01-06-2010, 03:24 PM
We are always capable, at any time, of looking at and judging the self. We can look at our actions, motivations, and thoughts in any situation and place a label on it, even if that label can't be expressed with language. Whether or not these negative impulses are truly coming from an extraterrestrial being or are coming from yourself, the fact is that they manifest and flow through you. So you can choose whether or not to incorporate those negative energies into who you are. You can choose to give them some sort of label. Or you can observe them, watch them flow through you and see which parts of you they don't touch. Listen to that negative voice in your head, and determine if it really is the authority here, or if you, the deep you that is awareness of One is the director of this experience. If you were completely negative, there would be no awareness of the negativity or the "reptillian" nature you struggle with. That means there must be a part of you that is open and free, conscious and aware. And by realizing that part, you are leaps and bounds ahead of the majority of people on this planet!
You could almost look at it in a humorous way if you wish. You read of all these "posessions" by "demons" and things of that nature throughout the years, and you see how people dealt with them during that time period. The thought of a literal demon is so scary, and yet here you are, you could say that you have the equivalent of a demon inside you. But is it that scary when examined under the light of consciousness? Is it who you are? Do you have free will? The will to accept or reject, the will to control or let be. That power is always up to you.
The message of negative entities, or demons, or reptillians, the heavy ego, or whatever you want to call it, always carries fear. The negative message will always try to make you afraid of one thing or another. Whether it feels like it's saying "I control you." or "Look at what you can take if you want." or "Look at what might happen if you don't do this or that." the central idea is fear for your state of being. You are being now, and no-one can take that away from you. If there's one thing I've learned from LOO, it's that we are here in this life to make a choice. We either polarize towards fear or towards love, and it is our essence that makes that choice.
So, the central point of my message is to find your essence. No thought or impulse or message, good or bad, is you. You are the awareness of it, and it is when that awareness is realized, the choice is made.
You could almost look at it in a humorous way if you wish. You read of all these "posessions" by "demons" and things of that nature throughout the years, and you see how people dealt with them during that time period. The thought of a literal demon is so scary, and yet here you are, you could say that you have the equivalent of a demon inside you. But is it that scary when examined under the light of consciousness? Is it who you are? Do you have free will? The will to accept or reject, the will to control or let be. That power is always up to you.
The message of negative entities, or demons, or reptillians, the heavy ego, or whatever you want to call it, always carries fear. The negative message will always try to make you afraid of one thing or another. Whether it feels like it's saying "I control you." or "Look at what you can take if you want." or "Look at what might happen if you don't do this or that." the central idea is fear for your state of being. You are being now, and no-one can take that away from you. If there's one thing I've learned from LOO, it's that we are here in this life to make a choice. We either polarize towards fear or towards love, and it is our essence that makes that choice.
So, the central point of my message is to find your essence. No thought or impulse or message, good or bad, is you. You are the awareness of it, and it is when that awareness is realized, the choice is made.