01-31-2009, 05:55 AM
Thank you very much for your interpretation on what all of that means. It helps out a lot to see another persons perspective on things, especially one of your understanding.
I had that dream about 3 years ago at a time when I pretty much disappeared from the outside world and did nothing but read and absorb the LOO and Quo sessions, so you may have hit the nail right on the head there!
Well, as far as I could remember, I dont think that there was anything going on in my life that would make me feel vulnerable. As for prostitutes, I dont really have an opinion of them. To me they are just people making a living based on their awareness, choice, and will, just like everyone else. I've never had the chance to talk to one, so I suppose it would be a little intriguing to see how their path and thoughts brought them to that particular lifestyle. I think you may also be right on the root chakra, as I have trouble finding balance there, or if I do, sustaining it.
I have no idea why I had this coin. Gold means nothing to me, I much prefer silver. I think it was yen because, well, I live in Japan and that's the currency that I see all the time.
Hmmm.....the escalators. I was thinking that the trains would be more representing the split, though not in 3 way fashion. The fact that masses of people got on the train headed in one direction and the people waiting for the train going in the other direction were few would suggest something to this effect. Though 4d positive and 4d negative are practically opposite, they are the same in the sense that they are not 3d.
My first thought on the escalators was something related to time. The one with masses of people would be the past. The one with few people would be the future and the one with no one would be the present. Since the present moment is never "coming" or "going", it cant really be seen the same as the past or future. But then I dont know how the people (or the absence of people on the third escalator) fit in to the equation.
A wonderful and positive interpretation!
Thank you.
Be well,
(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Did you have this dream at a time when you were at a crossroads in life? Switching jobs, maybe, moving, changing the dynamics of a relationship, questioning your spiritual path, something like that?
I would interpret this as an indication that the path you had been planning to take was not the appropriate one for you, but the path you had discarded or perhaps were consdering was a more appropriate path.
I had that dream about 3 years ago at a time when I pretty much disappeared from the outside world and did nothing but read and absorb the LOO and Quo sessions, so you may have hit the nail right on the head there!
(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Dreaming that you are naked usually means you feel exposed. (You might ask yourself, what was going on at that time in your life, that left you feeling vulnerable?) The prostitutes might represent raw sexual/primal energy, or they might represent degradation, depending on your point of view (individual symbolism here...what does the image of a prostitute mean to YOU? Are you disgusted? judgmental? intrigued?) that perhaps had been expressed in the path you were heading in, but left behind in the new path. But certainly they have something to do with the root chakra.
Well, as far as I could remember, I dont think that there was anything going on in my life that would make me feel vulnerable. As for prostitutes, I dont really have an opinion of them. To me they are just people making a living based on their awareness, choice, and will, just like everyone else. I've never had the chance to talk to one, so I suppose it would be a little intriguing to see how their path and thoughts brought them to that particular lifestyle. I think you may also be right on the root chakra, as I have trouble finding balance there, or if I do, sustaining it.
(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: You found something of minor value that you had forgotten you had. Also, what does gold mean to you? And why yen?
I have no idea why I had this coin. Gold means nothing to me, I much prefer silver. I think it was yen because, well, I live in Japan and that's the currency that I see all the time.
(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: What immediately comes to mind to me here is the 3-way split: 4D STO, 4D STS, and repeat of 3D. The one that is going neither up nor down seems to be clearly the repeat of 3D, except it doesn't really make sense that there would be no one on it, since we know (at this point anyway) that there appears to be a great many who will repeat. My first thought was that the 'down' escalator must surely be the STS path, but then, that doesn't make sense, since we know that few will make the STS Harvest. So, I'm not really sure which escalator is which, but they do seem to be connected to the 3-way split.
Hmmm.....the escalators. I was thinking that the trains would be more representing the split, though not in 3 way fashion. The fact that masses of people got on the train headed in one direction and the people waiting for the train going in the other direction were few would suggest something to this effect. Though 4d positive and 4d negative are practically opposite, they are the same in the sense that they are not 3d.
My first thought on the escalators was something related to time. The one with masses of people would be the past. The one with few people would be the future and the one with no one would be the present. Since the present moment is never "coming" or "going", it cant really be seen the same as the past or future. But then I dont know how the people (or the absence of people on the third escalator) fit in to the equation.
(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Well that seems pretty obvious...just look at your choice of terms...ASCEND!!! That seems really clear!
Being that Jesus was the perfect example of 4D LOVE, what we must aspire to for Harvest/Ascension, that seems pretty obvious that your chosen path was the 'right' one! What a wonderful confirmation!
Hope some of this offers some insight!
A wonderful and positive interpretation!
Thank you.
Be well,