Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Printable Version

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Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-12-2010

Moderator note: These first 2 posts were moved from another thread so that the spin-off discussion can continue.

Goodmorning monica, steve and all of you

This is interesting. I know i have astrological transits in my personal horoscope reflecting confusion among other things, f.i. i should be dcareful in nay businessdelaings and try to keep all communication as clear as possible since the tendency for misunderstandings ais strong in my personal cycle. On top of that mercury is retrograde reflecting the tendency for misundrstandings and delays incommunication on a collective level.

From the perspective of the Law of One how would you guys percieve the problems i have with the instructions for making this donation? Do i have a subconscious resistance to making it? Or am i using this as a means of contact since i feel cut off from many of my recent friends who do not even call to see how i am doing after my surgery.

I have stated my point and put boundaries for myself that i think are healthy and it seems they can not take any criticism. Now it seems like i am the one who must reconnect otherwise the relationship will fade away. I am always the first to forgive and continue as nothing happened but perhaps this is a new stage in my development, the challenge of not falling back into co-dependency.

Any thoughts anyone?

I am reading Carlas Living the Law of One and i'm worried about my own health, emotional, mental and physical

RE: Suggestion: Pledge money to help Carla - Monica - 01-12-2010

(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: From the perspective of the Law of One how would you guys percieve the problems i have with the instructions for making this donation?

I have no idea what your specific lessons are in this case. I could only guess!

What I can do is share how I personally tend to interpret such challenges.

I know some people who take any challenge as a 'sign from God' that they aren't supposed to do that particular thing. For example, if they are on their way to a job interview and have a flat tire, they interpret that to mean they aren't 'supposed' to take that particular job...If they're starting a new diet and the cat knocks down their salad bowl and the salad spills on the floor, then God must not want them to eat get the idea.

So the question is: Is the obstacle a 'sign' that we aren't supposed to do something, or is it just an obstacle to overcome, thereby strengthening our resolve?

I tend to think the latter, but that's just me and how I view life. Encountering obstacles does indeed cause us to pause and reflect upon what we really want to do in this case. Obstacles help us get clear on our intentions, as well as bring to the surface any unresolved issues pertaining to this new action.

We know from the Law of One that obstacles are just catalyst. It's up to us as to what we do with that catalyst.

(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: Do i have a subconscious resistance to making it? Or am i using this as a means of contact since i feel cut off from many of my recent friends who do not even call to see how i am doing after my surgery.

Those are some very astute insights, and the very fact that they came to your mind would indicate that they probably are related to the obstacles. Since we know that the outer world is a reflection, then I would say yes, clearly there is some resistance there. But, the question is: Why is there resistance?

Just the fact that there is resistance doesn't necessarily mean that it's a sign you 'shouldn't' do it, at least not in my worldview. Rather, I would see the resistance as something to look at and resolve. There is no should or shouldn't...They are all just choices, and we always have the power to choose. Some choices will trigger certain challenges, while other choices trigger different challenges. We have an opportunity to learn something either way, regardless of which choice we make.

Some years back, my best friend was torn between 2 lovers, and they were both named Hal! The 2 Hal's had drastically different personalities, and she was having difficulty deciding whom she wanted to be with. I told her that if she chose Hal #1, then she would have an opportunity to have more structure in her life; whereas, if she chose Hal #2, she would have an opportunity to be more spontaneous. It was her choice. It's all good.

What I would suggest is for you to consider the possibility that you can have friends without a lot of obstacles. You don't need to create obstacles in order to reach out and connect with your new friends on this forum. Connections can be born from harmony, not only out of adversity.

(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: I have stated my point and put boundaries for myself that i think are healthy and it seems they can not take any criticism.

Criticism can be healthy if the person asks for your honest assessment/opinion, but it can be perceived as hurtful and destructive if the person hasn't asked for it. Clear, open communication is advanced stuff - 5th chakra work! Sometimes the challenge is to learn when it's appropriate to be totally open and honest, and when it's appropriate to just offer little seeds of thought in a tactful, loving way...or even zip our lips completely until the person seems to want our opinion. In the meantime, we can view the person as a mirror and work on those issues that have pushed our buttons...for, as you know from astrology, if they push our buttons, then the issues are in ourselves, to some degree, though maybe in a suppressed form.

(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: Now it seems like i am the one who must reconnect otherwise the relationship will fade away. I am always the first to forgive and continue as nothing happened but perhaps this is a new stage in my development, the challenge of not falling back into co-dependency.

I can definitely relate to your dilemma! I've experienced a similar situation, in which my task was to discern whether to reconnect with the person or just let the relationship fall away. In some cases, I ended up realizing that I had been too harsh, so I felt it was appropriate to seek out the person and apologize...even though I still felt there was some truth to what I had told them, I realized that it wasn't really my place to do so and my action had ended up being hurtful. In those cases, a new level of trust and harmony ensued after I cleared the air.

In other cases, even after I had humbly and sincerely apologized for my own part (which I think is always important to do first), the person still did not respond, and I realized that continuation of that relationship was draining, because the person seemed to be stuck in the old dynamic that I had resolved and released in myself. In those cases, I let the connection die, and we both moved on.

What helped me in those situations was to be honest with myself, as to whether I had truly overcome those issues, or was I running away from them! Sometimes it's difficult to ascertain that...but that's ok, because we can be sure, that if we run away from some issue, our Higher Self will program it into our curriculum again, until we meet it and deal with it! Whereas, if we're done with that lesson, the dynamic will change...we'll encounter a new pattern, with new opportunities for growth.

I hope you get clarity about whether to continue those relationships!

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-12-2010

Thanks a lot monica

I have a big issue with trust and saying no. If pple treat me bad i have been afraid to state my point and draw a healthy boundary because i've been afraid they will punish me for telling them that they've hurt me. I've had a hughe codependencypattern, my mother was schizophrenic and my father codependant a pattern he repeated with my jealous stepmother. Even if i have worked the last 20 years on integrating my shadow issues i still get kicked out or walk away myself.

Concerning these 3 freinds of mine they all have a "boundless" behaviour and if i tell someone i don't feel respected or mistreated when she's never in time and the person doesn't even admit the problem exists or after a misunderstanding just cuts off contact for over a week although we have common projects like arranging that persons birthdayparty where i'm in charge of the keys for the place, i feel there's a lack of respect and that maybe i should have distanced myself earlier from those persons if they cannot even admit that they have a part in what happened.

I always try to see my part in a conflict but i'm not prepared to continue like "nothing happened" anymore.

There are some very positive things happening at the same time and as soon as i think of the KangenWater i feel possibilities opening up, but i am afraid to try again and i'm afraid to succeed because then "something terrible will happen"...but i'm open to a change of that pattern...

...and i never thought that my donationbuttonproblem meant i should not
send Carla any money...

"Good" bless youWink

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - ayadew - 01-12-2010

Hello transiten. I've seen you repeat that you have had this codependecy. Do you realise that you are making that situation more real by doing this? What you give out is what you get back. Forgive and forget - a past is not who you are now. Smile

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Lorna - 01-12-2010

hi transiten

i'm not sure if this is relevant or helpful but i had a pretty sharp rap on the knuckles recently when the universe pointed out to me that i was reading far far too much into signs and obstacles and the right path for me being the 'easiest', or the path requiring least confrontation.

i had an attempted house purchase dragging on and on and on for nearly 6 months, problem after problem, i was starting to think that this perfect flat must not be meant for me, indeed i did vocalise that several times, instead of taking control of the situation and making it happen.

turned out i simply had the gift of my mortgage arrangement being assigned to someone completely incompetent and who was also partial to telling the occassional untruth. as soon as i took action the incompetence of this individual was revealed and the whole process went absolutely smoothly, and i move in 4 weeks BigSmile

one thing i notice when a lesson has been learnt for me is that it feels as though my guides or higher self or the universe is finding my slowness at learning these lessons pretty hilarious, it's quite a strange sensation, as though my higher self has whacked me on the head with a plank of wood and said 'at last, you get it, what took you so long?!' whilst chuckling BigSmile

another thing i notice is that while in the swirling complexities of a particular catalyst i can rationalise and explain the situation, everyone else's behaviour, motivations, reasons to do things, reasons not to do things in 1001 differnet ways, but the answer is always ridiculously simple

i hope you can find an 'ah-ha!!!' moment soon and move through this current catalyst

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-13-2010

Thankyou guys for your comitment

Ayadew, i don't think my problem will go away just because i forgive and forget even if this is also required for a loving solution. It will go away when i've changed my own pattern and that requires conscious work. Not until then it will look "easy" to act in a more healthy way. But the path towards discovering this "simplicity" is not necessarily simple.

Lorna, i agree there's a trap in viewing every obstacle as a sign that one should not act in a certain way. As for me i have a hard time descerning between fear and intuition. I have been raised in emotional fear, unpredictability and rejection. But i have also met love and care from pple outside my close family.

Even if our final "goal" is oneness and unity, our individual karma and paths here in 3D surely are different and cannot be solved in exactly the same way even if we can learn from eachother.

At the moment i'm even questionning my astrological knowledge or relationship to it. Mercury and mars are now retrogradeing and increase difficulties in decisionmaking since information is missing, misunderstandings and delays run wild (just watch the absurd dance between SAABautomobile and GM (GangsterMobile as they are called by the swedish workersthat will loose their jobs since GM don't want to sell the company to Spikers or anyone else but just shut the company down)

As a "rule" contracts should not be signed during a mercuryretrogradation, unless it's something that has been tampered with before and Lo and Behold, one of my problems just solved itself while i am typing thisHeart

Thankyou All (In swedish "Alla" mean "everybody" and is pronounced like "Allah" that's also "every-body" rightBigSmile


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Sacred Fool - 01-13-2010

Hi, T.

I get the feeling that you're feeling a mite unsettled in your own hide. It may help to do concentration exercises such as counting breaths or gazing at a candle flame. These might help you focus your energy on your own sphere of being and tend to disentangle you from those of others. They could re-enforce an inner sense of coherence amidst the slings and arrows and transits of outrageous fortune. I hope it helps.


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 04:18 AM)peregrine Wrote: Hi, T.

I get the feeling that you're feeling a mite unsettled in your own hide. It may help to do concentration exercises such as counting breaths or gazing at a candle flame. These might help you focus your energy on your own sphere of being and tend to disentangle you from those of others. They could re-enforce an inner sense of coherence amidst the slings and arrows and transits of outrageous fortune. I hope it helps.


Hi peregrine

What does "in your own hide" mean? You know english not being my first language. I prefer gazing at a candle flameWink and actually i might combine it with trying to inhale and then exhale as slowly as possible as to not make the candle flame flicker. This is an old breathing technique used in schools of singing back in the old times to increase your ability to sing long notes and passages without catching ones breath.


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - fairyfarmgirl - 01-13-2010


"Your own hide" is American English and usually an idiom that is used by those who live in the countryside (not a city person phrase). It means being comfortable in your own body.

Hide in this way means skin... as in the hide of an animal/human... not an action of hiding so no one can see you... LOL very confusing I know!


When you have this much energetic confusion as is stated in your posts... it is time to begin to remove cords that have been corded to you by those who do not know how to get their own energy. Start by paying attention to where you feel pressure or pain in your body when dealing with someone who is draining to deal with... then simply and gently remove the cord. The best reference book on cord removal in a step by step way is The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin.

In the meantime, a flourite crystal placed on your third eye will remove some of the cords and assist you in seeing the situation clearly. By beginning to remove the unhealthy cords that bind you to "friends" and "family" you will be able to begin to create an auric boundary around you. You are in charge of your energy... no one else. It is up to you to close the door and make others ring the doorbell before busting in on you. If you are a minor and still living at home... there are ways to encourage others in respecting your space. An intention spoken aloud concerning this will create an energy conducive to respect. It may not be as respectful as you would like... but it will improve the situation. I did this with my parents when I was a teen and it worked to the degree that they no longer entered my room without knocking and they stopped using corporeal punishment on me (hitting me as a teenager). It did not change the way they interacted with me... the intention (and this must be maintained vigilently) did stop the more abhorrent behaviors though.



RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-13-2010

This forum is a most wonderful place to be in. I have read tons of psychological literature,went to innumerable more or less competent shrinks, some of them abusive, and i have turned my horoscope upside down inside out, but in the end it's the contact with "real, honest pple in real life" and if also spiritually inclined, that will help the most and so the change can be effected.


(01-13-2010, 09:01 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Transiten:

"Your own hide" is American English and usually an idiom that is used by those who live in the countryside (not a city person phrase). It means being comfortable in your own body.

Hide in this way means skin... as in the hide of an animal/human... not an action of hiding so no one can see you... LOL very confusing I know!


When you have this much energetic confusion as is stated in your posts... it is time to begin to remove cords that have been corded to you by those who do not know how to get their own energy. Start by paying attention to where you feel pressure or pain in your body when dealing with someone who is draining to deal with... then simply and gently remove the cord. The best reference book on cord removal in a step by step way is The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin.

In the meantime, a flourite crystal placed on your third eye will remove some of the cords and assist you in seeing the situation clearly. By beginning to remove the unhealthy cords that bind you to "friends" and "family" you will be able to begin to create an auric boundary around you. You are in charge of your energy... no one else. It is up to you to close the door and make others ring the doorbell before busting in on you. If you are a minor and still living at home... there are ways to encourage others in respecting your space. An intention spoken aloud concerning this will create an energy conducive to respect. It may not be as respectful as you would like... but it will improve the situation. I did this with my parents when I was a teen and it worked to the degree that they no longer entered my room without knocking and they stopped using corporeal punishment on me (hitting me as a teenager). It did not change the way they interacted with me... the intention (and this must be maintained vigilently) did stop the more abhorrent behaviors though.



This sharing of experiences is priceless. Thankyou fairyfarmgirlAngel The "cords" being removed was channeled to me by a medium some years ago, now is the time:exclamation:


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - fairyfarmgirl - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 09:52 AM)transiten Wrote: This forum is a most wonderful place to be in. I have read tons of psychological literature,went to innumerable more or less competent shrinks, some of them abusive, and i have turned my horoscope upside down inside out, but in the end it's the contact with "real, honest pple in real life" and if also spiritually inclined, that will help the most and so the change can be effected.


(01-13-2010, 09:01 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Transiten:

"Your own hide" is American English and usually an idiom that is used by those who live in the countryside (not a city person phrase). It means being comfortable in your own body.

Hide in this way means skin... as in the hide of an animal/human... not an action of hiding so no one can see you... LOL very confusing I know!


When you have this much energetic confusion as is stated in your posts... it is time to begin to remove cords that have been corded to you by those who do not know how to get their own energy. Start by paying attention to where you feel pressure or pain in your body when dealing with someone who is draining to deal with... then simply and gently remove the cord. The best reference book on cord removal in a step by step way is The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin.

In the meantime, a flourite crystal placed on your third eye will remove some of the cords and assist you in seeing the situation clearly. By beginning to remove the unhealthy cords that bind you to "friends" and "family" you will be able to begin to create an auric boundary around you. You are in charge of your energy... no one else. It is up to you to close the door and make others ring the doorbell before busting in on you. If you are a minor and still living at home... there are ways to encourage others in respecting your space. An intention spoken aloud concerning this will create an energy conducive to respect. It may not be as respectful as you would like... but it will improve the situation. I did this with my parents when I was a teen and it worked to the degree that they no longer entered my room without knocking and they stopped using corporeal punishment on me (hitting me as a teenager). It did not change the way they interacted with me... the intention (and this must be maintained vigilently) did stop the more abhorrent behaviors though.



This sharing of experiences is priceless. Thankyou fairyfarmgirlAngel The "cords" being removed was channeled to me by a medium some years ago, now is the time:exclamation:


Do you know how to do this? I agree, Transiten that the time is now to do this!!!!! Especially Now and until Jan 15th--- the portals are open and there is plentiful assistance from the unseens (starbeings) to help you!
(01-13-2010, 10:01 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote:
(01-13-2010, 09:52 AM)transiten Wrote: This forum is a most wonderful place to be in. I have read tons of psychological literature,went to innumerable more or less competent shrinks, some of them abusive, and i have turned my horoscope upside down inside out, but in the end it's the contact with "real, honest pple in real life" and if also spiritually inclined, that will help the most and so the change can be effected.


(01-13-2010, 09:01 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Transiten:

"Your own hide" is American English and usually an idiom that is used by those who live in the countryside (not a city person phrase). It means being comfortable in your own body.

Hide in this way means skin... as in the hide of an animal/human... not an action of hiding so no one can see you... LOL very confusing I know!


When you have this much energetic confusion as is stated in your posts... it is time to begin to remove cords that have been corded to you by those who do not know how to get their own energy. Start by paying attention to where you feel pressure or pain in your body when dealing with someone who is draining to deal with... then simply and gently remove the cord. The best reference book on cord removal in a step by step way is The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin.

In the meantime, a flourite crystal placed on your third eye will remove some of the cords and assist you in seeing the situation clearly. By beginning to remove the unhealthy cords that bind you to "friends" and "family" you will be able to begin to create an auric boundary around you. You are in charge of your energy... no one else. It is up to you to close the door and make others ring the doorbell before busting in on you. If you are a minor and still living at home... there are ways to encourage others in respecting your space. An intention spoken aloud concerning this will create an energy conducive to respect. It may not be as respectful as you would like... but it will improve the situation. I did this with my parents when I was a teen and it worked to the degree that they no longer entered my room without knocking and they stopped using corporeal punishment on me (hitting me as a teenager). It did not change the way they interacted with me... the intention (and this must be maintained vigilently) did stop the more abhorrent behaviors though.



This sharing of experiences is priceless. Thankyou fairyfarmgirlAngel The "cords" being removed was channeled to me by a medium some years ago, now is the time:exclamation:


Do you know how to do this? I agree, Transiten that the time is now to do this!!!!! Especially Now and until Jan 15th--- the portals are open and there is plentiful assistance from the unseens (starbeings) to help you!

Here is what I wrote on another post... I repost it here for your and any others use.

Also***refer to the posts called Chakras Only. Pineal Gland info especially when decording.

RE: closet masochist
Good Greetings all:

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This is what I know and am very familiar with concerning cording and decording and restoring Subtle Body and Auric Integrity.

Energy cords exist on all levels of being... physical, emotional, mental, etheric--- between the physical and non-physical. This is the first way that information is shared energetically. It is a cord.

.jpg   Aura2.jpg (Size: 25.01 KB / Downloads: 5)

The subtle body is the electro-magnetic field that surrounds the physical vehicle or body. This includes the aura which is the part that surrounds the physical body. The chakras are energy centers within the body.

As an individual goes through the day, interactions with the environment : physical and non-physical can cause the electro-magnetic to become out of balance leaving "holes" in some parts and compressing it in other parts. Negative influences come from the absorbtion of negative emotional states or the interference of non-physical beings.

Energy cords are energy conduits from one energy source to another. Cording refers to the energy that one focuses on another or in another's direction. Cords of energy attach to the chakras and are experienced as an energy drain or an infusion of energy that contains directives at the point of contact.

The cording can also be very positive like that between a parent and child and/or lover/mates and/or friends etc. or it can be negative... such as the siphoning off of life energy or the taping into orange ray or red ray or yellow ray energies and then the transference of the feeders preferences... such as the sudden need to cut oneself ritualistically or to cause harm or to suddenly become suicidal. This type of cording occurs when the individual being corded to has an issue that causes a weakness in the auric field and the energy at the time is a frequency match with that which wishes to cord and/or the individual is tricked into thinking the visitor is a friend instead of a foe and/or it is a cord that is between individuals with Karmic ties which do not dissolve even after death due to forgiveness issues etc. Any time there is an extreme emotion with an individual and/or place a cord from the emotional individual is sent out and cords to the place (ie structure, tree, land etc.) and/or the person involved with the emotional charge.

A cord to the Orange ray or chakra will circulate the directives and then be circulated into the Yellow ray or chakra where it mixes with all the energies of the body. This is one way that compulsions or abhorrent behaviors develop as the orange and yellow chakra are linked to the body and its preferences and responses to the world and interactions. Orange ray cording can override the conscious mind. This is common in STS rituals. It is a form of enslavement. Oftentimes the individual is unaware of what is happening either due to being overwhelmed with fear, negativity or survival issues or they are drugged and otherwise incapacitated. Also power issues can drive this type of cording where an individual has been taught through life experiences to seek such scenarios by imprinting or implants.

The book the "Celestine Prophesy" illustrates cording between people quite well. When negative cording occurs between people it is usually due to a misunderstanding concerning the generation of energy. The corder believes that they need the other person in order to survive, be happy, etc and the cordee feels sympathy or pity for the corder.

At any level of cording physical and/or non-physical on some level of beingness there is an agreement to participate in the exchange. As with all agreements sometimes they are created with untruths.

The first step to decording is to clear the aura around the body. This restores the integrity of the electro-magnetic field effectively releasing any negative influences.

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Decording of the aura and chakras and restoration of the integrity of the energy field begins with making a choice. Then proclaim with conviction that choice. The greeting: "I hail you in the name of the One, True, Infinite Creator.... I bathe you in Light and Love is one way to begin restoring the integrity of the energy field. This begins to create boundaries with that which is siphoning off energy from the individual and/or group. It is challenging to do when the energy field is out of balance. The truths that one believes begin to no longer be the truth. One begins to question one's behavior... and a feeling of distrust begins to develop. This is the time to begin asking for help from STO beings and Human Angels. Simply ask aloud. I call and invoke the Guardians, Helpers, Guides, Angels, Archangels and my Higher Self to assist me in restoring the integrity of my energy field. I call upon you to go and do your perfect and good work in clearing me of all negative influences leaving on that which serves the Highest Good for mySelf and the All that is aligned with Service to Others. This is your team of non-physical beings assigned to you at birth. They are ever present to assist you. Due to Freewill--- they will not interfer with your "choices" unless asked or unless directed by the Creator.

Then, enlist the Earth to assist you. Begin with a Fluorite crystal. Any color will do. Pick the one that resonates with you. Place it on your 6th Chakra or the Violet Ray. Hold for 30-60 seconds while you breathe in and out deeply and naturally. Sometimes imagining that you are a hot air balloon becoming untethered assists in this process. For those that are sensitive to energy, you may feel a popping or a letting go or an unplugging feeling. You may feel vulnerable. This is a good time to call the team in to assist you. Ask them to fill these holes with Love and Light and patch the holes so that your energy field is restored to integrity. They will do this and as you seek more positive interactions you will then begin to fill these holes with Joy, Love and Light. An infusion of these energies is the way to strengthen the energy field and deprogram and proclivities that may have become habitual that no longer serve you.

Yarrow flower essence is also an Earth based helper. Take 2-7 drops under the tongue before beginning decording and afterwords. Yarrow balances and strengthens the aura. It also is used to shield and create boundaries. Yarrow when combined with Rock Rose, Rose and/or Oak flower essences creates a healing environment energetically for the individual. It is a very effective combination. This combination also is very helpful when doing personal work or facing challenging situations.

The essential oils of Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose, Hyssop, and/or Sandalwood *or* The Eden oil. are very effective for restoring integrity to the subtle bodies, aura, and physical body. To use choose 3 that resonate with you. It is best to use only 3 essential oils at a time or One blend at a time No more than that. Essential oils are extremely potent! It is imperative to only use high quality essential oils that are steam distilled! Some Essential Oil Brands that I have personally used are: Aura Cacia, Young Living, Now Foods and Angel Gate Creations (The Eden Oil only for the strengthening of the aura. Follow the process outlined by Angel Gate Creations).

To use the Essential oils the oil must be diluted.

1 Drop of essential oil to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil (apricot, olive, coconut,soybean, safflower,and in a pinch corn oil).

Note: For the Root Chakra the base of the spine is usually the spot in which to place a drop of diluted oil.

Dilute all pure essential oils in a carrier oil except oil blends which are already diluted!

Frankinsense and Myhrr and Rose Essential oil: Place on the third eye, on the temples of the forehead, the bones behind the ears on the head, the back of the head where the spine meets the head and on the Heart Chakra.

Sandalwood oil: On the 3 lower chakras, Heart Chakra and Third Eye.

Hyssop: Use very sparingly and combined with 1 or 3 of the following Essential oils: Sandalwood, Rose, Frankinsence and/or Myrrh. Place one drop diluted on the 3 lower chakras, the Heart and the 3rd Eye.

Eden Oil: Follow Process as outlined by Angel Gate Creations

The Essential oils work to open the HEART and Mind and at the same time the oils will raise your vibration so you are no longer a "match" for that which has corded to you. This effectively decordes you rapidly. Remember it is by the choices you make whether or not you remain unmatched for that which seeks to cord to you. What this means is one must change the emotional/physical/mental habits one has in order for true healing to occur. Any helper is just that--- helping you in your making a choice and working toward personal sovientry. Then the oils will continue on to strengthen your aura and Restore Subtle Body integrity. The oils will also work on clearing out negative energies stored within your cellular memories, mind complex and/or within your energy systems (I call these clingons).

EFT is also effective in decording an individual. To learn more about this click here

With any of these methods which are only methods that I am very familiar with be prepared to embark on a personal work and healing journey. Consider it an adventure.



RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - airwaves - 01-13-2010

(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: Moderator note: These first 2 posts were moved from another thread so that the spin-off discussion can continue.

Goodmorning monica, steve and all of you

This is interesting. I know i have astrological transits in my personal horoscope reflecting confusion among other things, f.i. i should be dcareful in nay businessdelaings and try to keep all communication as clear as possible since the tendency for misunderstandings ais strong in my personal cycle. On top of that mercury is retrograde reflecting the tendency for misundrstandings and delays incommunication on a collective level.

From the perspective of the Law of One how would you guys percieve the problems i have with the instructions for making this donation? Do i have a subconscious resistance to making it? Or am i using this as a means of contact since i feel cut off from many of my recent friends who do not even call to see how i am doing after my surgery.

I have stated my point and put boundaries for myself that i think are healthy and it seems they can not take any criticism. Now it seems like i am the one who must reconnect otherwise the relationship will fade away. I am always the first to forgive and continue as nothing happened but perhaps this is a new stage in my development, the challenge of not falling back into co-dependency.

Any thoughts anyone?

I am reading Carlas Living the Law of One and i'm worried about my own health, emotional, mental and physical

Wow, minus the surgery part I have almost the same situation going. Why do I have to save the relationships all of the time? It actually, coupled with my other catalysts, made me think about suicide. Here is the messed up part:
I go to my higher self for a lot of advice. So I asked him/her if I should do it, and the answer i recieved was "Not yet". Not a "not yet" as in "you will live to a ripe old age Jacob" it was a "you can do it, but you have some stuff to do first". This really doesnt surprise me much. Well I cant actually do it because it goes against far to many morals of mine, so does anyone feel like playing "whack-a-mole" with a 5d wanderer? I meen, I have always been sure that I wasnt going to live to be an old age, I am a smoker, and there has always been this underlying feeling that I have a few small jobs to do and then I am finished. You know, just not built to last. And thats kool, but maybe he/she could have just not answered. I really don't want to splurge and live like I am diying, maybe nothing will happen for years. I know the whole stigma against fear and I am right there, but this kinda scares me. On a scale from 1-10, ten being panic, one being ,well, not panic, I am about a 4, though usually a big fat 0. For the record: Yes, I am sure it was my higher self, and No, I did not distort the answer.

Way to make me feel better Mr. Higherself.......... Sad

Btw thank you all for always providing a thread for me to let my problems out. I could never put it to words in my own thread, nor do I have a single person other than the ones here to talk to about it.


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - fairyfarmgirl - 01-13-2010

Beloved Brother, Airwaves:

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Perhaps your higher self is letting you know that it is not yet time for you to leave the Earth plane that you have value and have not yet found the value of yourSelf. Not yet means wait and live your life in harmony with self and others.


It is challenging to hear clearly when one is in a state of panic. Panic in itself will distort any answer you have as well as the heightened adrenalin in your system.

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Take a breath. Breathe in deeply and naturally. Exhale. Now, get your things on and go outside. When you are outside. Feel the ground under your feet. Even if covered in snow and ice... the EARTH/Gaia is still there. Stamp your feet. With each stamp say I am grounding myself to the the HEART of the EARTH. Earth hold and center me. Imagine that all that negativity is discharging and as the blackness discharges imagine that it is turning into white light. Call in for assistance. Call upon the Angels and Guides. I call and invoke the Angels and Guides of the Highest Light to come and do your perfect and good work assisting me in transmuting this negativity. They will assist you.

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Then, get down on the ground. And pat the ground with your hands (if cold please leave your mittens/gloves on). Say to the Earth/Gaia. I Love you as I Love mySelf. I Love mySelf as I Love you. I Give my Love to you Earth/Gaia so that it may be returned to me and all others magnified and beautified.

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Then, stand up. Proclaim to the Universe that you have made a Choice. The Choice is Living Life. Your higher Self is quite Right. It is Not YET time for you to go. You are needed here, Brother. You are valuable... you are beautiful... you are a bright light. Stay awhile and connect with us... connections are here and tangible right now... Close your eyes... feel the whisper of all that is the Good and Beautiful in the world... look around... look at the blue sky... look at the trees... marvel at the this body you have to walk upon this world in.

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If you are alone, this is a gift... it means during this time you have greater ease in CREATING the LIFE that you wish to see. You are not bound to stay anywhere that you do not want to be--- simply start walking. Heart



RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Sacred Fool - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 07:18 AM)transiten Wrote:
(01-13-2010, 04:18 AM)peregrine Wrote: Hi, T.

I get the feeling that you're feeling a mite unsettled in your own hide. It may help to do concentration exercises such as counting breaths or gazing at a candle flame. These might help you focus your energy on your own sphere of being and tend to disentangle you from those of others. They could re-enforce an inner sense of coherence amidst the slings and arrows and transits of outrageous fortune. I hope it helps.


Hi peregrine

What does "in your own hide" mean? You know english not being my first language. I prefer gazing at a candle flameWink and actually i might combine it with trying to inhale and then exhale as slowly as possible as to not make the candle flame flicker. This is an old breathing technique used in schools of singing back in the old times to increase your ability to sing long notes and passages without catching ones breath.


I guess I'm trying to say something similar to what's above, but with less technical language. From my perspective, you're wrestling with a difficult case of self acceptance. The more one realizes the depth of one's connection to what one perceives, the more challenging it is to accept oneself.

The point of the singing exercise is to improve the balance between the inspiratory & expiratory muscles (those used for breathing in and for breathing out) as well as breath capacity. The purpose of the other exercises is not physical; rather, it's to enter into an altered state of consciousness where one's personal choices become more powerfully consequential. In a sense, the techniques listed above are means for you to make choices. Concentration exercises could eventually make it easier for you to perceive and act upon the choices which might be bearing down on you at this time and causing you significant discomfort.


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-13-2010


I was trying to be creative here since i don't like the idea of counting as a means to reach altered states of consciousness. But to just inhale and exhale and watch a candle flame could get me there. I have been brainwashed by a meditationguru with horrible consequences so i have a resistance towards repeating mantras or repeating anything for a long time (unless ist's music) Looking into a candle flame and just inhale and exhale without any thoughts would be a perfect meditation for me.

Thankyou for the advice:idea: transiten
Hello airwawes and "Alla-h"

Actually "alla" everybody is pronounced with a stress on the 1Confusedt syllable: álla while the muslim God is pronounced Alláh as all of you already know of course.


The earth is our mother we must take care of her://
Heyana hoyana heyana://
The wholy ground we walk upon with every step we take://

This is a Native American circledance i teach in my voiceliberationworkshops. Sorry i can't give you the melody, but airwawes (suppose you're aquarian?) make up a melody for yourself and sing it to Mother Earth.

By the way did you notice that if you move the "H" in EARTH and make it the 1Confusedt letter it becomesHeart


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - transiten - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 10:50 AM)airwaves Wrote:
(01-12-2010, 04:20 AM)transiten Wrote: Moderator note: These first 2 posts were moved from another thread so that the spin-off discussion can continue.

Goodmorning monica, steve and all of you

This is interesting. I know i have astrological transits in my personal horoscope reflecting confusion among other things, f.i. i should be dcareful in nay businessdelaings and try to keep all communication as clear as possible since the tendency for misunderstandings ais strong in my personal cycle. On top of that mercury is retrograde reflecting the tendency for misundrstandings and delays incommunication on a collective level.

From the perspective of the Law of One how would you guys percieve the problems i have with the instructions for making this donation? Do i have a subconscious resistance to making it? Or am i using this as a means of contact since i feel cut off from many of my recent friends who do not even call to see how i am doing after my surgery.

I have stated my point and put boundaries for myself that i think are healthy and it seems they can not take any criticism. Now it seems like i am the one who must reconnect otherwise the relationship will fade away. I am always the first to forgive and continue as nothing happened but perhaps this is a new stage in my development, the challenge of not falling back into co-dependency.

Any thoughts anyone?

I am reading Carlas Living the Law of One and i'm worried about my own health, emotional, mental and physical

Wow, minus the surgery part I have almost the same situation going. Why do I have to save the relationships all of the time? It actually, coupled with my other catalysts, made me think about suicide. Here is the messed up part:
I go to my higher self for a lot of advice. So I asked him/her if I should do it, and the answer i recieved was "Not yet". Not a "not yet" as in "you will live to a ripe old age Jacob" it was a "you can do it, but you have some stuff to do first". This really doesnt surprise me much. Well I cant actually do it because it goes against far to many morals of mine, so does anyone feel like playing "whack-a-mole" with a 5d wanderer? I meen, I have always been sure that I wasnt going to live to be an old age, I am a smoker, and there has always been this underlying feeling that I have a few small jobs to do and then I am finished. You know, just not built to last. And thats kool, but maybe he/she could have just not answered. I really don't want to splurge and live like I am diying, maybe nothing will happen for years. I know the whole stigma against fear and I am right there, but this kinda scares me. On a scale from 1-10, ten being panic, one being ,well, not panic, I am about a 4, though usually a big fat 0. For the record: Yes, I am sure it was my higher self, and No, I did not distort the answer.

Way to make me feel better Mr. Higherself.......... Sad

By the way thank you all for always providing a thread for me to let my problems out. I could never put it to words in my own thread, nor do I have a single person other than the ones here to talk to about it.



My computer works extremely slow as i include the post i'm answering so i always answer with a New Reply...

Dear airwawes

I don't think there's any chance whatsoever that your higher self would think it's OK to comit suicide. On the other hand i would never condemn anyone who does. Those who do have never felt the despair or depressive black hole of a suicidal person. I've been there myself but i didn't have the courage...or my wish to live was greater....

I would be interested in how you can be sure it was your Higher Self answering you? And also i think that when you are in that negative state of mind you will misinterpret any message and take it negatively..

I'm an astrologer and even though i would never ever use it in a deterministic negative way towards any other person i can sometimes be totally convinced that my own destiny is to suffer endlessly and never reach a point of harmony where i can use my talents and have harmonious relationships, but fear i will always be pushed aside, used and cast out. I have not always been anAngel myself eitherBlushand have chosen a very plutonic way of experience in this incarnation so this is part of the "black and white-thinking" i have but my libra moon also tells me it's not either or but both.

Welcome to paradox and hang in there airwawes


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Monica - 01-13-2010


I found several books with that title.

Which one has the cord removal? Should the books be read in sequence?

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - fairyfarmgirl - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 03:13 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: fairyfarmgirl:

I found several books with that title.

Which one has the cord removal? Should the books be read in sequence?

Good Greetings, Monica and All:

I do apologize for any confusion I may have caused. There is a series of books written by Amorah Quan Yin and The Pleiadians. See the link to the one that I am speaking of. It is The Pleiadian Workbook, Awakening Your Divine Ka, Amorah Quan Yin. (I have this book and refer to it often whenever I am managing the integrity of my energy field. I find it extremely helpful.

.jpg   51JBXSX5PXL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg (Size: 14.82 KB / Downloads: 1)

The second in the series is The Pleiadian Workbook, Awaking your Divine Ba, Amorah Quan Yin.

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure, James Redfield.

.gif   celestine_prophecy_lrg.gif (Size: 103.79 KB / Downloads: 0)

This is the book that I am refering to here. I apologize for the confusion. I had no idea he had written other additions.... and sequels... It deals with cording indirectly by telling a story. This was the first book I had ever read on that depicted energy exchange and the law of attraction... The book does not come out and say this is what this is... it simply illustrates the concepts through storytelling. I consider this a spiritual classic.



RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Monica - 01-13-2010

OK thanks!

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Lorna - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 10:50 AM)airwaves Wrote: I go to my higher self for a lot of advice. So I asked him/her if I should do it, and the answer i recieved was "Not yet". Not a "not yet" as in "you will live to a ripe old age Jacob" it was a "you can do it, but you have some stuff to do first".

isn't it great how free will so often gets in the way of a clear answer Wink

can i ask why you think that your time here might be short airwaves? from time to time i have thought similarly - not suicidally - but that i may not live a full lifespan. fairly recently i came to the realisation that those periods usually coincided with times when i was physically / emotionally not taking care of myself as i should, and this way of thinking was revealing of a deep seated fear of myself being to 'blame' for potentially shortening the lifespan of this 3d vehicle in which i inhabit. these thoughts still come now and again but they are not so dark.

it may be worth exploring whether there is any pattern to your thoughts about having a shorter than normal lifespan, it may help you get to the root of it all.

you mention being a smoker - do you want to continue smoking? i really thought i did, i felt emotionally dependent rather than chemically dependent on ciggies, till i read one of allen carr's easy way books. if packing that in was something you've considered i'd definitely recommend his books.


RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - Purple Dragon - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 03:37 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure, James Redfield.

This is the book that I am refering to here. I apologize for the confusion. I had no idea he had written other additions.... and sequels... It deals with cording indirectly by telling a story. This was the first book I had ever read on that depicted energy exchange and the law of attraction... The book does not come out and say this is what this is... it simply illustrates the concepts through storytelling. I consider this a spiritual classic.



A great book! I also highly recommend reading it. If anyone doesn't have the funds to purchase it, you can also read it here:

The mix of fiction to spiritual awakening was done very well

RE: Making Sense of Obstacles (Catalyst) - airwaves - 01-14-2010

Sorry it is taking me so long to come up with an answer. I still have a lot of reflection to do upon the self, and my surroundings. I still feel like running away from it all, lol.

(01-13-2010, 05:28 PM)Lorna Wrote: can i ask why you think that your time here might be short airwaves? from time to time i have thought similarly - not suicidally - but that i may not live a full lifespan. fairly recently i came to the realisation that those periods usually coincided with times when i was physically / emotionally not taking care of myself as i should, and this way of thinking was revealing of a deep seated fear of myself being to 'blame' for potentially shortening the lifespan of this 3d vehicle in which i inhabit. these thoughts still come now and again but they are not so dark.

It occurs to me that I have spent little to none of my life taking care of myself, even though a sizable amount of my thoughts are somewhat............ self serving :-/. I have always been to busy trying to solve a problem, find the truth, help others in every way possible, and lately, over the past 5-6 months, I have been practicing unconditional love. Though it has almost always been subconsciously in practice. I think I may have started work in consciousness too soon. I have not read all of the Ra material, the more recent stuff resonates with me more, nor have I done any chakra work other than keeping my energy body in good shape through visualization. Lazy student Blush

(01-13-2010, 01:19 PM)transiten Wrote: I would be interested in how you can be sure it was your Higher Self answering you? And also i think that when you are in that negative state of mind you will misinterpret any message and take it negatively.

I have a very good..... "link"(?) with my higher self. I practice all of the things Q’uo and Carla state are helpful and "right" in order to communicate with my higher self. The notebook/word processor method being the most effective. Once one has done it long enough a dynamic develops and you just KNOW that its right. Misinterpretations are somewhat unlikely due to the clear state of mind required to converse.

I'll have more coming, thanks guys! Smile