01-05-2010, 04:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2010, 05:14 PM by kristy1111.)
(12-31-2009, 11:49 PM)Questioner Wrote: In our galaxy, the plan of creation is for consciousness to occur in life forms on planets. We don't know whether the same pattern occurs in other galaxies. Our Sun used the processes of physics - such as gravity, electromagnetic force, and rotation - to gather dust and gas which coalesced into planets. Over further periods of time, our Earth developed liquid oceans, an atmosphere, and volcanic activity breaking through the crust. Ra refers to the four fundamental elements of earth, air, fire, and water, as the starting point of consciousness.
*** So does this mean that our "God" (creator) is actually the sun? Is the sun aware of us and do we pray to that sun...a bit confused here.
Now any consciousness of these elements must be vastly different to our own thoughts. If a mountain range has a thought, it might span thousands of miles and take countless years to think that thought. Compared to people, who can have a new thought every second, focused on our five or six foot high bodies, the thoughts of the elements are very diffuse. They are far less dense than our own thoughts. The consciousness inherent in the basic elements is the First Density.
*** I remember reading an article or something that told about some scientists putting electrodes on a plant, and when they told the plant they were going to burn it, the electrode measurements went crazy. It made me think about the consciousness of plants and their awareness...and I have treated plants differently. Although I still don't know how to deal with wondering how a plant might feel as I chew it to pieces. :-/
It's not clear to me whether First Density includes everything before the four basic elements are available. It's also not clear whether Ra used the four elements literally, as the ancient Greeks and Chinese did in their explanation of primal forces, or whether this is a symbolic representation of all the elements of the Periodic Table. But Ra does explain:
Quote:This begins with first density which is the density of consciousness, the mineral and water life upon the planet learning from fire and wind the awareness of being. This is the first density.
*** A friend of mine wondered, when I told him about this, if we have all experienced being ONE mineral or if we experienced being the whole load of minerals. He believed it would be the combo, but I felt it would be one, since each mineral is a separate thing, even though they all work together. But doesn't everything...?
Q. Could you tell me how, in the first density, wind and fire teach earth and water?
Ra: I am Ra. You may see the air and fire of that which is chaos as literally illuminating and forming the formless, for earth and water were, in the timeless state, unformed. As the active principles of fire and air blow and burn incandescently about that which nurtures that which is to come, the water learns to become sea, lake, and river offering the opportunity for viable life. The earth learns to be shaped, thus offering the opportunity for viable life.
*** I wonder if we experienced being fire "once", or if we were one of many fires. After all, first begins, then it dies. A flame flickers for but a moment, and then moves and becomes a new flame, etc. Same with water...are we one drop, or the entire body that makes that collection of water...? And we we experience being water once, or many times....?
With the structure of the planet in place, plant and animal life can arise. It's not clear if some virus particles are minerals or cellular life, but from bacteria on up through dinosaurs, we are clearly dealing with living creatures made up of cells.
*** I wonder if we were one kind of cell, and did it many times, or if we just tried each kind of cell once. So much to ponder! Maybe it doesn't even matter to now that. Maybe it's just important to know that we've experienced it. Period.
Ra explained:
Quote:The second density is the density of the higher plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive towards the infinite. These second-density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness among the conscious entities of your vibration.This consciousness allows striving for life and growth, whether of seeds that germinate and grow into plants, or animals that explore their environment.
*** Sheeesh, that means that I used to be somebody's salad...and then somebody's #$@!
If I correctly understand the Ra material, some trees are very close to the level of consciousness that people can have. Many animals have a pack mind, without the individual capacity for moral choice that people have, and we've discussed that in this forum. Ra said:
Quote:There is much of blessing in the gardening and the care of surroundings, for when this is accomplished in love of the creation the second-density flowers, plants, and small animals are aware of this service and return it.
*** That is so cooooool! I wonder how they return it. Plants: Perhaps nourishing our bodies or providing beauty? Animals...friends? Protectors?
Could the fire understand the mind of a dog? Could the wind understand the mind of a penicillin colony? Could the ocean understand the thoughts of a bird? This is the gap between first and second density. In second density, conscious awareness is far more focused within an individual, growing life form.
*** Are the 1st and 2nd density entities aware of 3rd density? Or are they just "there" and don't know we're around...?
Third Density is our present level of consciousness, able to ask the kind of questions you're bringing to our delightful forum.
*** I think I ask enough questions on behalf of at least thousands of people.
75,000 years ago, conscious entities from outside the Earth added this capacity for conscious thought to the existing second-density animal life, in particular, the apes with opposable thumbs.
*** Okay, somebody corrected this by saying the Logos did that. But what is the Logos (new to this, sorry). "Love"... but who or what is love? Are you talking about the sun here, because it was stated in this thread that the sun created us. Trying to put this whole puzzle together, as much as I can, anyway.
We now live in a time period when the Earth is moving up to fourth density. This is as far beyond ordinary human consciousness as our thoughts are able to transcend what a cat, bird, tree, flower or amoeba is able to ponder.
*** So we'll then be able to converse with the plants and animals, etc.? I remember somebody telling me (when I was a child) that on Christmas eve, you could talk to the animals. I was so frustrated after trying to talk to my dog and cat for a long time. :@
We'll next need to look at the nature of The Choice in third density, and what we are able to comprehend of the higher densities. The discussion of the archetypes might be next. I'll get to that in the coming days unless one of our fellow discussion enthusiasts gets to it first.
If we don't exchange greetings before then, Happy New Year!
*** Thank you for everything...!
(01-02-2010, 07:17 AM)ayadew Wrote: Ram Dass: "If there's only one of us, who do you talk to..."
I think it's meaningful to remember that God/Creator is always larger than you can possibly imagine. All concepts you can present is only within the creation, it is a concept created by a higher consciousness/logos, but it is not consiousness itself, it is not the Creator itself.
*** "ah-hah" moment for me here! I'm getting the feeling that we will NEVER understand the true creator while here in 3d, and in fact, it will be a long time before we ever do. Yes? So we're being led and taught by a higher consciousness? If so, is this consciousness "God" for us, but there is an "ultimate" God (creator)?
All you have ever heard, even from Ra, does not come close to describing what the Creator really is. Ra is very serious about saying that they are but humble teachers of the Law of One. They do not know everything. They do not know what the Creator is.
Trust that all that is made is made out of infinite love and compassion for you, that all is well. Higher consciousness/co-creators are called Logos for a reason.. they are love.
*** I think that if I/we would just quit worrying, and just have faith that everything is in divine order, we'd feel and do much better and evolve more quickly. I sometimes envision this as just falling back in a cloud with my eyes shut, totally unafraid of hurting myself when I land.
There is only faith in this existence...
*** So, do we get to rely on more than faith in the higher densities?
(01-01-2010, 10:33 PM)thefool Wrote: Remember by being the individual soul and being who you are. you are expanding the edges of the universe and adding so much to the 'Oneness' understanding itself. It is a great service. ( Might want to read Abraham hicks on this topic. They say it very beautifully).
*** Where might I find this in A.H. stuff? They have a lot of stuff out there. Also, this hit a topic that confuses me. I was taught (when I belonged to organized religion) that God is "omniscient" and knew all there is to know and is aware of EVERYthing ("of every sparrow that falls"). Now I am hearing that God ("oneness") needs us to understand itself. Can you expound on this...or anyone...or lots of you?
(01-01-2010, 12:17 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: If I may correct this.
The Logos did this, not higher density entities. Earth, as is all the planets and suns in this galaxy, is of the design of the Logos.
*** Okay, another person posted on here that the SUN created this earth and the planets in our solar system.
The use of the bipedal ape body is the one this Logos uses in this galaxy for third density incarnate experience. The bipedal ape body is in use by approximately 5% of all galaxies in this octave.