01-01-2010, 10:33 PM
(12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: I love the idea of being "one" in spirit and purpose...you know, a "unity", but I want to have this while still being a child of God and enjoying other children of God. I want to be an eternal, *individual* soul and enjoy other souls. I don't want to meld into a big entity and be just one entity, literally. I have felt guilty for having the desire to be an individual soul. I've had people tell me this is just my ego speaking.
I am with you here 100%. Exactly my though process. Don't listen to other people's ego telling you about your so called ego.
I think that is idea, to be part of one big unity but still being separate. In 'Conversations with God' - God says something like this (in my wording)- 'It is like air in your house. Little different in different rooms but still the same and merging seamlessly with other rooms air'. end quote.
Remember by being the individual soul and being who you are. you are expanding the edges of the universe and adding so much to the 'Oneness' understanding itself. It is a great service. ( Might want to read Abraham hicks on this topic. They say it very beautifully).
There may come a time when I would love to merge with the ONE but that I am loving it right now as it is...