01-01-2010, 08:31 AM
(12-31-2009, 12:02 PM)transiten Wrote: "God" is OK with me, but "Father" not, unless combined with "Mother".I honestly, don't care which word people use. I guess I don't associate it with exclusivity.
Quote:I'm a musiscian and languageteacher (french) and i consider sound carrying "meaning". Yesterday i heard a very interesting analysis of the role of Joseph and the concept of "Virgin" Mary...Why is Joseph denied true fathership and Mary supposed to have given birth without intercourse? This has had a hughe impact on the "absent father" and the Whore/Madonnacomplex spread among the traditional religions.I think the feminine doesn't match well with rationality, I associate knowing without thinking. With the feminine, and if you're based in ratio and only develop the traditional masculine qualities this can be difficult to understand. Because of this I think the roles were so strongly defined.
It's hurt us. I know that..
Quote:The fullmoon is INCREDIBLE shining through my window. It's "the blue moon" and also the month with two fullmoons. Also there are 13 fullmoons a year, coinciding with the female period. 13 is the wholy number, Jesus was nr 13 among 12 disciples, Ophiucus is the 13:th sign not used in traditional western astrology, in the Celtic tradition nr 13 was the wholy godess.13 is the hidden addition to twelve. Note that all measuring systems are base 12. But there's always a thirteenth hidden somewhere in there

Quote:The female principle is now being restored, there must be balance between heaven and earth within every human being.Psychologically speaking masculinity and femininity are not a polarity, they are two separate scales. You can be masculine AND feminine at the same time. Or even neither. They checked quality of life, overall happiness in relation to these scales. It turns out that more masculinity means a happier person and that more femininity means a happier person. The happiest persons are those who cultivate both their masculine and feminine sides. And those who cultivate neither aren't very happy either.
The science is clear to me, we were not psychologically designed to be male or female. We were designed to be human, and the psychological distinction between male and female was imposed after...
Quote:13 is my lucky numberIt is a sacred number for certain!
I feel the feminine is in fact being restored. Feminism has made great strides. And we're finally getting more and more feminists who are actually feminine. I sometimes get the feeling many of the earlier ones wanted to be guys more than wanting to be feminine. And, and this to me personally is the best development. Guys are becoming more feminine. They want to express and develop their feminine side.
You'd love a friend of mine. She's 70 something and has always been very much a feminist, but in the sense of "we have to be both" rather than "We have to be one, and mine is better than yours" She's observed this for a long time from her unique perspective, and she's told us in her opinion the young generation is much more comfortable with this than they used to be.
The patriarchy is usually defined to be bad on women. And it is of course. But men have suffered from it too by being forced to be masculine even if their nature is balanced.
Ironically the church is right but they didn't get it.. Man needs Woman... Woman needs Man.. But inside, not in a partner. Although partnership is important too of course but thats a whole different story, and can clearly be same sex to fulfill the psychological needs people have.