the extremely random, chaotically unpredictable life experiences of trillions upon trillions of Its manifestations, all with their own sense of free will to perform infinite variations of choices and actions is absolutely no difficult task for It.
Quote:Finally just a quick note about what may be in the pic. Is that flame at the top and a pentagram at the bottom, and if you did deliberate to do that what is your intention there for those?
The "flame" and the "pentagram" were two details which were left behind in my modification of the base picture I used for the purpose of that picture's eyes being the most resonant and similar to my vision. I deliberately left the "flame" because, while not necessarily a component of the original 'vision' of mine, it appeared to me to be a gargantuan pineal gland and its inclusion would denote a symbol of the omnipotence of the Creator's might.
What you consider a "pentagram" was also deliberately left behind, both for aesthetic appeal and that it provided a type of focus for the image, as well as the fact that it appears to be a new galaxy which is beginning to enter into manifestation from the central point of the Creator, which is where I observed new galaxies "flowing out" from in my experience. As such, it manages to at least somewhat retain and convey a significant representation of an important process in action which defines its beingness.
I certainly do lament that I do not possess the sufficient artistic skill of when I initially considered tackling this visual project, as the proper image is deeply seared into my mind and I can envision it perfectly from memory sans the greater higher dimensional perception, but I fall short when attempting to translate it into a drawing or digital representation, and there are certainly plenty of details to be added (such as the arrangement of galaxies to form a distinctly featured "face"). DaVinci would've most definitely been a better candidate to put this experience to painting, and would've far surpassed what Photoshop could do!