(08-14-2012, 12:33 PM)caycegal Wrote: "The Atlantean race was a very conglomerate social complex which began to form approximately 31,000 years in the past of your space/time continuum illusion. It was a slow growing and very agrarian society until approximately 15,000 of your years ago. It reached quickly a high technological understanding which caused it to be able to use intelligent infinity in a less informative manner. We may add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite energy. Thus, they were able to create life forms. This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call the negative." (from 10-15)
My understanding of the above is that the Antlanteans learned how to create slaves. This would correspond with Edgar Cayce's story, in which the Antlantean slaves were called "things."
I am wondering how they used intelligent infinity by means of technological understanding. What does this mean? Examples of using intelligent infinity this way?
My understanding is that they created bodies by cloning or other means, and were able to infuse them with life using infinite energy from the pineal ray.
Essentially, it was crystal technology. They developed crystal technology which allowed them to tap into intelligent infinity. The had machines which would actually re-align their subtle bodies and energy centers in order to make contact with this pure psychic energy. This greatly enhanced all of their natural psychic abilities. From what I've "pseen" and gathered from other sources of channeling, they were so psychically aware that they were nearly a social memory complex in 3rd density. This gave them enormous mind over matter power.
They developed the ability to alter the genetic structure of beings with their mind power. Many of the creatures we associate with legend, such as centaurs, mermaids, satyrs, etc, were inspired from memories from Atlantis. They actually created those creatures, by altering the genetic structure of animals and blending it with human characteristics. I'm not saying they looked exactly like folklore. Like with a centaur, for example, there was no rule saying the human part came out where the head of the horse should be.
Many abominations were created. These creatures were often in pain, with their genetic structure being upset as it was. These creatures were not as intelligent as human beings. They were more intelligent than most animals however. Most of them were not capable of reproduction. They became a servant/slave class to the Atlanteans, who had a real sense of superiority over other life forms (even other native humans who weren't apart of their society -- sometimes they would even cannibalize the more tribal human beings that were incarnate upon the Earth at that time -- like a rare delicacy for them (yum, yum

They would actually have arenas where they would battle these creatures against one another. They were just objects to them.
The Atlanteans also had crystal machines that had the capacity to rejuvenate them, and reverse aging, though these were largely reserved for the elite of their society.
They used crystal technology like we use electricity. Their whole culture revolved around it. It eventually lead to their destruction.