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Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

This is a site I came across some time ago that is extremely simple, up front, and accurate according to my experience. This is the kind of thing I work with.
Quote:Many people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of places such as a house or room.

These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely lost to the Western World. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc. In the past 2000 years there has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Unbound - 03-21-2012

Wow, suddenly I feel reawakened to my calling. I have felt for a long time that I am meant to assist the many lost souls on this planet find their rest, and I think this has just really sunken in the fact that that is something I am able to work with. Thanks for posting this!

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

I come across very few people that have interest in etheric work. Most are too tied up in the "brain" and what it wants LoL! Problem is, they most times can't tell the difference between a thought from the brain and an implanted thought.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Unbound - 03-21-2012

It is actually my main energetic interest, working with the etheric body and energies. I know what you mean, I have talked with a number of people who are influenced but have no ability to discern what is coming from where.

I use a pretty basic rule: If it isn't a consciously, intentionally created thought, it is an impression from some other portion of consciousness. The brain, energetically, is a receptive matrix, and so there is only invokation and evokation. The book Telepathy by Alice A. Bailey discusses this a fair amount, although I don't always agree with theosophic philosophy. Of course, even consciously, intentionally created thoughts are still impressions, but they of course they are willingly summoned.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Ruth - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 01:49 AM)Pickle Wrote: I come across very few people that have interest in etheric work. Most are too tied up in the "brain" and what it wants LoL! Problem is, they most times can't tell the difference between a thought from the brain and an implanted thought.

Pickle - could you expand on "what the brain wants?"

I've been thinking about this lately and feel your insight would be helpful to me.

Love and light!

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

I call it ego or brain. The chemical computer that has the function of maneuvering through this experience.

The brain is our "tool", but most often it takes over. You can see that the rulers/formers/creators of society understand this and use it to their advantage in order to steer evolution. In todays world what they want is a "consumer", and so we are trained to consume and never be happy or content with what we have or how we look. They train us to be fully reliant on their structured system. Doctors, GMOs, fossil fuels, education(indoctrination) system, etc.

When a baby is born the brain is 100% functional. After a short period certain neural pathways begin to delete if not used. This is why we have plastic toys shoved in our face from the start, to get us focused on the material world.

They know what makes us tick, and use it to pre-program us. If you notice, they are attempting to "teach" them even younger than before. Not only that, but they are trying to keep the kids in school even longer now. Most likely this is because the more recent waves of kids are a bit harder to program. On top of that they drug them to reduce their resistance to programming.

RE: Alchemy Realm - abstrktion - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 01:28 AM)Pickle Wrote: This is a site I came across some time ago that is extremely simple, up front, and accurate according to my experience. This is the kind of thing I work with.
Quote:Many people are unaware of the presence of non-physical energies and beings that can actively interfere with their energy and emotions and also the atmosphere of places such as a house or room.

These energies and beings are actually rampant at the present time as clearing processes have become largely lost to the Western World. Growing materialism and fast-paced, complicated lives have shut down many people’s non-physical perceptions and this has led to society losing its knowledge of entities etc. In the past 2000 years there has been a decline in the clearing of entities to almost a complete stop, leading to a growing number, all looking for a person to latch onto. Even many of the priests of Western religions have lost their vision and know-how of clearing.

I'd like to hear a good deal more about this.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Diana - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 11:03 AM)Pickle Wrote: I call it ego or brain. The chemical computer that has the function of maneuvering through this experience.

The brain is our "tool", but most often it takes over. You can see that the rulers/formers/creators of society understand this and use it to their advantage in order to steer evolution. In todays world what they want is a "consumer", and so we are trained to consume and never be happy or content with what we have or how we look. They train us to be fully reliant on their structured system. Doctors, GMOs, fossil fuels, education(indoctrination) system, etc.

When a baby is born the brain is 100% functional. After a short period certain neural pathways begin to delete if not used. This is why we have plastic toys shoved in our face from the start, to get us focused on the material world.

They know what makes us tick, and use it to pre-program us. If you notice, they are attempting to "teach" them even younger than before. Not only that, but they are trying to keep the kids in school even longer now. Most likely this is because the more recent waves of kids are a bit harder to program. On top of that they drug them to reduce their resistance to programming.

Pickle, you are so right on.

The key, as I see it, is to unplug from the system in every way (like The Matrix). It helps to not watch TV (especially news and popular shows), and to live rurally, where you are not consuming city water and are closer to nature.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Ruth - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 11:03 AM)Pickle Wrote: I call it ego or brain. The chemical computer that has the function of maneuvering through this experience.

The brain is our "tool", but most often it takes over. You can see that the rulers/formers/creators of society understand this and use it to their advantage in order to steer evolution. In todays world what they want is a "consumer", and so we are trained to consume and never be happy or content with what we have or how we look. They train us to be fully reliant on their structured system. Doctors, GMOs, fossil fuels, education(indoctrination) system, etc.

When a baby is born the brain is 100% functional. After a short period certain neural pathways begin to delete if not used. This is why we have plastic toys shoved in our face from the start, to get us focused on the material world.

They know what makes us tick, and use it to pre-program us. If you notice, they are attempting to "teach" them even younger than before. Not only that, but they are trying to keep the kids in school even longer now. Most likely this is because the more recent waves of kids are a bit harder to program. On top of that they drug them to reduce their resistance to programming.

You say ego/brain is our "tool" but it takes over. So I think you are saying that ego/brain has a mind of it's own aside from our self? And I wonder, did you perhaps get a little sidetracked from what the brain wants into what "they" are trying to make it want? Or are you saying that the brain wants to be programmed by sources outside ourselves? Sorry, I'm not trying to be thick, just want to undersatnd what you mean.

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 12:24 PM)Ruth Wrote: are saying that ego/brain has a mind of it's own aside from our self?

Not sure if you personally have experienced this, but many have. Have you ever gone into a store and bought stuff "you just had to have" and then set it down when you got home, never having interest in it again? Or maybe even wondering why the hell you even bought it? This is a simple example of steering your thought into consumerism. Implants. Whatever you want to call it.

Here are a couple of quotes from links I PM'd you a while ago. Author is Dave Cowan, he is another source of super simple up front understanding.
Quote:What is the Superconscious Mind then? A traditional Materialist scientist would say it is the product of millions of years of physical evolution. Somehow we evolved a biological computer we call the brain. Of course this computer, though amazing, is pretty much limited to perceiving sensory data, and is thus chained to the physical world…thus the ‘Empiricist’s Oath’: ‘Anything measurable is real, anything not measurable is imagination’.

The Quantum Physicist would offer that we now can demonstrate that the brain supports Quantum Functions as well as physical ones. As such, the brain is not limited to operating within the sensory world, but is involved in nonlocal reality and can affect matter and energy through the power of attention and intention. ‘Non-local’ also infers not being limited to linear time or space. We find that the brain is the vehicle for the Mind, which can exist without a brain! The Mind is a non-local point of awareness not limited by the body, time or space. The Mind fills the Universe. The Quantum Physicists, although recognizing Oneness in the form of ‘entanglement’, have not quite yet made the leap to acknowledging the causal directionality of these processes. Many researchers have observed the strong correlations between Quantum functions and traditional views of Metaphysics and Spirituality, while many still hold on to the wish that we are still somehow the foundational Cause of the Mind…in other words, ‘we made ourselves’. This wish represents one of the final defensive bastions of the ego, the ego being a set of conditioned beliefs built on the false foundation of separation, individuation and the fears this imaginary condition fosters.

The experiencer of Non Dual reality, or Oneness, has ‘stepped out of the mirror’ enough to appreciate the possibility that a pre-existing Intelligence, preceding the material universe and thus the brain, is at the causal root of even the Mind itself. This infers a Divine ‘Thinker’, or Creator. Dare we say ‘God’?

If this were true, then all seemingly separate aspects of the Universe are unified in this Prime Intelligence. As an expression of this Prime Intelligence, your Superconscious Mind is holographically ‘wired’ into not only all possible knowledge, but also into appreciating your true Self as One with that Intelligence.

Again, to what aspect of your self would you prefer to refer to for accurate and helpful information? The choice is limited to two; the time-bound conditioned and fearful, although ‘logical’ (in its own terms) ego, or your Superconscious Mind which retains the memory of and communication potential with ‘all that is’?

Quote:Boredom is a challenge that seems to come up for lots of teens. Maybe it’s ‘cool’ to be bored…I forget! Boredom is a sign the person is stuck in their egoic mind…which has an insatiable appetite for ‘more’. ‘More’ of anything will do. This is the root of Bulimia, addiction to TV, endlessly talking on the phone, loud music…anything to give the experience of ‘more’. Of course this is the insatiable Ego once again doing it’s best to obscure the fact that we already have everything! The ego realizes our endless need for ‘more’ perpetuates our sense of Separation and lack, thus ensuring its own survival. Because it knows it is an imaginary being, the ego has a program to avoid its own dissolution at all costs, even at the cost of your life. Yes, the ego would rather destroy you than have you see it for what it is…which is nothing at all! It is just a sick joke…not even a funny one.

Cognitive Dissonance occurs when we try to hold onto contradictory ideas or beliefs. Remember that all conflict is between illusions. None of our ideas are ultimately ‘true’ or ‘real’ as perception is always incomplete. The egoic mind chops up reality into little bits ‘promising’ someday we’ll have enough information to ‘put it all together’. Yeah, right! This is another ego game to keep us stuck in the head and away from our True Nature : Peace. Learn to meditate and become the detached observer of your thoughts. You’ll soon appreciate their unreality!

RE: Alchemy Realm - Ruth - 03-21-2012

OK, thanks. I think my confusion stems from my own view of the ego being who I AM and the brain being, as you said, a chemical computer that allows I AM to maneuver through this experience.

I'm a great consumer, and although I'm pretty careful to make purchases with intention, I have on occasion made an impulse purchase and experienced buyer's remorse. So yes, I get that.

I am also aware of "attachments" and I actively "clear!" - actually just as you'd said in another post, by verbal "command" CLEAR! As well as by using Reiki, smudging, crystals, whatever feels right at the time combined with intention. Again, as you have also said in other posts, I occasionally have to "CLEAR" my computer and the area around it when posting here at bring4th.

But one reason I'm so interested in your topic: I firmly believe that my husband attracted something pretty "big and bad" while I was away last week. I think the biggest part of the problem is the job he is working on right now. When I am home we do a clearing ritual every day, and he promised to continue while I was gone. I did also try to help him with some remote clearing while I was away, but I was pretty distracted by work I was doing at my destination. It took me three days to get him cleared again and have my husband back. It really surprised me as I've never experienced anything quite so dramatic, at least not with my husband.

Thank you for this!

Love and light!

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

What I do for the word "clear" is attach a sublist of commands to the word. This is exactly the same formula used for creating servitors and thought forms.

I had already had a list of commands that I had created and used for each specific purpose. Then I got the idea to combine all commands and link them to a single command. It worked! It worked so well that the incomplete portions were very apparent instantly. The chakra balance/align keyword gave me a full energy rush but I felt it come up from the legs. As it was an experimental and incomplete program, what happened is that I was fully connected to "earth" and had all the energy coming upwards, but I was not simultaneously connected to "universe" or infinity, and so it had nowhere to go and accumulated around my heart.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Ruth - 03-21-2012

In my mind/intention when I use the CLEAR command, I am usually standing on the ground with bare feet arms spread toward "the heavens" and seeing/feeling energy come up from Earth and in from infinity at the same time. If that makes sense to you. Actually, sometimes, the energies sort of weave around and shoot out the other side, with infinite energy being sent to the Earth and Earth energy being spread into infinity.

It is very difficult for me to put words to what I see/feel. It actually brings tears to my eyes trying to describe it. I do appreciate your technical approach. It is very good for me.

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

For those that are confused as to what I am talking about, just think about the "link" that exists when someone yells FIRE! in a public building. That is a keyword that attaches to a fear reaction. It is possible to reprogram that word to anything you wish, and it is possible to link that word to as many reactions/changes/causes as you wish, so that the single word has multiple simultaneous effects.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Unbound - 03-21-2012

This is also the mechanism behind MANTRAS!

I have mantras for universal love, for grounding, for physical healing, opening the third eye, opening the throat, uniting opposites, opening forgiveness, opening receptivity, healing vision, awakening the divine feminine, transmuting the feminine in to masculine, etc

RE: Alchemy Realm - BrownEye - 03-21-2012

(03-21-2012, 02:03 PM)Ruth Wrote: In my mind/intention when I use the CLEAR command, I am usually standing on the ground with bare feet arms spread toward "the heavens" and seeing/feeling energy come up from Earth and in from infinity at the same time

If you experimented, you may find that you can do this anywhere at any time, as long as the intent is there.

Once you know this, you will find that you can program a keyword to what you know, and just whisper or think this keyword anywhere at any time without putting any thought or effort into it. This is subconscious programming.

Then you can apply any other type of program that you know well, to this same keyword if wished.

(03-21-2012, 02:10 PM)TheEternal Wrote: This is also the mechanism behind MANTRAS!

I have mantras for universal love, for grounding, for physical healing, opening the third eye, opening the throat, uniting opposites, opening forgiveness, opening receptivity, healing vision, awakening the divine feminine, transmuting the feminine in to masculine, etc

I don't know anything about mantras, but I assume that if you wished to, you could just create a new one that links to all of those you have turned into subconscious programming/habit. One ring to rule them all, One ring to bind them.

RE: Alchemy Realm - Unbound - 03-21-2012

That is exactly how mantras work, and it's basically the same as when you say "Clear!". Word Clear would be the mantra.

Although I might say, "Unitos Auros!"

RE: Alchemy Realm - Plenum - 03-22-2012

uncanny, as I use the keyword 'UNIFY'