Wow, ahktu, that is some intense stuff! It's totally outside my league, so I can't offer much, except for an idea that just occurred to me:
Could it be possible that you were an STS entity who has chosen to change polarity?
We know that it does indeed happen, and it can happen in both directions. Sometimes STO's get their bright lights snuffed out by the STS predators, but other times the STS guys see the light and switch over to the Light side!
Since you feel that your home of origin is Orion, maybe you were one of the exceptions - one of the few STOs amongst all the STS entities - and they are trying to get you back. OR...maybe you were among their ranks, but decided to defect. In which case, WELCOME! If that's the case, then I admire your courage! What an amazing thing to take on!
I could be totally off here, but it's just an idea to consider...It could explain a lot. If this idea resonates with you, then it might just be a matter of getting really clear about your choice and conveying that to your STS 'friends.' After all, from their perspective, they're trying to save a lost soul! Let them know you're not lost but fine, thank them for their efforts, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that you no longer need or want their services.
I agree with fairyfarmgirl that they can only hang around if you've left a door open for them and invited them in. Maybe it's time to show them the exit! Tell them they've overstayed their welcome!
I think it's awesome that you are piecing this all together. And, it sounds like you've got an incredibly devoted husband who loves you very much! Wow, what a blessing! What a powerful ally you have! Does he know about your STS visitors? Maybe you can work together to sever the cords to those unwelcome guests. Since you are sexually intimate, the STS entities have connections to him too, so I'd encourage you to work together on that.
Could it be possible that you were an STS entity who has chosen to change polarity?
We know that it does indeed happen, and it can happen in both directions. Sometimes STO's get their bright lights snuffed out by the STS predators, but other times the STS guys see the light and switch over to the Light side!
Since you feel that your home of origin is Orion, maybe you were one of the exceptions - one of the few STOs amongst all the STS entities - and they are trying to get you back. OR...maybe you were among their ranks, but decided to defect. In which case, WELCOME! If that's the case, then I admire your courage! What an amazing thing to take on!
I could be totally off here, but it's just an idea to consider...It could explain a lot. If this idea resonates with you, then it might just be a matter of getting really clear about your choice and conveying that to your STS 'friends.' After all, from their perspective, they're trying to save a lost soul! Let them know you're not lost but fine, thank them for their efforts, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that you no longer need or want their services.
I agree with fairyfarmgirl that they can only hang around if you've left a door open for them and invited them in. Maybe it's time to show them the exit! Tell them they've overstayed their welcome!
I think it's awesome that you are piecing this all together. And, it sounds like you've got an incredibly devoted husband who loves you very much! Wow, what a blessing! What a powerful ally you have! Does he know about your STS visitors? Maybe you can work together to sever the cords to those unwelcome guests. Since you are sexually intimate, the STS entities have connections to him too, so I'd encourage you to work together on that.