Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - Printable Version

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Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - kensanwa - 01-23-2009

What is the method by which you remember your dreams? How often do you remember your dreams? What is the nature of your dreams? Do you dream in color? Do you remember every detail? Do you ever read things in your dreams? If you speak more than one language, do you ever say things in your second language in your dreams? Do you only "see" your dreams? or do you take part in them? Do you talk in your sleep? Do you sleep walk? How much direct influence do your dreams have on your waking life? Do you often wake up crying, laughing, angry, sad, etc.?

Dreams have always been a fascinating topic for me. I would have to say that the way that I remember my dreams seems to be different from the direct memory that most people that I talked to have. I usually go to sleep, have some dream, wake up, and cant immediately remember what I dreamed about. Only the feeling of being somewhere far away remains. During the course of the day, if I see an object that was in my dream, it triggers almost instant memory of a section of what I dreamed of. This works whether I physically see the object in front of me or if I just see it in thought form in my mind. It is extremely rare for me to go an entire day without seeing something that triggers dream recall . This is such an efficient method of dream recall that I remember my dreams almost every single day with details that rival those of waking life (sometimes actually better).

Until recently I always assumed that the way that people dreamed was pretty much the same. I am currently in a relationship with a girl who is becoming more and more attuned to the spiritual side of things everyday. One day I told her about a dream that I had, then asked her what she usually dreamed about. She said that she hardly ever dreams. My first thought was that she does dream, but just doesnt remember. She said that if she does dream and does remember, then it is only one or two things from the dream, like one event that happened, the central them of it, or one person that she remembers (but not what they were doing, etc.) in it. Furthermore, she said that all of her dreams are in monochrome and they are very foggy, as she cant really recall any details.

She decided to buy a book on meditation. This book says that the way that people dream speaks about their level of spirituality. The more spiritually sound a person is, the more vivid the color, detail, and recall of a dream will be. The book advises meditation to enhance all experiences regarding dreams. She decided to take the books advice and meditate. It has taken her some time, but she said that she had a dream in color the other day. She remembers seeing an ocean or some body of water that was of beautiful blue color. She is starting to recall her dreams a lot more often as well, though still not everyday.

I live in Japan at the moment, and the Japanese expression is ”夢を見る”which literally means to "see a dream." Most Japanese people that I have talked to speak about dreams as if they are a TV show or such, something that is shown to them that they themselves do not produce or take part in. Dreams are not talked about with the same level of importance as they are regarded in other places I have been to. In fact, they are usually not talked about at all, so I have very few people to compare notes to here.

Anyway, I am curious to hear your thoughts or experiences with dreams.

Be well,

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - MisterRabbit - 01-28-2009

here is a thread I contributed to just earlier this evening, on this very subject:

It's interesting that you mention how your memory is much more accurate when something reminds you. This actually makes perfect sense, it's called voluntary memory and involuntary memory. When you try to remember something, it is alsmost always less accurate. For instance, if I ask you to try and remember when you walked into the room you're in now, there's a high likelihood that you will create a memory viewing yourself from the outside, instead of actually remembering what you really experienced. This is an extreme example, but voluntary memory is almost always filling in blanks with things that may or may not have been there. Involuntary memory, on the other hand, happens of its own accord, as it's name implies, and is much more likely to be a reoccurrence in your mind of what your actual experience was. The trouble with these is that they are involuntary, but they can be set off by trigger mechanisms, which can put them under our control to some extent. So, if you were to go to the supermarket, get down on your knees, and look at the toys just like you did when you were a child, you might get flooded with involuntary memories, or if you smell the perfume that an ex lover wore, or your mother or anybody I suppose, then that also serves as a trigger mechanism. So, it makes perfect sense that these things you are experiencing, which basically sound like trigger mechanisms, are producing accurate involuntary dream memory. You're lucky, some of us have to try real hard to remember them!
One of the coolest dreams I ever had was I was walking down the street, and I was also the devil over in this area in front of a store or something where there was basically a large sandbox like in playgrounds. So, I was walking down the street but I was also the devil in the sandbox. I as the devil coaxed my self walking down the street to come over and feel around for a special hole in the sand. So at this point I became mainly the self that was feeling around, and I did this for a little while and eventually found the hole, and my whole arm when down into it, and then I did. Next I was in some sort of a realm where there was just a color but nothing else, I had no body, there was nothing to look at, it was just that color and I was only mind. Then I sort of appeared in this house with a yard where a bunch of people were hanging out doing very interesting things. It was somewhat like a garden party you could say, just a bunch of people at this place having fun. One very interesting thing they were doing was controlling little remote-control boats in a pool with their minds, which I also came along and did. Then I went into the house and the people were all gathered around a computer that somehow was hooked into universal knowledge and they were all fascinated with what they were reading. This is pretty much all I Remember, though I'm pretty sure that other things occurred that were likely just as cool. It almost had a sort of 4thD feel to it, if I dare say it.
Another interesting thing about that particular dream is that it's common amoung shamanic practices for the shaman, when going into a trance state, to find a whole in the ground in their mind to reach the inner worlds or planes or whatever.
Anyway, dreams are a fascinating subject to me, too, hope some more posts get added onto this thread.

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - Monica - 01-29-2009

Wow, what a lot of great questions!

I'm going to put your words in italics, to make it easier to respond to.

What is the method by which you remember your dreams?

I affirm to myself before going to sleep that I will remember my dreams in the morning. If I am seeking guidance on some issue, I may do a special meditation to 'seed' my dreams with the question. In the morning, I try to always spend a few minutes lounging in bed, catching the dreams before they flit away. As soon as I have a few images, I write them in my dream journal. I focus on key images, events, people, etc. and ask myself what they mean to me symbolically. I find that the sooner I do this, the more value I will get from the dream. If I just write it down and intend to think about it later, I usually forget, and the meaning is lost. Granted, I am blessed that I currently don't have to wake up to an alarm clock. I find it easier to work with my dreams now that I can wake up naturally. Oh, and getting enough sleep is crucial. Back when I had insomnia, my dreams were all lost.

How often do you remember your dreams?

I usually remember at least the last one, provided I get enough sleep. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night with a particularly vivid dream. That doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I pay attention.

What is the nature of your dreams?

My dreams are of 4 types:

1. Dark, murky, mundane, hodge-podge assortment of the day's events. I think of these as just my subconscious working out stuff and not really of much interest to me. When I realize that some details are right out of yesterday's events, I don't find them particularly significant.

2. Brightly-lit, vivid dreams. I always pay special attention to these, as I consider these to be guidance from my Higher Self. There is usually a clear theme or message...or a clue about something I need to learn.

3. School dreams. This is the metaphor my Higher Self uses to let me know how I'm doing as far as getting my work done...the work I set out to do. If I can't find my locker or classroom, I know I'm missing the boat. If I aced the test or am teaching the class, then that means I just succeeded in learning a very important lesson.

4. Lucid dreams. I've only had these a few times, but I'm aspiring to have more. I find them fascinating and powerful. I was making progress until I got insomnia, at which time I could barely remember my dreams at all, much less remember to wake up inside them. But now I am resuming my efforts.

Do you dream in color?

Yes. I don't think I've ever had a black-and-white dream. That sounds strange to me. Although, as I said, the hodge-podge dreams are usually dingy.

Do you remember every detail?

Gosh no. When I do, I pay attention!

Do you ever read things in your dreams?

Yes. When I was studying the subject of lucid dreaming, I read that one way to know if you're dreaming or not is to try to read something. If the words dance on the page, that means you're dreaming. This has definitely happened to me a number of times. But, I was intrigued by the idea, so I set out to test it. I then had some dreams in which I was able to read, though to a limited degree. I thought that was really cool! It definitely takes some effort to make the written word stay still in dreams, but I think it can be done.

If you speak more than one language, do you ever say things in your second language in your dreams?

I speak only one language. But I have understood other languages before in dreams. Not in a long time, though, but I think I remember that happening.

Do you only "see" your dreams? or do you take part in them?

I always dream in first person. I see thru my own eyes. My dreams are always interactive. Sometimes I am more than one person; ie., I view from multiple viewpoints.

Do you talk in your sleep?

Sometimes I wake up my husband, saying something that sounds very urgent. I point to someplace in the room and gesture emphatically. It seems very, VERY important! But of course he was asleep, so isn't exactly receptive to my nocturnal revelations. By the time he wakes up fully, I too am awake, and the dream quickly fades, and I always have a feeling of intense loss, like we missed an important message. I keep trying to get him to wake up quickly enough to record what I say, but no luck yet.

Do you sleep walk?

Thankfully, no.

How much direct influence do your dreams have on your waking life? Do you often wake up crying, laughing, angry, sad, etc.?

I would say they are a reflection of my waking life, rather than an influence.

Dreams have always been a fascinating topic for me. I would have to say that the way that I remember my dreams seems to be different from the direct memory that most people that I talked to have. I usually go to sleep, have some dream, wake up, and cant immediately remember what I dreamed about. Only the feeling of being somewhere far away remains. During the course of the day, if I see an object that was in my dream, it triggers almost instant memory of a section of what I dreamed of. This works whether I physically see the object in front of me or if I just see it in thought form in my mind. It is extremely rare for me to go an entire day without seeing something that triggers dream recall . This is such an efficient method of dream recall that I remember my dreams almost every single day with details that rival those of waking life (sometimes actually better).

Wow, you are lucky! I've had that happen occasionally, but you are lucky to be able to do that on a daily basis. My dreams are usually gone if I don't capture them right away.

Until recently I always assumed that the way that people dreamed was pretty much the same. I am currently in a relationship with a girl who is becoming more and more attuned to the spiritual side of things everyday. One day I told her about a dream that I had, then asked her what she usually dreamed about. She said that she hardly ever dreams. My first thought was that she does dream, but just doesnt remember. She said that if she does dream and does remember, then it is only one or two things from the dream, like one event that happened, the central them of it, or one person that she remembers (but not what they were doing, etc.) in it. Furthermore, she said that all of her dreams are in monochrome and they are very foggy, as she cant really recall any details.

I think anyone can train themselves to remember their dreams...if they are interested in doing so. I don't know what the monochrome means. Hmmmm...anyone have any ideas on that? There's gotta be an explanation to it, but I have no idea what it is.

She decided to buy a book on meditation. This book says that the way that people dream speaks about their level of spirituality. The more spiritually sound a person is, the more vivid the color, detail, and recall of a dream will be. The book advises meditation to enhance all experiences regarding dreams. She decided to take the books advice and meditate. It has taken her some time, but she said that she had a dream in color the other day. She remembers seeing an ocean or some body of water that was of beautiful blue color. She is starting to recall her dreams a lot more often as well, though still not everyday.

Oh wow, very cool!!!

I live in Japan at the moment, and the Japanese expression is ”夢を見る”which literally means to "see a dream." Most Japanese people that I have talked to speak about dreams as if they are a TV show or such, something that is shown to them that they themselves do not produce or take part in. Dreams are not talked about with the same level of importance as they are regarded in other places I have been to. In fact, they are usually not talked about at all, so I have very few people to compare notes to here.

Well now you have us! I love discussing dreams...they are so very important. I've participated in group dreaming experiments before, with some success. And I've gotten glimpses of what I believe was the astral plane in that in-between twilight another reality superimposed over this one. That's happened to me a lot.

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - kensanwa - 01-30-2009

Dream interpretation is something that I have always been interested in but have never been able to do. I thought about writing my dreams down, which I did for about 3 days after I had my first lucid dream. I usually have about 3 dreams per night and I wrote down a page per dream (which were severely condensed versions with the finer details left out). I quickly came to the conclusion that in order to actually analyze, not just a quick scanning and shallow interpretation, but get at the deeper meanings of the things which are being shown/told to me, I would have to quit my job, end my relationship, and do almost nothing but eat, have dreams, and interpret them. It's almost like driving down the highway at over a 100mph and trying to fix your gaze on a nearby tree as you're passing by. Before you even have time to, the next tree is already there, and the next and next and next....If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears.

In the mean time, I took to only trying to analyze the dreams in which I become lucid (fully) in, which has only happened twice. I have been really wanting to find someone who can help me interpret the first one that I had, but most people dont know what to think. I will write it out if anyone wants to try their hand at it. I would really appreciate anything that anyone would care to say about it. Thanks in advance!

*It starts off as a regular (aurguable) dream but then I become lucid....

I was at a subway station here in Osaka on a platform waiting for a train. There seemed to be a large number of people waiting for the train headed to the west (downtown).I spotted two ladies, which at first I didnt recognize as prostitutes but as I got closer it became a bit more aparent. I realized that I was naked as I approached these ladies. When I got close, I greeted them. One of them replied by saying "You're dreaming." (This is when I became lucid). I looked at her, then looked around at the subway station and said "What? What are you talking about?" She said once again, this time with a smile on her face, "You're dreaming." At that time, the train that everyone was waiting for had arrived at the platform. The doors opened, but no one got off the train, there were only masses of people getting on. There were more people than I previously thought, but somehow they all seemed to be successfully boarding. The two ladies began to make their way onto the train and I began to follow. I took one step, then the same lady from before turned to me and said "This is not your train. Your train, is over there" as she pointed to the platform for the train headed in the other direction. As I turned to look, the women boarded the train, then it departed. I stood there for a moment looking at the people that were planning to board the same train as I appearently was meant to. There were very very few compared to the train that just left, not even enough to call a proper fraction of that amount. I thought "This cant be a dream. This is real." I looked down at my hands to prove it. In my hands I had a 500 yen coin (gold coin, eq to 5 $US). I put the coin in my pocket and began to walk over to the other platform.
As I was walking, I passed by a set of escalators which caught my attention. There were three: one descending from the floor above to the floor that I was on, one ascending to the floor above and one that was moving, but for all my effort I couldnt tell if it was going up or down. It seemed like neither, but both. On the escalator that was coming down, there were tons of people of all shapes sizes and ethnicities. They all seemed to be familiar, like I had met them or at least seen them before, but I had no concrete memory of them. On the escalator going up, there once again was very very few people. On the third escalator, there was no one.
I stood and looked at them for awhile, but then noticed something strange on the ground. It came to my attention that there was a pulsating stream of blue light coming from all directions that had the soles of my feet as its destination. It was as though the ground was made of glass and I could see this light very clearly. I stood and watched it for a short time, during which I had the intuitive inclination that this was some form of information. I stood and tried to analyze everything that I had seen so far.
At that point I sorta freaked out. It was a dream, but everything was so real. I didnt know what to make of it. I decided to get out of the station. I started running and I found an alternative set of escalators. It was the same as the three before: one up, one down, and one moving/not moving, but this time there were no people on any of them. I decided to take the one that goes up. I got on the escalator and began to ascend. Before I reached the top, I looked up and saw a man standing at the top seemingly waiting for me. He was dressed in nearly all white, but what he was wearing lost my attention when I realized that that man was non other than Jesus. My gaze was fixed on his face and eyes. He was holding something that was about size of a small child or small animal. I never looked directly at it, so I dont know, but it was draped in all white (fur or clothing). As I reached the top of the escalator, I reached out and I touched him with both hands and suddenly burst into tears. Then instantly,

I woke up.

I should mention also that I left out a lot the finer details so that you dont have to spend your entire day reading about my dream. If you actually read all of it, I appreciate it. Any thoughts/opinions?

Be well,

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - Monica - 01-30-2009

OK, For what it's worth, I will give it a try...with the understanding that, as usual, if my comments do not resonate with you, please discard!

I think there is Universal symbolism, defined by the collective consciousness, that is pretty much the same for everyone; ie. a dream about death would mean pretty much the same for most people: death of the old and birth of the new, ending of some chapter in life, etc. and then there is individual symbolism; ie. dreaming of being in a river might be pleasant for someone who loves to swim, but terrifying for someone who is afraid of drowning. So, ultimately, the best person to decipher your dream symbolism is YOU. But I offer my ideas, for your consideration!

I was at a subway station here in Osaka on a platform waiting for a train. There seemed to be a large number of people waiting for the train headed to the west (downtown).I spotted two ladies, which at first I didnt recognize as prostitutes but as I got closer it became a bit more aparent. I realized that I was naked as I approached these ladies. When I got close, I greeted them. One of them replied by saying "You're dreaming." (This is when I became lucid). I looked at her, then looked around at the subway station and said "What? What are you talking about?" She said once again, this time with a smile on her face, "You're dreaming." At that time, the train that everyone was waiting for had arrived at the platform. The doors opened, but no one got off the train, there were only masses of people getting on. There were more people than I previously thought, but somehow they all seemed to be successfully boarding. The two ladies began to make their way onto the train and I began to follow. I took one step, then the same lady from before turned to me and said "This is not your train. Your train, is over there" as she pointed to the platform for the train headed in the other direction. As I turned to look, the women boarded the train, then it departed. I stood there for a moment looking at the people that were planning to board the same train as I appearently was meant to. There were very very few compared to the train that just left, not even enough to call a proper fraction of that amount.

Did you have this dream at a time when you were at a crossroads in life? Switching jobs, maybe, moving, changing the dynamics of a relationship, questioning your spiritual path, something like that? I would interpret this as an indication that the path you had been planning to take was not the appropriate one for you, but the path you had discarded or perhaps were consdering was a more appropriate path.

Dreaming that you are naked usually means you feel exposed. (You might ask yourself, what was going on at that time in your life, that left you feeling vulnerable?) The prostitutes might represent raw sexual/primal energy, or they might represent degradation, depending on your point of view (individual symbolism here...what does the image of a prostitute mean to YOU? Are you disgusted? judgmental? intrigued?) that perhaps had been expressed in the path you were heading in, but left behind in the new path. But certainly they have something to do with the root chakra.

I thought "This cant be a dream. This is real." I looked down at my hands to prove it. In my hands I had a 500 yen coin (gold coin, eq to 5 $US). I put the coin in my pocket and began to walk over to the other platform.

You found something of minor value that you had forgotten you had. Also, what does gold mean to you? And why yen?

As I was walking, I passed by a set of escalators which caught my attention. There were three: one descending from the floor above to the floor that I was on, one ascending to the floor above and one that was moving, but for all my effort I couldnt tell if it was going up or down. It seemed like neither, but both. On the escalator that was coming down, there were tons of people of all shapes sizes and ethnicities. They all seemed to be familiar, like I had met them or at least seen them before, but I had no concrete memory of them. On the escalator going up, there once again was very very few people. On the third escalator, there was no one.

What immediately comes to mind to me here is the 3-way split: 4D STO, 4D STS, and repeat of 3D. The one that is going neither up nor down seems to be clearly the repeat of 3D, except it doesn't really make sense that there would be no one on it, since we know (at this point anyway) that there appears to be a great many who will repeat. My first thought was that the 'down' escalator must surely be the STS path, but then, that doesn't make sense, since we know that few will make the STS Harvest. So, I'm not really sure which escalator is which, but they do seem to be connected to the 3-way split.

I stood and looked at them for awhile, but then noticed something strange on the ground. It came to my attention that there was a pulsating stream of blue light coming from all directions that had the soles of my feet as its destination. It was as though the ground was made of glass and I could see this light very clearly. I stood and watched it for a short time, during which I had the intuitive inclination that this was some form of information. I stood and tried to analyze everything that I had seen so far.

This seems like energies from the Earth, which enter the body thru the soles of the feet. Blue Light? Sounds like 4D energy!

At that point I sorta freaked out. It was a dream, but everything was so real. I didnt know what to make of it. I decided to get out of the station. I started running and I found an alternative set of escalators. It was the same as the three before: one up, one down, and one moving/not moving, but this time there were no people on any of them.

Perhaps this was telling you that you must choose your path, with no regard for what other-selves choose. It is your personal path...something like that...(just a guess).

I decided to take the one that goes up. I got on the escalator and began to ascend.

Well that seems pretty obvious...just look at your choice of terms...ASCEND!!! That seems really clear!

Before I reached the top, I looked up and saw a man standing at the top seemingly waiting for me. He was dressed in nearly all white, but what he was wearing lost my attention when I realized that that man was non other than Jesus. My gaze was fixed on his face and eyes. He was holding something that was about size of a small child or small animal. I never looked directly at it, so I dont know, but it was draped in all white (fur or clothing). As I reached the top of the escalator, I reached out and I touched him with both hands and suddenly burst into tears.

Being that Jesus was the perfect example of 4D LOVE, what we must aspire to for Harvest/Ascension, that seems pretty obvious that your chosen path was the 'right' one! What a wonderful confirmation!

Hope some of this offers some insight!

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - kensanwa - 01-31-2009

Thank you very much for your interpretation on what all of that means. It helps out a lot to see another persons perspective on things, especially one of your understanding.

(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Did you have this dream at a time when you were at a crossroads in life? Switching jobs, maybe, moving, changing the dynamics of a relationship, questioning your spiritual path, something like that?

I would interpret this as an indication that the path you had been planning to take was not the appropriate one for you, but the path you had discarded or perhaps were consdering was a more appropriate path.

I had that dream about 3 years ago at a time when I pretty much disappeared from the outside world and did nothing but read and absorb the LOO and Quo sessions, so you may have hit the nail right on the head there!

(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Dreaming that you are naked usually means you feel exposed. (You might ask yourself, what was going on at that time in your life, that left you feeling vulnerable?) The prostitutes might represent raw sexual/primal energy, or they might represent degradation, depending on your point of view (individual symbolism here...what does the image of a prostitute mean to YOU? Are you disgusted? judgmental? intrigued?) that perhaps had been expressed in the path you were heading in, but left behind in the new path. But certainly they have something to do with the root chakra.

Well, as far as I could remember, I dont think that there was anything going on in my life that would make me feel vulnerable. As for prostitutes, I dont really have an opinion of them. To me they are just people making a living based on their awareness, choice, and will, just like everyone else. I've never had the chance to talk to one, so I suppose it would be a little intriguing to see how their path and thoughts brought them to that particular lifestyle. I think you may also be right on the root chakra, as I have trouble finding balance there, or if I do, sustaining it.

(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: You found something of minor value that you had forgotten you had. Also, what does gold mean to you? And why yen?

I have no idea why I had this coin. Gold means nothing to me, I much prefer silver. I think it was yen because, well, I live in Japan and that's the currency that I see all the time.

(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: What immediately comes to mind to me here is the 3-way split: 4D STO, 4D STS, and repeat of 3D. The one that is going neither up nor down seems to be clearly the repeat of 3D, except it doesn't really make sense that there would be no one on it, since we know (at this point anyway) that there appears to be a great many who will repeat. My first thought was that the 'down' escalator must surely be the STS path, but then, that doesn't make sense, since we know that few will make the STS Harvest. So, I'm not really sure which escalator is which, but they do seem to be connected to the 3-way split.

Hmmm.....the escalators. I was thinking that the trains would be more representing the split, though not in 3 way fashion. The fact that masses of people got on the train headed in one direction and the people waiting for the train going in the other direction were few would suggest something to this effect. Though 4d positive and 4d negative are practically opposite, they are the same in the sense that they are not 3d.
My first thought on the escalators was something related to time. The one with masses of people would be the past. The one with few people would be the future and the one with no one would be the present. Since the present moment is never "coming" or "going", it cant really be seen the same as the past or future. But then I dont know how the people (or the absence of people on the third escalator) fit in to the equation.

(01-30-2009, 03:18 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Well that seems pretty obvious...just look at your choice of terms...ASCEND!!! That seems really clear!

Being that Jesus was the perfect example of 4D LOVE, what we must aspire to for Harvest/Ascension, that seems pretty obvious that your chosen path was the 'right' one! What a wonderful confirmation!

Hope some of this offers some insight!

A wonderful and positive interpretation!
Thank you.

Be well,

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - Phoenix - 02-02-2009

An interesting experience I had recently:

Compassionate dream with a pig staring at me while I was a passionate meat eater, became a vegetarian the next day.

Next found the blood type diet, which stated that for my blood type, (blood type O) wheat is bad, and causes insulin resistance. One thing I have confirmed being a type 1 diabetic (injected insulin I take has stronger effect). And that meat is needed for that blood type.

The exception, and what I was surprised to see as I leafed through the book. Is pig meat, that is not healthy for the type O.

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - DyerHarris - 04-06-2009

I've been getting chased/running a lot lately in my dreams...last night i was getting shot at by a's funny because i didn't feel like i was afraid in the dream but i kept running nonetheless

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - airwaves - 04-07-2009

Very few times ever do I remember my dreams. Every time I do remember; I spend quite a bit of time dissecting what that dream is trying to tell me. The saddest part is that if I do remember one of my dreams, and dissect it, I forget what the dream was about a few weeks later. There are a few that I do remember and they motivate me to this day(when I remember them lol), and I will share them with you all eventually. I have yet to share them with my brother and fellow wanderer, and he will hear the stories first. Smile What I can tell you is: sometimes I observe(my intuition says this has not happened very many times), sometimes I live out years in my dreams, sometimes I dream of 4d(even before I found the LOO) sometimes I do some pretty amazing things in my dreams that I can very well do in real life(whatever that is), and sometimes I do nothing but sleep in my dreams, sometimes I have some very terrible and somewhat deeply disturbing dreams, I cant remember fully but I believe when I was younger I had recurring dreams, I may now?

Dreams are a funny thing; sometimes to be taken seriously; sometimes with a grain of salt.

One thing is for certain; I do not know, but I will eventually. For now that is more than enough to take the edge off the hunger for knowledge. :p

Love and Peace my friends

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - ayadew - 04-07-2009

I never have nightmares, but I am reluctant to remember my dreams, for analysing them tends to mess up my head. Tapping into intelligent infinity is not wise if you wish to keep a rational mind.

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - peelstreetguy - 04-09-2009

I just had an incredible dream. I was in a house that I was not familiar with. My girlfriend gives me a gift of two hollow glass tops ( like the childs toy ), one is round and one is cylindrical. Next thing I know she's gone and I'm alone. I spin both the tops on the floor and all of a sudden instead of slowly slowing down they speed up and start emitting light. This gets so intense that I can not see the tops anymore, just the light. The round one is now a ball of highly dense red light that starts changing colors and has grown to the size of a basket ball. The other one grows in a cylindrical shape about one foot wide and about 2.5 feet tall and is red at the bottom and goes through the colors of the rainbow untill it is blue at the top. They are spinning super fast and the light is so beautifull and dense, like the density of water, but still light. The light is like nothing I've seen before in normal waking world conciousness. So dense, so beautifull! I reach out with my right index finger and touch the cylindrical spinning light and it changes shape slightly, like when using clay on a potters wheel. This amazed me so I did it more and the shape changes a bit more and is now flaring out at the top and the blue light intensifies. I stop and stand back just watching. Then the light starts to engulf the room and I notice the baseboards start to glow blue and other parts of the room start glowing different colors and there is multicolored light spreading all over the room from the top. At the same time I start to feel light headed and well, high or stoned like. This feeling intensifies to the point that I can barely stand it and I'm starting to get worried. This lasts a little longer then the spinning light tops start to slow down and the light grows dimmer and dimmer until it is gone and the tops are laying on the floor.

I found this dream really amazing. manipulating the shape of the light with my finger was so much fun. I am left with a good feeling from the dream. I'm not exactly sure what it means but I think it means something important. If anyone would like to try and dissect it, be my guest. I'm curious to know what you guys think.

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - airwaves - 04-09-2009

I have no idea what it means lol. I do not believe it to be anything negative; in fact it sounds like a very fun dream! Maybe I will see you there?

Who knows?

RE: Dreams Dreams Dreams..... - MisterRabbit - 07-23-2009

Hey Kensanwa, you should always consider that, with few exceptions, the setting of your dream is your psyche, and all those things which you see in it are manifestations of your psyche. Therefore, the people and the station and jesus and everything are different parts of yourself. This is not to discount what Monica said (in fact, I think that most of what she said was pretty dead on), because it's the nature of dreams and symbolism that what is "about" your inner goings on is often also correlated to your outer goings on, as well. It's called synchronicity. So anyway, my interpretation in addition to Monica's would be that the train station is a place of transition and choice. People are other aspects of yourself. The prostitutes may simply be representative or working and being a slave to society. After all, aren't any of us who have a job prostitutes, in a sense? We whore out large portions of our lives in order to be able to buy goods and be comfortable. So, the train that they get on and that the masses of other people get on is not the train for you. Vehicles in dreams often represent vehicles in a more abstract meaning, methods by which we get to places, psychically speaking. The Law of One material could be considered a vehicle, as could many things. So whatever vehicle it is that that masses of people (and the prostitutes and what they represent) are getting on is not the train for you. Seems to me like that is the third density vehicle, in Law of One terms, or just being very plugged in to society and yellow-ray things. Now, I don't think that this necessarily means that the other train was STS (because even STS graduation is ascension), and it may very well be that this whole train business is in fact a symbol of duality. You might have been feeling that you could either follow the masses of people and go the way of the other cultural cogs, or some other alternative as represented by the other train, perhaps becoming isolated, since there weren't as many people. However, the escalators add the option of ascension, of transcending this duality and going for something higher. I am reminded here of Plato's allegory of the cave, the men who sat in the cave naming and categorizing shadows, and then one of them breaks free and goes out in the open and into the light and learns of a greater reality. It seems to me like that is what these escalators represent, that transcension or ascension. However, I don't know the degree to which your unconscious is speaking to you in terms of Law of One material. I tend to think it usually uses more universal symbolism, but of course this ascension may well be related to ascension in the density sense. Anyway, you recognise the people who are coming down from it, because you recognise something of the light in those who are of the light (hence coming down from the light, possibly a reference to wanderers?), but you don't recognize those who are going up as well, and there aren't as many. The escalator that you can't tell which way it's going is a bit more mysterious, perhaps representing an aspect of the transcension that you do not understand or are torn about? I'm not too sure about that one. Anyway, you choose to find your own escalator, which is as Carla said like finding your own way, and you transcend the duality to go up towards the light and you find Jesus, a symbol of the Self or Higher Self. What he is holding is covered (veiled?) in white cloth, but it is what that higher self holds in store for you, I would think, or possibly even (in the case that it was a baby) a symbol of a new self that will be born in that new state.
That's my interpretation. Feel free to private message me about other dreams, if you want. I enjoy dream interpretation. But to accurately interpret any dream, you really need to know something about the person's psyche and what is going on with them at the time. It is much easier to interpret the dreams of someone you know closely than a complete stranger over the internet. But it's still fun ;D
Hey Peelstreetguy, yours is a bit more mysterious but I would venture to guess your girlfriend is your anima (feminine half of your being, soul) and she gives you the tops. That makes sense. It is that which lies in our opposite half which is missing from our conscious self and is needed for development and fruition into a higher state. So these gifts from your feminine side, when you spin them (work, motion, but also playful) they produce this dense light and changes your surroundings (house=your psyche). You find that this is intense, but it does eventually subside. This is not as clear-cut as some dreams, but there definitely is a certain feel to to what these tops specifically could be, I don't know, but they definitely seem to come from your anima and to be light-producing and color-producing. Creativity? Inspiration? That's my best guess. Interesting dream.