12-31-2009, 12:02 PM
(12-31-2009, 05:15 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: For what it's worth transiten, I've stopped seeing god as a Father archetype in my puberty.
Jesus used the words father and mother.. Mother was carefully removed from the bible, but you still see it used in the gospel of Magdalene. The two words had different meanings. Mother was the earth component, the clay which is formed by the father is the sky component who is energy without form. Man happens when the two touch.
By no means if I use the word God do I mean the archetypal old man with the beard in the clouds.
"God" is OK with me, but "Father" not, unless combined with "Mother". I'm a musiscian and languageteacher (french) and i consider sound carrying "meaning". Yesterday i heard a very interesting analysis of the role of Joseph and the concept of "Virgin" Mary...Why is Joseph denied true fathership and Mary supposed to have given birth without intercourse? This has had a hughe impact on the "absent father" and the Whore/Madonnacomplex spread among the traditional religions.
The fullmoon is INCREDIBLE shining through my window. It's "the blue moon" and also the month with two fullmoons. Also there are 13 fullmoons a year, coinciding with the female period. 13 is the wholy number, Jesus was nr 13 among 12 disciples, Ophiucus is the 13:th sign not used in traditional western astrology, in the Celtic tradition nr 13 was the wholy godess.
The female principle is now being restored, there must be balance between heaven and earth within every human being.
13 is my lucky number
