I suppose another way of thinking about this is the relationship between the veil and individuals' free will. It occurred to me that the reason why PSI researchers are not able to conclusively prove that PSI exists, while at the same time anti-PSI researchers cannot prove that it does not exist, is due to the fact that these two parties hold these two opposing beliefs. So long as someone somewhere believes one way or the other, that belief will be at least plausibly supported.
I guess I'm not sure how well this would work though. Certainly there have been some cases where some level of free will has been violated by science. For instance, at one point everyone on Earth agreed that the physical geometry of the world was a flat plane. Then discoveries led to the idea that it was instead spherical. But at first a majority of people scoffed at this idea and insisted that it could not possibly be true. Well all of science pointed that it was in-fact round, and finally in recent times we've been able to photograph the earth from space, leaving no doubt whatsoever that the earth is not flat. So I don't know, maybe my theory is no good.
If we're talking about subjective truth, then yes I can easily see how everyone's own unique truth is completely true, for themselves. I guess I still don't understand completely how this could work in a shared physical reality though. I am enjoying trying to figure it out with ya'll though.
Just a bit of a synchronicity here.
In the last ten minutes of this interview, Radin confirms everything we've been talking about with approaching PSI work with green ray love. In his own words of course
I guess I'm not sure how well this would work though. Certainly there have been some cases where some level of free will has been violated by science. For instance, at one point everyone on Earth agreed that the physical geometry of the world was a flat plane. Then discoveries led to the idea that it was instead spherical. But at first a majority of people scoffed at this idea and insisted that it could not possibly be true. Well all of science pointed that it was in-fact round, and finally in recent times we've been able to photograph the earth from space, leaving no doubt whatsoever that the earth is not flat. So I don't know, maybe my theory is no good.
If we're talking about subjective truth, then yes I can easily see how everyone's own unique truth is completely true, for themselves. I guess I still don't understand completely how this could work in a shared physical reality though. I am enjoying trying to figure it out with ya'll though.

Just a bit of a synchronicity here.
In the last ten minutes of this interview, Radin confirms everything we've been talking about with approaching PSI work with green ray love. In his own words of course