03-21-2012, 12:56 PM
(03-21-2012, 12:24 PM)Ruth Wrote: are saying that ego/brain has a mind of it's own aside from our self?
Not sure if you personally have experienced this, but many have. Have you ever gone into a store and bought stuff "you just had to have" and then set it down when you got home, never having interest in it again? Or maybe even wondering why the hell you even bought it? This is a simple example of steering your thought into consumerism. Implants. Whatever you want to call it.
Here are a couple of quotes from links I PM'd you a while ago. Author is Dave Cowan, he is another source of super simple up front understanding.
Quote:What is the Superconscious Mind then? A traditional Materialist scientist would say it is the product of millions of years of physical evolution. Somehow we evolved a biological computer we call the brain. Of course this computer, though amazing, is pretty much limited to perceiving sensory data, and is thus chained to the physical world…thus the ‘Empiricist’s Oath’: ‘Anything measurable is real, anything not measurable is imagination’.
The Quantum Physicist would offer that we now can demonstrate that the brain supports Quantum Functions as well as physical ones. As such, the brain is not limited to operating within the sensory world, but is involved in nonlocal reality and can affect matter and energy through the power of attention and intention. ‘Non-local’ also infers not being limited to linear time or space. We find that the brain is the vehicle for the Mind, which can exist without a brain! The Mind is a non-local point of awareness not limited by the body, time or space. The Mind fills the Universe. The Quantum Physicists, although recognizing Oneness in the form of ‘entanglement’, have not quite yet made the leap to acknowledging the causal directionality of these processes. Many researchers have observed the strong correlations between Quantum functions and traditional views of Metaphysics and Spirituality, while many still hold on to the wish that we are still somehow the foundational Cause of the Mind…in other words, ‘we made ourselves’. This wish represents one of the final defensive bastions of the ego, the ego being a set of conditioned beliefs built on the false foundation of separation, individuation and the fears this imaginary condition fosters.
The experiencer of Non Dual reality, or Oneness, has ‘stepped out of the mirror’ enough to appreciate the possibility that a pre-existing Intelligence, preceding the material universe and thus the brain, is at the causal root of even the Mind itself. This infers a Divine ‘Thinker’, or Creator. Dare we say ‘God’?
If this were true, then all seemingly separate aspects of the Universe are unified in this Prime Intelligence. As an expression of this Prime Intelligence, your Superconscious Mind is holographically ‘wired’ into not only all possible knowledge, but also into appreciating your true Self as One with that Intelligence.
Again, to what aspect of your self would you prefer to refer to for accurate and helpful information? The choice is limited to two; the time-bound conditioned and fearful, although ‘logical’ (in its own terms) ego, or your Superconscious Mind which retains the memory of and communication potential with ‘all that is’?
Quote:Boredom is a challenge that seems to come up for lots of teens. Maybe it’s ‘cool’ to be bored…I forget! Boredom is a sign the person is stuck in their egoic mind…which has an insatiable appetite for ‘more’. ‘More’ of anything will do. This is the root of Bulimia, addiction to TV, endlessly talking on the phone, loud music…anything to give the experience of ‘more’. Of course this is the insatiable Ego once again doing it’s best to obscure the fact that we already have everything! The ego realizes our endless need for ‘more’ perpetuates our sense of Separation and lack, thus ensuring its own survival. Because it knows it is an imaginary being, the ego has a program to avoid its own dissolution at all costs, even at the cost of your life. Yes, the ego would rather destroy you than have you see it for what it is…which is nothing at all! It is just a sick joke…not even a funny one.
Cognitive Dissonance occurs when we try to hold onto contradictory ideas or beliefs. Remember that all conflict is between illusions. None of our ideas are ultimately ‘true’ or ‘real’ as perception is always incomplete. The egoic mind chops up reality into little bits ‘promising’ someday we’ll have enough information to ‘put it all together’. Yeah, right! This is another ego game to keep us stuck in the head and away from our True Nature : Peace. Learn to meditate and become the detached observer of your thoughts. You’ll soon appreciate their unreality!