12-28-2009, 02:57 AM
(12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: But I absolutely can't stand this version of "one-ness". I don't want to not be "real". I don't want this to be a dream. I have been told by those who embrace this kind of one-ness, and the concept of this being a dream/illusion, that once we reach a point in our evolution where "we" wake up, we'll just meld back into ONE being...ONE ...literally. There is no "us". There is no "we". We're just ONE being...God, and there are no "god sparks", or "rays", or people or individuals or trees or flowers or beautiful things...NO-THING! Just consciousness/love. Period. BLECH!!!!!You will be assimilated Kristy! Individualism is overrated anyway. Accept that you are merely a drop returning to a great ocean of love that exists in a void.