05-29-2012, 07:56 PM
(05-28-2012, 08:18 PM)52midnight Wrote: Were a fleet of interstellar craft belonging to a benevolent ET race to arrive in orbit around our planet tomorrow, and emissaries be sent with an invitation for meetings and mutual interaction, how would we respond? There is little doubt as to the immediate response of many governments, but of greater importance, perhaps, is the response of individuals. How would YOU entertain an ET? What arts, crafts, or knowledge could you offer as evidence of your own life interests and goals?
Could any of us today offer a formal and joyful welcome to a visiting ET race? If more people were encouraged to consider such questions, we may one day be in a position to throw the biggest party in recorded history.
I've posted a page on my website discussing this topic in more detail, and the Website Administrator has been kind enough to allow me to link to it. I'd be most interested in any response:
Sure I welcome them with love and light. Having read the content at the provided link, I'm still not sure what it is your are proposing?