06-03-2012, 09:48 PM
> To Bring4th_Aaron
Many thanks for a most sympathetic and thoughtful response. It's additionally useful in providing me insight into how others view my posts here.
> you're asking us here in this community to help you
Well, truth to tell, past experience warns against such optimism; I hadn't dared hope as much, and I'd actually prefer to stimulate their acting on their own impulses and initiatives, since I'm not offering to be a convener of a collective.
However, I would like to thank your community for their welcome and acceptance of me, if this assumption is not too bold. I've always been egregious (Latin 'grex' meaning 'flock' for those uncertain of the word) and am content so, but lone individuals can achieve little unless they find a compatible milieu.
> It is a distinct possibility that ... will become acquainted to its galactic brothers and sisters.
IMO this is a certainty, and available as soon as the collective impulse favours such an encounter.
> Perhaps it is your mission and aim in this life (at least partially so) to help ease this transition ...
Hmm, that's something of a challenge, since I've never been interested in "missions" and certainly never envisioned myself as a leader (a consequence of egregiousness, if you'll pardon the word).
> and serve the entities of humanity that are native to this planet by finding ways to prepare society for this meeting. And by sharing ideas and co-operating in this process.
An interesting postulate. I'll give it some thought.
> However, I see that you are on your mission NOW and wanting to see how you can help NOW.
It's actually much simpler than that, and perhaps a trifle more vulgar. I'm simply frustrated at the fact that these most interesting potential friends of mine are out there, willing to drop by for a chat, but prevented by the horde of morons who are so busy running after money and Facebook friends that they don't want their inane pastimes disturbed.
> Best of luck to you!!
Thanks for that, most certainly. I'll give some thought to the perspective you've presented me.
Many thanks for a most sympathetic and thoughtful response. It's additionally useful in providing me insight into how others view my posts here.
> you're asking us here in this community to help you
Well, truth to tell, past experience warns against such optimism; I hadn't dared hope as much, and I'd actually prefer to stimulate their acting on their own impulses and initiatives, since I'm not offering to be a convener of a collective.
However, I would like to thank your community for their welcome and acceptance of me, if this assumption is not too bold. I've always been egregious (Latin 'grex' meaning 'flock' for those uncertain of the word) and am content so, but lone individuals can achieve little unless they find a compatible milieu.
> It is a distinct possibility that ... will become acquainted to its galactic brothers and sisters.
IMO this is a certainty, and available as soon as the collective impulse favours such an encounter.
> Perhaps it is your mission and aim in this life (at least partially so) to help ease this transition ...
Hmm, that's something of a challenge, since I've never been interested in "missions" and certainly never envisioned myself as a leader (a consequence of egregiousness, if you'll pardon the word).
> and serve the entities of humanity that are native to this planet by finding ways to prepare society for this meeting. And by sharing ideas and co-operating in this process.
An interesting postulate. I'll give it some thought.
> However, I see that you are on your mission NOW and wanting to see how you can help NOW.
It's actually much simpler than that, and perhaps a trifle more vulgar. I'm simply frustrated at the fact that these most interesting potential friends of mine are out there, willing to drop by for a chat, but prevented by the horde of morons who are so busy running after money and Facebook friends that they don't want their inane pastimes disturbed.
> Best of luck to you!!
Thanks for that, most certainly. I'll give some thought to the perspective you've presented me.