01-13-2010, 11:45 AM
(01-13-2010, 07:18 AM)transiten Wrote:(01-13-2010, 04:18 AM)peregrine Wrote: Hi, T.
I get the feeling that you're feeling a mite unsettled in your own hide. It may help to do concentration exercises such as counting breaths or gazing at a candle flame. These might help you focus your energy on your own sphere of being and tend to disentangle you from those of others. They could re-enforce an inner sense of coherence amidst the slings and arrows and transits of outrageous fortune. I hope it helps.
Hi peregrine
What does "in your own hide" mean? You know english not being my first language. I prefer gazing at a candle flameand actually i might combine it with trying to inhale and then exhale as slowly as possible as to not make the candle flame flicker. This is an old breathing technique used in schools of singing back in the old times to increase your ability to sing long notes and passages without catching ones breath.
I guess I'm trying to say something similar to what's above, but with less technical language. From my perspective, you're wrestling with a difficult case of self acceptance. The more one realizes the depth of one's connection to what one perceives, the more challenging it is to accept oneself.
The point of the singing exercise is to improve the balance between the inspiratory & expiratory muscles (those used for breathing in and for breathing out) as well as breath capacity. The purpose of the other exercises is not physical; rather, it's to enter into an altered state of consciousness where one's personal choices become more powerfully consequential. In a sense, the techniques listed above are means for you to make choices. Concentration exercises could eventually make it easier for you to perceive and act upon the choices which might be bearing down on you at this time and causing you significant discomfort.