01-06-2010, 10:33 AM
A negative greeting requires decording. There is no other way around it. A cord will always provide a link to you.
It is important to decord before delving down into the rabbit hole of your connection to and experiences with the Negative Orions--- Otherwise the link of the cord will only serve to activate their active interference or interface with you.
It is also equally important to understand that the Annunaki represents a vast group including negative Pleiadians. There is a large faction of the Annunaki who are STO as well as the Pleiadians. This is why it is very important to decord and then when a non-physical being starts speaking to you-- Hail them and insist they state who they are and their intent. By Universal Law they must.
If you were to leave your house door open with all your worldly possesions on the the kitchen table--- Would only "STO" people drop by to just admire your possessions?
Your mind is the Door. Your possessions are your embodiment. Take care of what you do have. Close the Door and make'em ring the door bell or knock. This is why decording is important and then aura, subtle body and chakra repair is essential... to create a boundary so that you can choose who you associate with. It is your creation do what you will.
Here are some references that I found helpful when I was unraveling my experiences and other people who kept showing up in my life asking me to help them. Perhaps these resources will be of assistance to you.
Begin by looking at popular media and the legend and Myths of Antiquity... you will begin to notice trends--- these trends are the seeds of Truth.
After exploring popular media, ancient myths and legends then move on to current info concerning this type of contact. Here is some resources I have found to be helpful.
I would also recommend reading the books
Connecting with the Arcturians, David K. Miller,
The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin,
Micheal's Gemstone Dictionary, Jp Van Hulle
Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes Andrews, George
The Reptilian Agenda, David Icke
It is important to decord before delving down into the rabbit hole of your connection to and experiences with the Negative Orions--- Otherwise the link of the cord will only serve to activate their active interference or interface with you.
It is also equally important to understand that the Annunaki represents a vast group including negative Pleiadians. There is a large faction of the Annunaki who are STO as well as the Pleiadians. This is why it is very important to decord and then when a non-physical being starts speaking to you-- Hail them and insist they state who they are and their intent. By Universal Law they must.
If you were to leave your house door open with all your worldly possesions on the the kitchen table--- Would only "STO" people drop by to just admire your possessions?
Your mind is the Door. Your possessions are your embodiment. Take care of what you do have. Close the Door and make'em ring the door bell or knock. This is why decording is important and then aura, subtle body and chakra repair is essential... to create a boundary so that you can choose who you associate with. It is your creation do what you will.
Here are some references that I found helpful when I was unraveling my experiences and other people who kept showing up in my life asking me to help them. Perhaps these resources will be of assistance to you.
Begin by looking at popular media and the legend and Myths of Antiquity... you will begin to notice trends--- these trends are the seeds of Truth.
After exploring popular media, ancient myths and legends then move on to current info concerning this type of contact. Here is some resources I have found to be helpful.
I would also recommend reading the books
Connecting with the Arcturians, David K. Miller,
The Pleiadian Workbook, Amorah Quan Yin,
Micheal's Gemstone Dictionary, Jp Van Hulle
Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes Andrews, George
The Reptilian Agenda, David Icke